How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your System? (Page 5)
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If I took 1 small dose of Heroin on Wednesday afternoon at 4 pm. Will I be clean for my drug test on Monday at 5 pm? I'm giving it 5 days. Is that enough time to pass my drug test?

116 Replies (6 Pages)

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If some one did a bundle in one night for the first time in 6 years saturday night would it be out of youre urine by the following friday?

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Are you two related? You are basically telling this girl that it's ok to do heroin while pregnant!!!! You need to count your blessings that your kids came out fine. I'm so glad they are ok. As a mother you should be telling this girl to get help, not help her justify her stupidity. Somebody needs to take your children away. you probably don't know who the baby daddy's are. Do you?

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You seriously need help, you obviously never researched heroin ever in your life!!! Me personally I've been using heroin about 3 years now heroin is the most addictive drug out there and the effects on your infant is that its going to be addicted to heroin when its born crying 24-7 and there is nothing the doctors can do besides hold the baby, they have volunteers rotating holding the baby. You seriously need help I truly hope you do not believe what the f*** you said!! I feel so sorry for your child. that baby did not ask to be brought into this life and you are being irresponsible and so f***ing selfish, that baby is in your whom AND everything you put in your body has an effect on your child!! When your baby is born I pray they take the baby away from you, you are unfit and need to be fixed to where you can never destroy another defenseless human

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Your in denial kid. Get help before gou kill yourself thinking your invincible.

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U should get help straight away what on earth were you thinking of going and getting pregnant when u are an addict u need to tell u r midwife and so on and try get clean before u ruin your own babies life . That child will go threw terrible withdrawals . What do you love more heroin or your baby

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My friend stomped a cotton and did two scraps monday the 8th of dec. around 6pm-7pm. He has a drug test friday dec 12th. He is very slim with a fast metabolism and is taking niacin and vitamins and is drinking water....would he be clean for todays urine test.

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You are pregnant. Do you not care about your child. My sister as well as my self used to be very active users but when both of us got pregnant we quit. This child is not choosing to use. You are hurting that baby talk to your doctor and get help. Stop using while oregnant

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I smoke h on a mon about 0'2g and pass by wed and I smoke on wed and pass by fri and I smoke on sat and pass by mon. I take niacin to get it out of my fat and I take green tea pill to get the toxins out of my body. and while im taking them I drink about 6 liters of water through the night before the test, which is for drug court.

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U aff ur rocker u crackpot course it will effect kid in many ways adhd or addicted as a new born get a grip u clown

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Are you ****ing kidding me you stupid b**** I would slap the f****** s*** out of you if I could, using heroin while while pregnant. You are a stupid selfish piece of s*** you not fit to raise a child I pray you get some help you dumb f***!

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I smoked h last night. will I be clean today if I have to test by 5pm? ive drank lotts of water and sweated very bad from exercise?

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Honey, heroin isn't a pill...and it takes about 3-7 days to completely clear the urine. If you took a pill, it was probably oxycodone or the new format of oxycontin, called Roxicet or a pill that says OP on it and it not crushable. A pill takes 5-10 days to get out. You won't pass. Get a detox drink from a head shop or smoke shop.

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Why f*** ur kid up? jus stop. drink lots of water n cranberry. ur gonna mess ur kid up for using n being pregnant...does the father kno?

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Have u ever seen a baby come out addicted to heroin? I can not believe ud try n pretend that its ok to use heroin thru out ur pregnancy. My mom came out addicted to heroin..shes still f***ed up. Its sad. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OK WITH DOING HEROIN OR ANY DRUGS FOR THAT MATTER WHILE UR PREGNANT. U think withdraws are bad???? Imagine what ur putting ur newborn baby thru. Pure n innocent little baby. So suck it up n get the help u need. Ur gonna make one hell of a mother.

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I did a vary small amount of heroin on Saturday at like 11 12 i got to drop on tuesday i been drinking lots of water will i be ok

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I have HepC and did some heroin 10 days ago. They did a urine test at the clinic to see if I was drug free - being as I have hepC will that make the heroin stay in my system longer?

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Hi I am a mother of two and used heroin during both my pregnancies both my kids are fine, for my second child during my last trimester I was moved to methadone luckily both my kids didnt suffer any pain or long term damage all I can tell you is to keep up with your apps take your vitamins eat healthy and alot and remember you're human you make mistakes no one but your Lord can judge you you'll know what's best for you, moms always do ;-)

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I have some advice...just don't use heroine at all then you are sure to pass your drug test.

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Are you serious?! You're going to either kill your kid or make it retarded!!! I hope you do piss dirty.

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I've done this myself and it's worked but I have also found out that Co-codamol bought over the counter not on purscription has codeine and opioids in and benylin has morphine in both of these will cause a positive drug test so if your test does come back positive you can say you have taken 1 or both of these items just don't say anything be4 ur test as they will test 4 benoforaze which is used 2 cut heroin

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