How Long Does Ativan Stay In Your Urine (Page 3)
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I took 10 mg of Ativan on Saturday night and have a urine drug test today, Tuesday at 5:30. Will it be out by then?

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"You guys are horrible." Lmao....

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You guys are horrible. The drug will leave your system in roughly 3 days, however it will still be detectable by urinalysis for at least 7 days... Longer if you have been taking lorazepam over a period of quite a few days.

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did you pass?

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Absolutely. Redd makes a good point. If someone is taking a Benzodiazapine on a regular basis and they are considering stopping that medication, a slow and steady taper should be undertaken while under close supervision of their physician.
However Tracy, since you took it PRN, you would be completely fine. I hope you are doing well! Check in here and fill me in if you can.
Happy Holidays to you all!

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You should never stop taking benzodiazepines suddenly if youve been taking them regularly. The withdrawls can be very dangerous. You need to titrate down slowly. Take care good luck.

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Took a 1mg of lorazapam on monday will I be OK for a ua on wed

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Hi Tracy-
Every clinic is different, and then of course they differ by state and federal, so I have no idea how many they might take. you have a legit Rx for the med and a very legit reason for having been prescribed it, AND you went to talk to your counselor and told her before hand what you had taken, I would think that they should not fault you- and they may just do as my clinic did and ask you not to take it anymore. Also- I am not sure if you know what NAMA-R is. It stands for National Alliance of Medication Assisted Recovery (used to stand for Nat Alliance of Methadone Advocates) and their org has advocates that can help you in the event that you have any problems with your clinic. I bring this up bc SAMHSA's TIP 43 (look that up if you is good reading) doesn't recommend that an Opioid Treatment Provider take away any takehomes based on ONE positive UA of an illicit med (yours was not even illicit as you have an Rx- though they may argue the Rx is old). If they do take away ANY takehomes, you can file a grievance through NAMA and someone will advocate on your behalf. If this does happen, let me know on here and I will steer you in the right way. However- I don't think they will. What did your counselor tell you? I would leave you my email address but this site won't allow and will remove it. I wish you the don't over think it because more than likely you are ok.

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They did give me a urine n it hasn't come back yet but I'm almost positive It will be dirty.... I went straight to my counselor n told her about the three seizures I had n that's y it was taken n i have a prescription from when they were so outta control. I pray they want take all of my tj homes. I get five weekly n thats the limit with me being on disability. They no I have seizures really bad. N have known that from day .1 I jreally hope allmy hard work of staying clean from day one on mmt doesn't go down the drain. It really has me worried to death. How manydo u think ythey will take. i can deal with one ... But.not all.... I've worked my program to the fullest.

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Tracy- For me, they didn't fault me for it. It was something the ER was giving me, bc I was having TERRIBLE anxiety bc of symptoms I was experiencing (feeling of choking, tightness in chest, etc. which would cause anxiety alone)- they just kept telling me "it's an anxiety attack, it's just anxiety." Well FINALLY 2 weeks ago, I had an EGD done...and turns out it's a hiatal hernia causing all of these symptoms and I feel much better since Nexium has kicked in. But before I knew what this was it was causing MAJOR anxiety, so when they gave the Ativan- I was amazed at how well it took the anxiety right away! But of course, being on Methadone, benzos can be very dangerous, so my clinic didn't want me taking any, and I haven't since then (I am a very long term MMT patient). However, I am on Zoloft, and once I got on the right dose of it, it has helped A LOT with helping control my anxiety, so check into antidepressants maybe.
Best of luck!

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Hi Tracy-
Chances are- YES. If you read my story below, you'll see why I give this answer. I also attend a clinic and took 1 and 1/2mgs of Ativan on a Thursday night and when I was given a UA on the following Tuesday morn at came back positive. I was surprised because I had researched it here and most say it is out of your system in hours, and I also knew it was the benzo that stays in your system the least amount of time, so I thought I was fine. But NOPE...I took that UA 5 days after taking Ativan (the only ones I have ever taken) and it came back positive. It was prescribed (a small prescription, as a result of an ER visit, but still, I didn't want to have a positive test.

Maybe you'll have a different experience! I wish you the best. Keep me updated on how it turns out.

