How Long Do Topamax Side Effects Last? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I began Topamax a week and a half ago as a migraine prevention. I am experiencing random facial, hands, and feet numbness. Mental fogginess, dull headaches, and tiredness. For those of you who have had success with migraine prevention and have taken this medication for a long time: How long did your side effects last? I have heard only a few weeks. I'm not sure If I can deal with this constantly much longer. I am contemplating which is the lesser of the two evils side effects vs. migraines. I have lost 10 lbs. though. Any advice?

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I have an adult-onset tic disorder. It's pretty severe and completely threw my life for a loop. I was unable to work, I was undiagnosed (pretty much still am—no idea as to the cause, but we've finally made it manageable), and I ended up living on my mother's couch as we shuttled from doctor to doctor and medication to medication.

Topamax was the first thing that made a major dent in my tics. Well, other than haldol, and there's no way I want to be on that again!

We started at a low dose, and I did have some pretty major side effects. But I've had major side effects with most of my meds, so we were expecting it. My doctor told me what I might expect, and that's why we started at such a low dose.

I had severe lethargy and exhaustion. I was in a mental fog; I couldn't follow a conversation for more than a minute or two. My face would tingle throughout the day like I'd come in to a hot room from a cold winter day, but without any temperature feelings. I had almost no appetite, and ended up filling the fridge with V8, Ensure, and SlimFast to make sure I got calories and nutrition (though I had put on 90 pounds after the tics started, so I haven't minded the weight loss).

But it definitely helped reduce the tics, both in frequency and severity. And my doctor said that the side effects should fade as your body gets used to the medication. That was a year ago, I think.

As I adapted, we slowly increased the dosage. I'm now at 400mg, twice a day. The max dosage. I'll occasionally have a face tingle... maybe once a week. My appetite is mostly back. Not entirely, but I still have extra weight to lose, so I'm not complaining. And I used to eat entire 16" pizzas by myself. I could probably stand to change my old eating habits. My cognitive abilities might be back to normal. Or at least close. It's hard to tell, because my tic disorder also causes some minor mental issues as well sometimes. But even if the Topamax side effects aren't 100% gone, my body has gotten used to it, and they're greatly diminished.

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I have been taking Topiramate for 10 years now 200 mg twice a day. and taking gabapentin 300 mg three time a day for fibromyalgia. The fog wears off and you feel better. I have had headaches since I was a kid and haven't had such good success with anything except the topiramate, botox, and self injecting toradol upon onset prescribed by my doctor.

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I feel just like you!! I only started with 25mg once a day for 2 weeks and then when I added the 2nd dose in the evening for a total of 50 mg a day I was absolutely convinced I needed to be committed!! I can't think straight and I feel so nuts and angry and I make stupid mistakes. Christmas Eve was the worst and when I called the doctor he said to stop taking it totally. If I experience this for a year and a half I could lose my job!

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I was on Topamax 25mg for 10 days (until yesterday) My doctor knows I am reallly sensitive towards medication. I had a really bad reaction to the meds yesterday. Nausea, stomach cramps, jittery inside, feels like muscle cramps, dry eyes, dry mouth, cannot focus, cannot concentrate, etc. I phoned the dr on standby and she said to stop using it immediately. Thing is, I woke up this morning and I still feel the same way. Wondering how long the side effects last when off of the meds...

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I was on Topamax for 2mos and have been off it for over 2mos and am still suffering the side effects of this medication....and they don't go away until your body gets use to it...Some people may be very sensitive to the components in Topamax so if they are having these side effects they should get off the medication and go on something-else.

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I only took Topiramate for a few months for migraine prevention. Started at 25mgs a day for a week then up to 50mgs then six weeks ago my consultant put me up (via 25mg increments) to 100mg. However I only got as far as 75mg as just prior to the increase & apart from some more tolerable side effects, I started to get confused episodes, memory & cognitive problems which got worse with the increase and after consultation with my GP I stopped taking it. Right from the start I had a bad metallic taste in my mouth and assumed this would ease when I stopped taking the medication but five weeks after cessation I still have it. Has anyone else had this experience? I have visited a dentist but no problems were found.

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How long do side effects from Topiramate last after discontinuing the drug? I have not taken it for several days now and still have difficulty articulating some words, which was a side effect from it.

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I have suffered from migraines since I began my period at 11 years of age and started having cluster headaches 4 years ago. I have oxygen at home, am on Verapamil, Lopressor, Amitriptyline and Imitrex. I was started on Topamax last Monday and am having shortness of breath, cognitive issues and changes in my taste and my hair is coming out in clumps but the cluster headache finally broke! I don't know whether to keep taking the Topamax or not. My significant other tells me he would rather have me headache free and buy wigs than see me suffer through the headaches so much. The first time I had a cluster, it lasted over 30 days before the doctors could break the cycle. I have them weekly. I even had a cervical fusion because the neurosurgeon was sure that the discs in my neck were causing the headaches. Not! Anyway, praying for all of you in my cluster family. God Bless!

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Google "clusterheadaches batch's remedy" it is a natural way to send the beast packing - and get a vitamin D test done. Helped me a lot w/my chronic cluster headaches. FYI I still have issues with memory from "dopa-max". I lost 65lb on it and the ability to remember simple words like "cabbage". Lol.

