How Long Does Hydrocodone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I took only one 7.5 lortab and was drug tested. Will it show up in my urine? If so, for how long?

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Oc, you are so right about pain affecting your whole quality of life. I don't search for pain free, I just search for a level that I can function at. I think what has happened to some people, is that they were in a accident, had an illness, injury, something that required them to be given some sort of pain relief. It's been proven that you heal slower when you are in pain, even if you take out the humane factor of letting someone suffer needlessly. I think that addiction happens to people in different time frames. While the person was being treated, they developed an addiction without even realizing it. The original injury, illness, whatever has long ago healed but they are dealing with addiction and don't realize that's what needs to be addressed.

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hydrocodone shows up different than oxycodone. while they are both opiates they break down different and on a urine 5 panel drug test they will show up different. I can attest to this personally.

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Here's what I don't get people...of you KNOW you have a drug test for whatever reason WHY take the risk period...This isn't about abusers making it hard for those of us in pain management situations which I absolutely agree with its about people asking if their tests will be clean or not...if you want a 100 % guarantee do not take any meds that are not prescribed to you by a doctor it's that simple...everyone's body is different...bottom line for alleys described in this thread it takes any where from 24 hrs to 5 days to be out of your system for a urine drug test...if you wanna risk it then by all means take that half of a 5 mg or 4 10mg of whatever your heart so desires...if you want to be sure to pass a drug test again DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING NOT PRESCRIBED TO YOU BY YOUR DOCTOR AT ALL or at least not within a week of a damn drug's common sense

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I scoured several forums prior to my ua and want to share my experience in case it helps someone else who might be panicking like I was. I used morphine 10 days prior to my ua, I don’t know the amount I took but I wasn’t worried about it showing up over a week later. However I took a 7.5 Lortab on Thursday night, 2 more on Friday, and a fourth pill Saturday morning. My ua was scheduled for Tuesday but was moved to Wednesday morning, so about 4 days after my last pill. During that time I drank lots of water, at least a gallon a day, though I didn’t change my diet or exercise. I am 5’8” 190 lbs 25 years old and fairly inactive, I don’t consider myself to have a fast metabolism by any means. I was expecting the results to take a few days to come back but the day after my test the company called me and said I passed! What’s even crazier is that on Sunday I took 30 mg Adderall and 1 mg of Xanax and neither of those showed up in my urine either. I don’t know if I received a 5 or 10 panel exam, but I was shocked the Adderall didn’t show since I had been taking it daily for weeks.

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@Tina - no problem! Try to be calm. It's going to be all good. No worries. That's the last thing you want to be. Take care.

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Just a quick question... I just took 1 7.5 vicoden (nothing before or after) this was the only time. (Had some horrible back pain). Anyway, I have to go to court for something in about 8 days and may need to take a court ordered drug test. This would be very important for me to pass as my future is depending on it. I am very small (115 lbs and not much fat on me), do you think it would pop up positive?? Please help!! I'm freaked! I was thinking my courtdate was 2 weeks away but after taking the pill I checked my court docs and saw that it is much sooner :(

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They are the same thing- maybe just varying amounts of Tylenol.

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I have been on lortab 7.5 for 7 years and its out of your system in 48 hours guaranteed on a urine test that is

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Just FYI most employers don't check for pills they mostly check for street drugs BUT IF can assure you most all doctors offices WILL. Hydrocodone and oxycodone are not the same thing. Oxy is an opiate and they will not show up the same on a urine screen. The pain management checks for each one individually. They do this BC so many people are trying to get these pills without a legit reason. The pain clinics DO monitor your amount of pills too like pill checks. I am sure the amount taken doesnt matter so much except that it might stay in your system longer at high volumes. I am not a doctor but I have been on both for 5 years now I'M have been through it and it became an addiction for me so I finally had to seek help BC those things took over my LIFE. I am currently on suboxone and thank goodness I am not a prisoner to the pills anymore!

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I would love to have a quick response if anyone can help please do . Will Celexa which is in same family of drugs as prozac show up in urine tox test.

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I took a loratab ten this morning and I have to go to probation Tuesday afternoon. Will it be in my system still?

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I take one hydrocodone and had a piss test two and a haf days u think its out of my system for a urine test

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QQuestion my girl took that 2to perk 5s and I think 6 Vic 5s Monday and she has to take a urine test. Next Monday. So sheI had athe week will they be out of her system by then?

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Im prescibed hydrocodone 325 I take 1& half in the mornings the other half in afternoon and 2before I go to bed I have had 2 test done and they keep coming back negative and I don't understand why. Could someone please tell what could be going on.

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Im so confused!! I took half of vicodin, which was 325mg 2 weeks before I had my test, it DID show in my urine. For those that are saying it won't, or has not shown up in your test, it is because it depends on what each Dr. Is looking for. I read that someone took a 750mg Vicodin, went to the Dr and had a urine done the very next day and it didn't show up??? That's crazy. It's because certain urine tests don't look for certain things. Also mine gets shipped out to a lab so that makes a difference also. I pee in a cup at my Dr office and they just peel off the little sticky thing which of course right then and there its negative but once the lab checks the urine that's when it gets detected. So PLEASE if you are taking something you are not supposed to and your thinking it will be out of your system in days, that is so wrong. Believe me, I went through it, it will and does show up.

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I took three lortab 10s over a three day period about six days ago I have a drug test Thursday will I be clean I weigh 150 and 5ft 8in

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U been fine for sure

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some people have serious opium addition problems which is an illness. This usually happens to people who have real pain so they get prescribed pain meds and then they can't stop taking it because they're addicted so they buy it off the street. So don't b**** at people who have inadvertently caused you inconvenience. They have their own problems.

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I feel your pain I had endometriosis fibroid tumors cysts on my ovaries and blood supply to all that ,that the doctor said looked like a Detroit city road map.I was in so much pain for the last 20 years that I thought if I could just get to a gun I'd blow a hole through my head or gut and end it .I could not escape the pain that followed like my shadow ever present day and night please tell your doctor about all the things that you're experiencing write these things down how long it lasted etc so he can adjust the meds accordingly I'm sure if u have a careing Dr.he or she will not cut you off a person will have good days and bad days they understand that .I went to a Dr that I had traveled over 1000 miles round trip to see who ultimately said you've lived with it for 20 yes ,live with it another 20 yes and when I began to cry he made me an appt.with a shrink so I gave up and several years later I found a wonderful carrying Dr who gave me a hysterectomy he took it all out and I've been virtually pain free since .good luck dear,I hope u get some relief and some help I'll keep you in my prayers.

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You've got about 5 days, I wouldn't sweat it at all. If Ya only took one (or even 2-3) it most likely will be outta Your' system by in the morning!

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