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Hey I took a two mg xanax because of a death in my family. It was Sunday at lunch .Worried I may have a drug screen at. The methadone clinic in the morning tthat being Tuesday early am. Do u think I'm screwed ??,

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I agree David...I do not think Ativan would be in your system for a UA 6 weeks later. Although, I have to say that I was so surprised to have Ativan show up on my Urinalysis 5 days after ingested. I took a little over 1mg (probably 1 and a half mgs I suppose) on a Thursday night and I gave a urine sample at 5:30am on the following Tuesday and it came back positive. I was not expecting that...but now I know for the future just in case, if I ever have to take any again. I try to just stay away from benzos, as these past 2 months is the only time I've ever had to take any. I was amazed though at how effectively the Ativan was for the anxiety. It melted right away! I actually cried at how well it felt to have that anxiety gone for the first time in weeks, as what I was going through with feeling as if I had a rope tied around my esophagus was not fun. I now have a diagnosis of hiatal hernia and I feel 80% better since starting Nexium, but before that happened every doctor was trying to tell me that I was just having anxiety, and them not listening to me caused me even more anxiety, as if I needed more of that. So the few times I took Ativan, it helped me tremendously.

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Don't give people bad info. Ativan will leave your system anywhere from 7 to 22 hours after ingested. It will NOT be in your systen 6 weeks after you take it. Weed is gone after 28 days. Ativan is the shortest acting benzo there is. No way it could ever be found in your system 6 weeks after your last dose it. SMH.

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Thought I would pass my experience along. First, a little background to put this in context. I am also on MMT (Methadone Maintenance) and have been for many years, and I have never had any urinalysis' come back positive for illicit meds, as I have taken nothing but Methadone since I began MMT (over a decade ago), other than non-addictive meds such as antibiotics for example.
Recently I have had 3 trips to the ER due to some symptoms I was having, and after going through many tests and seeing many drs (including a full cardiac workup), doctors kept insisting that I was just having panic/anxiety attacks. Well, I knew they were wrong and I now FINALLY have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia.
ANYWAY...before this was found, the ER gave me some Ativan which helped tremendously with the anxiety I was experiencing (I had major anxiety due to the symptoms). Several weeks back I took a 1mg Ativan on a Thursday night and on the following Tuesday I had to give a UA, and it did come back showing positive for Ativan. SO- just know that Ativan obviously does not "get out of your system within a day," as I was surprised that the UA picked up ONE 1mg Ativan pill taken 5 days before the UA. I didn't receive any "punishment" for having it in my system because it was a short-term legit prescription.
Sorry for the length, but I just wanted to explain the circumstances involved. Bottom line: DO NOT assume that Ativan leaves your system in hours or even in a day or two, because evidently it CAN stay much longer (though it stays in your system the least of the big 3 benzos; Xanax has been shown to stay the longest, then Valium, then Ativan).

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I'm on the methodone clinic and unfortunately I dibble and dabble with benzos all the time. I have to agree with a couple of ppl-- it all depends on what benzo u take...Zanax has been out of my system as short as 72 hours where Volume has taken quite a bit longer(almost 2 weeks) and recently I've been taken atavain which I've only took a couple of times and I'm pending results on a drug test now...I REALLy hope I'm clean... Its been over 4 days and I will post whether I'm clean or not.....

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The website that was given is not an app. It is a link to a pdf file with Norchem's benzodiazepine fact sheet/study. If you click on it, it automatically downloads the file for instant viewing.
Thanks to AlliedCries for posting it.

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I have been taking 4-6 MG's of Vatican for a month...I have stopped for 5 days and have to piss on the 6th day..will it show?

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Dude I get to urines a week one for subs one for probation I had a slip last Thursday with 6-7 MG's of xanax took a urine Tuesday 4 days 6 hours later and go to see my po tomorrow 6 days 8 hours later your info seemed legit to many different people posting conflicting information that website was also an app thanks I don't aspire to keep slipping but a hot or wrong info could literally destroy my life thank you for the time and effort I will post the outcomes of both urines as I find out the results probation 10 panel instant maintenance is lab........ thankyou

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I go o the method clinic a n have all my take homes so only have o go to go one Tim a week,well I had apanik attack an the Dr at er gave me ativan so I'm scared an don't know what the clinic will door take from me??????_ tbaanks.

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