How Long Does Levofloxacin Stay In Your System (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I will be taking Levofloxcin 500mg for 10 days. How long will it remain in my system after finishing the medicine?

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Joe, this is not a published reaction BUT I've been in the medical field for 35 years and have seen this kind of reaction first hand in many older patients, and yes at 60 we are considered older. Most say antibiotics make them feel crazy in the head. Now that you are aware of it just use caution and maybe ask the docs if you could use half a dose at a time, may take longer for the infection to go away but it beats the side effects of those really strong high dose antibiotics. Hope this helps.

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If you really believe that the medicine caused your panic attacks, DON'T listen to your stupid doctor. These doctors think they're God. But who knows your own body better than you do?? No one. Find a better doctor who will listen to you. They ALWAYS say it's not from the medicine. But you know better cause it's YOUR BODY! I also got panic attacks from Levaquin and stopped taking them. Whenever you feel a medicine is making you sick, stop taking it. I know how you feel. Good Luck to you.

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I posted earlier about my reaction to levofloxacin. My advice is if you have any reaction to this medicine get off it immediately. The longer you stick with it the worse it will get.

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I had the same reaction! Constant anxiety. Also couldn't eat, dizzy, fatigued. Quit taking the meds after 3 days. I hope it clears my system soon.

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Hi, when I started this medicine I had a bit of a tender ankel, my doc said only stop if rash or itching. I have to say this stuff works, knocked out bronchitis. When taking this med, make sure to drink 8 to 12 glasses of fluid a day.

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It's actually both. They bill it as an antibiotic, but it's actually a chemotherapy agent that also kills bacteria. Antibiotics work by affecting the offending bacteria in some particular way, for instance, by preventing them from reproducing by denying them an enzyme. The Fluoroquinolone antibiotics work by damaging the actual DNA and MItochondria in the bacterial cells, which damages and kills the cells. This is the same way that chemotherapy agents act. They kill cancer cells using this method.. but they make you very sick in the process.

Why does chemotherapy make you sick? Well, guess what? It kills the DNA and Mitochondria in YOUR cells too! You just have a lot more cells in your body so it's kind of a 'race' to see if the antibiotics will kill off the bacterial cells before so much harm is done to YOUR cells that you are noticeably injured.

In most cases, the bacteria 'lose' the race and are killed off before you are noticeably harmed, but some people, for many reasons, are harmed before the bacteria are killed. But in ALL cases, the person is harmed to some degree, they just may not notice this slight damage if they are otherwise healthy. But for those with various underlying issues, they can be badly damaged from this killing off of cells in their body.

Kerri Knox, RN
San Francisco, CA, United States

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I can't wait for it to be out of my system---took 1 tablet--500mg---ended up in the ER with hives over most of my body and terrible itching--they said severe allergic reaction and I had large dose of cortisone IV along with Benadryl IV and the Epi pen. Now a day later the hives reappear on my arm and assorted places with itching. Taking oral Benadryl now and carrying an Epi Pen. FDA has a black box warning for this drug for tendon problems. My pharmacy did not put this on the bottle or I never would have taken it. You can go to FDA web site and report these reactions--this would be a big step in getting better warnings.

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Took this pill around 1pm on Monday and its 545 am on Wednesday can't sleep having small body tremors and and headache on one side of my head not consistent but took some ibfrofen and I have anxiety. Not ever taking this again and wonder if I need to go to the ER

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Levaquin gets out of your system within a few days to a week. It's detoxified very rapidly from your system. Those who get injured or have severe side effects after taking Levaquin are not suffering from Levaquin still in the body, but the effects of the damage done by the strong chemotherapy agent that Levaquin is.


Kerri Knox, RN
San Francisco, CA, United States

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Doc told me to avoid working out. That a side effect of the med was weakening of the tendons. I wouldn't be lifting weights to avoid any tendon ruptures, as is a side effect. I only took 750 mg for 1 day and then made a switch.

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My Dad who is 78 also experienced severe anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. Stopped taking it after 6 days and three days later is feeling like himself again. He, too visited a crisis counselor as he was feeling so abnormal. He lives by himself so thankfully he had the wherewithal to get himself some help.

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I'm a 66 yr. old female, take B/P meds w/ no other major issues. Took Levofloxacin for Sinus infection. Felt bad 1st day, worse the second. Within an hour of taking dose on the 3rd day, I became jittery, anxious, and had a terrible headache. Pulse rate shot up to 115 and B/P dropped to 98/54.

Scared me enough that I will NEVER take it again. Can't believe they offer this medication to ANYONE, much less a 66 yr. old. Just hope now that it did no permanent harm.

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I was put on Levaquin for pneumonia and it is truly awful! I have horrible insomnia and very bad anxiety issues from this medication. I haven't slept properly in days. My fingers are tingling and thoughts are suicidal. Truly a horrible, horrible medication. The side affects from the Levaquin are actually worse than the pneumonia itself. Thank God yesterday was my last dose. Can't wait to get this poison out of my system. Never again will I take such an evil medication!

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Hi there, I took Levaquin for 5 days in January and have had so many issues from it. You will definitely get better, don't be scared, it takes time to get it out of your system. the best thing that you can do in my opinion is detox as much as possible. Try go to a holistic doctor and add vegetable and fruit juices to your diet.

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Prscrbd 1x10 days. Took 2 doses. EXTREME anxiety! Heart palpitations, breathlessness. Vision is off - hurts to look at tv, computer or cell phone. Muscles in my legs, back, shoulders and neck ache like never before. Have to lie down every so often. My doc became angry because i refuse to take any further. Prscrbd smthng for anxiety. Not taking that either! It's now been 5 days since last dose - feel like i"ve been run over by a truck. Bronchitis & sinusitus.

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I took levofloxacin 750mg for 7 days. How long will it last in my system?

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Yes absolutely I had horrible anxiety and insomnia that increased each day. Also by nose congestion increased.I was on 2 milder antibiotics before Levaqun as a last resort.By day 4, I went to the ER for fear of passing out or worse. I was immediately taken off that medicine. I would not recommend anyone to take this medicine.

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Yes very much so. I stopped at day 6. From hammering in my head, to unbelievable smell in my sinus, chills sweats, depression, now diarrhea. Never again.

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I've been taking this awful med for 6 days and it's been almost 24hrs since my last dose. My first reaction was swollen eyelids and eyebrows that were red itchy and swollen and nausea. I thought it was from my sinus and middle ear infection but now know it's a yeast infection on my eyebrows/eyelids from the levaquin. Now I'm experiencing a ton of anxiety, racing heart, dizziness and panic attacks. I also have muscle weakness which is scaring me that a tendon will rupture. I'm so upset that I was prescribed this medication. I also just read that it interacts with ibuprofen and I don't understand why the doctor and pharmacist didn't tell me. I've been taking ibuprofen the whole 6 days and now find out it can cause seizures. We need to get a class action for this horrible medication. It's ruining people's lives from what I'm reading!

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I took levaquin for 7 days beginning on March 11, 2016. Admitted to the hospital on March 13 with what was diagnosed a Pneumonia. Stayed for 3 days after which they said it was not pneumonia. When leaving the hospital had accuite chest pains, wheezing and unable to walk also very weak. This is March 16 and have not recovered from acute pain swelling in the and ankles and the Achilles tendon. Many drugs have been prescribed with no result. Now taking anti-swelling medication, antibiotic, and a 1900 dollar drug called Pennsaid. No results yet. What about a good lawyer.

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