How Long Does Adderall Stay In Your System
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Would I be okay for a drug screen if I took Adderall on Sunday and had my drug screen on Friday?

21 Replies (2 Pages)

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Well I'm sure your not as perfect as you think you are. Nor better than the next. So climb down off that high horse before you hurt yourself. But thanks for all the legal information. I'm sure we all were unaware of that.

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If someone took 500mg of adderall over a five day peroid, how long would it stay in your system?

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I have a prescription for phentermine. I ran out Thursday so I took a couple 30mg Adderall on friday, then again Saturday morning. (fast-acting ) My new employer is calling Monday to set-up my drug test. How long should I put it off for? Or will the script i have suffice? And i only take adderal on rare occasions. Thanks in advance for any advice

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Actually not so hard to get a script haha. If u really needed it then u could get it lil crack heads

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The drug will always be detectable in you hair. That is until you cut it. For as long as the hair has been attached is how far back they can go. Your hair grows about a 1/4 inch a month, so if your hair is 12 inches long, they can go back approximately 48 months or 4yrs.

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What if u should be prescribed them and yet you're not on paper but yet you have to donate plasma how long will it take to get to 30 milligram time release out of my system

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It will not show up in your drug test today from 3 weeks ago. Shouldn't even show up if you took it 4 days ago.

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Yes I only take with prescription. You can lose your job or it can keep you from getting a job or even worse get arrested and test positive with it with no prescription and believe this can be considered a felony. Even worse if caught taking it without a prescription, I believe that is felony too. If you have a real need for these drugs and go to your doctor you can get legal prescription. Not worth it. I take it as prescribed and don't always take a full dose but would never ever sell or give any away cause again I believe it's a felony. The people taking these meds with out legal script are the ones causing problems for people who really need these drugs. There would be no issues.

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Hi, if I took adderal 3 weeks ago do you think it will show up in a drug test I did today?

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How long does adderal last in your hair

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If i took literally 1 pill (half life) would it show up in a pee test 30 hours later?

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Not as easy to get a script as you think. N some ppl really do need it

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Why are all these people concerned if it will be detected in their blood or urine tests? Doesn't anyone take it, like I do, with a prescription?

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I took 15 mg of adderall on Saturday night. I had a UA Monday morning will it still be in my system?

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I took 15mg of Adderall when will it be out of my system? I took it today(monday) when will it be out?

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If I took an adderall 10 mg at 9 am sunday the first time in a couple weeks, would it be out of my urine by 4pm on Monday?

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My boyfriend took one of my adderall 15mg (thought it was an ibuprofen) only had one and has never took adderall before. How long will in be detectable in an urine or blood test. He is a truck drive and can be pulled over at any time to take drug test.

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i have been takin 30 mg a day for 4 days and today is friday. I took 15 mg this morning not knowing i would receive new job offer and have a urine test on monday. will this show since if have never taken this drug until this past week?

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how long does adderall 30 mg stay in your system if its sent to a laboratory for testing?

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how long do hypertensive drugs stay in your system ie:coversyl

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