How Long Does Levofloxacin Stay In Your System (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I will be taking Levofloxcin 500mg for 10 days. How long will it remain in my system after finishing the medicine?

115 Replies (6 Pages)

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I had the first bladder infection of my lifetime. I'm 79 yrs old. My doctor put me on Levofloxacin 500 mg twice/day. On the 3rd day my calves started to hurt where it was difficult to walk, then both shoulders were painful and popped. My knees also hurt. I finished my 7 day dose, but think the prescription was way too strong for me to be taking. Finished the med 2 days ago. My calves, shoulders and knees still hurt just as bad. I'm wondering if the tendons are torn.

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Knees and muscles and hips are big sign of allergy. I am tx for anaphaxis to Levaquin. Stop if anythings swells or abnormal pain

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Took the drug for ten days and on fifth day I made mistake of playing around with heavy bamboo fly rod. Now have pain in upper right arm that I've never experienced before. So guessing it may affect all muscle or tendons.

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Wow, I got that horrible smell when I breathed in too! I only took it for 4 days, and I was so dizzy, anxious, nauseated, I was sure this was what it felt like to be poisoned...I got off it, and finished up with Doxycline for 5 days...Never again will I take this horrible drug...

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I just got done taking the same medication n I have had anxiety attacks n muscle weakness really bad. I wonder as well when it will subside. my last pill was on Thanksgiving day.

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Hi, ive been taking Ofloxacin for 22 days now. I still have 16 days remaining. I feel lightheaded and sick, im constantly tired too and had an anxiety attack but now seem to have that under control. How long will this stay in my system if i see out the course which is 38 days all in? Thanks.

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I took 4 500 mg doses. Feel extremely nauseous. After reading all the very bad situations that have occurred from this medication I am afraid to sleep, I am extremely mad at my Dr for prescribing and also the pharmacist at Walgreen's who said it was just another antibiotic and not to worry. How can a medication that is causing all this damage not be taken off the market?

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i took Levaquin for 5 days and started having shaking and tremors in my legs, arms, and head as well as anxiety. I stopped it 3 days ago, but the tremors are still there, especially in my head. It is freaking me out, How long until it stops and can anyone recommend a treatment or detox or something to stop the tremors please?

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I am allergic to most antibiotics, except levaquin. However, I get anxiety, racing heart and sleeplessness. I just received i.v. levaquin in the hospital. They gave me benedryl to help with the symptoms. It really helped

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ABC action news did a story on lefloxicin and Levaquin and the dangers of taking this drug about two years ago. They said that they believe there has been 1200 related deaths. I had a terrible reaction to this about a year ago and believe I am still having side effects even now. This is my fourth post to this blog and can't believe there are so many people that are posting to say they have had same problems. I am really thinking about seeing a lawyer. I tell everyone do not take this drug. The ABC story was out of Tampa Bay if anyone wants to try to look at it.

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I have been on the medicine for 7 days today and I feel like I'm dying... I am dizzy and faint feeling. I feel weak and it takes everything I have to walk. This medication sucks...

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Suffering from Enterococcus faecalis. Dr. had advised me to take levoflax 500 for 15 days. How will it help me?

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I am 59 years old. Went in for body aches and pain. They said I had strep throat and I got a shot to. The doctor told me I would be feeling better the next day. They told me I was allergic to amoxillan and gave me levofloxacin. Then I still had those muscle, joint pains as well as headache and took it for 2 days. Returned to the hospital and changed meds. They gave cefdinir. Still had the same pains and I just stopped all meds since March 4 th and as of today I still have those pains. They need to get it off the market for good. Who were the guinea pigs that did not have any pain?

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After 15 days of treatment i am experiencing the same problems!

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Please, how do I get this out of my system? I had pneumonia and a staff infection from surgery. Now I have a ruptured ache lies tendon. This is a horrible drug. They need to stop prescribing it.

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I have taken Levaquin several times over the last 15 years for pneumonia and can only say it has saved my life.

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I just found this page. I took my last Levfloxacin 500 mg. yesterday. I have fibromyalgia and have been blaming my new dog for the excess pain I've been having. When all along it was the antibiotic, not dog walking. I'm been out of work for 2 weeks. Sinus infection thus antibiotics. Excessive pain this week. Seriously, I have no strength in my arms, shoulders or legs.

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I took levofloxacin 500 mg for 10 days and now I itch all over my body. How long will I itch before it's out of my system?

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June, I also took Levaquin for 20 days. The day before my last dose I started feeling severe pain. Now, 3 weeks later I am walking and moving like I'm 90, and the pain is severe!!! I too was referred to an orthoped but I'm opting to try acupuncture and an herbal cleanse. Please tell me if anything helps you. I'm a single mom to 3 kids and it's getting harder everyday to be a mom and go to work.

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Hi..i have taken levofloxacin for 10 days 500mg 1 pill daily..also i was taking 40mg of predizone daily for 5 days..i had a sinus i had fluid in both while taking the pred the the feeling in my head was almost gone but then after the pred i had 5 more days of the levo and the light headness came on and off..i have finished the levo now for 36 hrs..but my head still feels a bit it the side effect of the levo? how long will it stay in my system?

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