How Long Does 0.5mg Of Ativan Stay In Your System (Page 2)
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I took 1 0.5mg pill of lorazapam (generic for ativan) on Sunday night at around 10pm and have a drug test Tuesday at 4pm, will I fail? I do not take any other drugs and only took this one pill one time for anxiety.

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Is this a big deal if you're,legal...meaning you have Rx.

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Hey took .25mg ativan and drug tester approx 50hrs layer urine

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Not true Ativan can take six weeks and is one of the longest to metabolize as is valium. Xanax and Klonopin get out of your system the fastest.

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So I took 4mg of Ativan on Thursday and 4 more on Friday (only time in the last month). I am supposed to test Monday but I am drinking a s*** ton of water today and testing tomorrow instead. Will it still be out of my system?

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U must be talking about a 5mg valium.
Cause ativan just comes in0.5mg 1 mg an 2 mg. Not 5

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Hey I really neea know this ASAP please! I go to a suboxin clinic every Friday and sometimesi have to pea and there might be one or 2 times I don't.. U never know, I have a prescription "colotepen" like adivan it's only 1 mg and RARELY take them ,needed one tonight Sunday April 24th at 9pm ,and only a half of one... Will it be out of my system by this Friday 29th in morning??... And I drink a lot of water.... Please Someone TELL ME SOON!!...

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Your post was a long time ago, but it understandable that people get nervous for others who take I prescribed benzodiazepines because they are highly addictive drugs. If you use them in high amounts that are not set to your body, you can create an u health addiction which can add to the plethora of problems you already have. It's just worrisome because I've seen people get addicted who were on a doctors prescription. Not stuff to mess around with.

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Oh and I've had 4 different urine test done all 12 panel and done ativan the Friday before and never failed. Two tests were on Tuesday which gave me an extra day two were on Monday. Passed every time. Also year's ago was taking k pins and failed urine after 5 days so no clue how long that lasts I guess over 5 days.

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Not that I recommend this at all, but I can only take ativan on Friday because I can get randomed at any time. Here's the I don't recommend part. I usually take at least 20 1mg one time even took 30 1mg and had a urine on Monday after taking 30 in Friday and passed. I have high tolerances so don't take that much I know I shouldn't either, but for urine tests two days is plenty of time if you are normal health.

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Well I want to say..that I have done ativan everyday n gone the next day for a urine test and came out negative...I done xanax or clonopin n had my urine pulled the next day even a few days later n it came oit I think it is harder to detect ativan....just make sure u have at least 7 hrs clean...

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I had just ONE .5mg on SATURDAY morning at 9am, it is Wednesday, and it still showed in my urine. So everyone ahould make sure they have a week, minimum. Traces can be detected.

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Okay, i like your sound advice. & my friend was curious about the answer for this specifically...

So she only took one 1mg tablet before bed.. She may have a work urine test in a few weeks... Do you think she will be in the clear? She also took nacin & cranberry pills to flush out her system... Do most anti-anxiety pills are in the benzo family?

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Go to the E.R fake a panic attack so they give you a Xanax. Boom you have a legitimate reason for being dirty. P.S they don't always check for benzos on a U.A for probation. Only about half the time unless you have a history of taking Benzo,s .

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I took.8 .5 adavan will it be out of my system with in 12 days???

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This makes perfect sense I'm on Lorazepam 0.5 mg ( generic ) Ativan . To use for occasional anxiety attacks . One day before my Dr. appointment I took one , I was tested the next day & none showed up . My Dr. asked if I had stopped taken it . I said "No but I don't take that many . I was scared she would take it away from me , but she said Right that makes sense it doesn't stay in your system very long.
Yes with drawls are Bad - Very fast for not being that strong of a drug. I've been trying to cut down because I hate those with drawls !!

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My bf takes a few Ativan 1mg after every drug test-- we get drug tested once a week. Stops 3 1/2 days before his drug test and he's never failed.

I've always been terrified to take benzo's ever since I took Valium and it stayed in my system for almost 2 months >.< but I do know Ativan IS the fastest to leave your system. I just took a 1mg tab of Ativan & I'll have 6 days to test it. Facing jail time if it's not out... I have a terrible metabolism so I get nervous af. But as far as my bf goes.... 3 1/2 days and he's golden. He weighs about 140 lbs. So if you're going to do a benzo & you get tested on the reg. then I suggest Ativan :)

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If you are taking Ativan and have a Doctor's prescription for it, you have legal proof to show your drug testing center. You should have no worries or anxiety about taking it.

Now, if you are taking Ativan without a prescription (i.e ILLEGALLY), well then there are consequences for your action.

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Jack you are right on the money. I HATE it when people post questions In such a panic, but then never follow up so others with the exact same concern aren't put at ease.
I had taken a lorazapam .05 mg, (can't remember if it was Sat. at 8 or 10pm, or Sunday night); however, at noon Monday, I passed a 12 panel drug test. So., either way, within 14 hours, or 36 hours, I passed.
Even if it was 36 hours, that's amazing for a drug to clear your system without a trace, so quickly!.

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Yes. I have taken Ativan 1mg for Yeats and it has stopped working so my Dr has put me on Xanax and I was. Wondering how ling would it take to get the Ativan out of my system.

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I have renal problems and I think my liver is ok I took lorazepam that was old outdated by two years for a week 1mg at nite to sleep then skipped two or three days then took for one or two days in a three week time then took 3mg last Thursday nite I haven't taken any since I am having anxiety and tremors a few times a. Day that last for half an hour or so I do believe that this withdrawal how long will this last if it is and this a bad drug to take I will never use it again use with caution can anyone reply with input.

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