How Long Does 0.5mg Of Ativan Stay In Your System (Page 5)
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I took 1 0.5mg pill of lorazapam (generic for ativan) on Sunday night at around 10pm and have a drug test Tuesday at 4pm, will I fail? I do not take any other drugs and only took this one pill one time for anxiety.

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It's illegal to not dose you. By law, if you break the rules at a methadone clinic, they do an administrative detox. Meaning dropping you down a certain percentage until you are off in ten days. I dunno what clinic you go to, but by its illegal to just cut you off completely.

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Hey- there are so many answers for the question- "...I took an Ativan yesterday and was drug tested today, will I pass" in the little amount of quick research I've done, your answer seems to be correct...I hope, cause yesterday, I took 2 .5's at like 5-6 pm, at 8:30. AM today they sprung a urine test on me. I've been clean of everything (except methadone) for almost 200 days, can you answer me and let me know if I might pass? Thanks very much for your time!

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Well I got an email from the employee health nurse stating that all of my labs came back and I've met all of the employee health requirements, Welcome to "new job"! I'm fairly certain that means I passed my urine drug screen as well since it was part of my physical. So 8 days of no Ativan, after long term use, I had none in my urine!

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No Ativan stays in system up to 6 weeks

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I've been taking 0.5mg off lorazepam and alprazolam about 3/4 days a week for over a year. I started when my mom passed away, didn't have insurance but needed help getting through that difficult time. I continued to take it because I work night shift and it helps me fall asleep and stay asleep during the day. I stopped taking it when I got a call for an interview and 8 days later went in for a pre employment drug screen. I've read so much different info as to how long it hands out in your system so I'm hesitant to turn in my resignation notice to my current employer. Not sure how long to wait either, the clinic told me no news is good news. ... not in my case. I took the urine test on Friday, I'm supposed to start new job 2 weeks from Monday so I wanted to get notice in asap. How long should I wait? P.s....night slept better once I stopped taking the lorazepam! And had no withdrawal symptoms either. I was worried if I stopped taking them I really be able to sleep

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It is probably already long as you go to bathroom are not a regular user.without this drug I would not be saved my life.thank you to my wife.

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You go to the Methadone clinic? I took like 14 mg's on Saturday morning,Today is wesnesday morning,and i've been worried as hell because if you piss dirty for non prescribed benzo's at my clinic,is an automatic kick off,no dose,no detox, i truly hope what you are saying is true.thanks

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No you won't pass with that short amount of time.

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I have to test once a month and I like to take adivan how long can I take it before I have to test.

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I take .5 milligrams a day, My doctor and I have been trying to ween me off of them; I was taking four mill. a day. Any way I take .25 mils at bed time and the next day before I could take any more I had to have a urine test for my doctor and she fired me for not having any benzos in my system. From ten p.m. to noon the next day and I had none in my system. Only 14 hours and no trace. Been taking them for years. You never know.

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Would like to know how long 10 mg stays in urine. No other drugs taken.

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I have hepatitis c, 3 days ago I took 2.5 milligrams of adavan, how long will it take to get out of my system I weigh about 160 pounds

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I believe's. Xanax is the.quickest and.more kick.

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This is totally untrue, xanax stays in your system the most for 5 days, this is the most commonly mistaken thing.... It is clonazepam, and others like valium that are 30 days... Xnax stays in your system for 5 days max, and thats if you take them a lot. If you took say 2-3 mg and no more before then then 2-3 days max it will be gone. Do your research before blabbing about xanax stays for 6 weeks lol.... Not only have I read this, a doctor has told me, actually 2 doctors, I have a drug test EVERY week and ive taken xanax after the appointment for 2 days, next appointment GONE. Without even drinking and diluting my urine. Do your research before giving false info.

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Oh yes! I'm very hot! Do you think it's due to the Ativan? Or are we just lucky?

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Are you that unbelievably hot girl from a tv show? Haha! Random. I know.

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I had been taking 1mg of ativan for a year for sleep until about 3 months ago when I decided, after hearing that it is addictive, I decided to wean my self off it. I took .5 mg for a few weeks, then started taking a 1/4th tab. I took those for a couple of weeks until I started having problems ie; shakiness, nausea and headaches. I told my daughter who works in a rehab facility and she told me I was in withdrawal and it would last a very long time. She then discussed this with the dr. who is employed by the facility not to stop the drug as it's to hard on one of my age, I'm 82., so I am once again taking the 1 mg before bed. l also like a cocktail before dinner but it doesn't seem to have any negative effects, thank goodness. My only real vice!

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Can u tell us if u passed your test??

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Yes you will be fine to take unisom to sleep that long after you've stopped. Benzss w/alcohol is a terrible idea and leads to black outs for sure, also opiates and benzos are not a good idea if you like breathing! It can make your brain forget to tell your respirtory system to keep breating which is not good if you've passed out! People do it to increase the itensity of the opiate high but it's a really good way to die. I used to take ativan w/unisom because I couldn't sleep. (I'm NOT recommeding this!! but I was reckless in my youth) I'm just saying four days after, yes you should be abosolutely fine barring any other variables that you're leaving out :) This is from my expierience. The active ingredient in unisom is the same thing that's in benadryl fyi.

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Ight I found a site half life 2-7 hours. I was drunk coked out had 1mg Ativan ( lorazipam one night then in the morning work up had seizer they took my blood and had no traces of coke and Ativan. I started drinking around 6pm then made it snow around 11 1130 then they took my blood bout 9 and nothing. Me dumb yes so I stopped that scene but I have a 10 panel test in 8 days. Now I take 1mg 3 to 4 times a week and I'm not jacked but not much fat. I'll let u knw what happens. I knw I won't take it the day before. Btw for pot questions I was a chronic user for 3 to 4 years took a piss test 2 and half days after I stopped. Ran drank lot water. Idk i. Cranberry jjuice works but to much of that and I was fine

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