I hope you can tame your beast - all the best in your pursuit of relief.

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My advice is to keep at it in the long run its so worth it I've had brain surgery and I'm on this med for migraines and to prolong vision loss due to pressure in the brain but I've been on it for about 8 months and for real about 2 months ago started feeling good but my doses kept getting upped just make sure to take it the same time everyday I've lost about 30 pounds and feel great and I wish you the best but just know before I felt so horrible so I know what your going through and I hope it gets better

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I have multiple diagnoses, one of which is Complex PTSD, for which I, too, am on an intricate cocktail of drugs. My first successful psych med was and continues to be Topamax (Topiramate). My first dose was 25 mg and I remember the day we moved it to 50 when my fingers started tingling, but it went away.

Up until 10 months ago, the meds I was on made me gain weight. Then I changed doctors and he, knowing that I've already had a gastric bypass, knew that it was imperative to take me off any weight gainers and get me on weight stabilizers or losers. In the last month, I've dropped 20 lbs. I needed to drop every pound of that. I'm hoping they will up the dosage in hopes that it will further help with my C-PTSD and Fibromyalgia, but the weight loss, too.

After years, any benefits for me have outweighed the negative.

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My device is to stick it out I've been on it for like 9 months or something I think I lost count but it does get better I can even drink soda again I've lost 40 pounds although I don't think I can afford to lose anymore lol but the side affects are gone and my head ache are a lot better than they were

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I was on 100mg of topomax for 4 years. I loved how well it controlled my migraines but I knew it affected my cognition and ability to think and recall words. I didn't know how many other side effects I was experiencing from the topomax until I came off it. I had no energy and eventually it became debilitating. I'd work during the week and sleep ALL weekend (literally). It was terrible because I need to have a life! I also experienced much neuropathy in my feet, hands, and arms. I came off the topomax 1.5 months ago and feel so much better! However, the scary part is the cognition issues have not dissapated. I fear they are permanent and it makes me sad. Be careful. Just know that some side effects can be permanent. My migraine prevalence is the same when I was on the topomax now which is wayyy better than before. I think it changed my brain and the migraines will only happen a few times a month now but my cognition will forever be changed. Hopefully I'll get it back.

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I started topamax the first time the side effects for me were bad. For the first 2 weeks i was all over the place i hated myself. I started it for my headaches. Once i got over the 2 weeks it worked great. Before tm. I tryed 7 other meds an they either didnt work or i blew up like a ballon. After my son In 2012 I was 203 lbs I was put on 200mg a day in 2013. I was 182 lbs. and by Sept 2015 I was 138 lbs. But I also ate right and worked 60 hours a week as a bartender. Well I lost my way to pay for it... I stress this to you all... be careful if you stop this med cold turkey... I had really bad with draws.. I ended up in the hospital. That may not happen with everyone! I was also on it for 2 years. Sense I wasn't able to take it I gained 40lbs back in 2.5 months.

Well update as of today. My headaches and weight are out of control and topamax is the only thing that helps so the dr wants me to try again with it at a smaller mg and at night instead of the day. Tonight is the first night n I'm not doing very good. Wish me luck and I hope this helped some of you.

Some may ask why do it again after what happened when I ended it the first time. And the first 2 weeks. I had to ask myself can I deal with the pain and how I feel about my self. I'm the long run yes I'm a strong person. So ask your self the same thing.

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My daughter took Topamax/Dopamax for one month increasing to 100 mg, it was total hell, panic attacks, inability to concentrate, depression, drug from hell, it has taken several months to get the horrible side effects to begin clearing. Everyone is different, some are more sensitive than others. Her migraines have ruled her life, but better than Topamax that could have killed her. She is considering Botox next, never, ever, never Topamax, I feel for patients that physicians feel they are total crazy and it is the Topamax, each medication has a risk!!!!

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Thanks for everyone sharing their experience with Topamax. After my daughter trying and the most horrible side effects ever, panic attacks, memory loss, tremors, much like Nightmare on Elm Street, no kidding. So horrible. I would never recommend anyone take this. My brother in law was on this also at the age of 80 for headaches, his speech was impaired, dizziness, physicians adding meds to compensate but it was the Topamax, unreal. How many unnecessary meds have been added to patients that were only have side effects. To not take this med! Took 3 months to finally start clearing and I agree, I believe it does kill brain cells.

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I took topimax for about 2 months & had a terrible experience with a long list of side affects. I finally called my doctor who got me off the meds & put me on nortriptalyne. I'd suggest trying another preventative but consult your doctor & do not stop cold turkey it is dangerous to your health. Depakote is another preventative I took for 8 years. It helped me & I had no side affects it. I'd also try changing your diet if you haven't already. Look at cutting out gluten for starters but needs to 100% out if your system. Cutting back I. Sugar & processed foods & additives helps me as well.

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I stopped cold turkey. I only took them for three months. I have thining hair and know i hardly have any. I was so depressed really just wanted to sleep couldn't talk couldnt even put a sentence together. .it has only been three days but i already feel better. It never helped my head at all. It is a wicked drug...

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Glad it is working for you. I pulled out in front of two cars in one day, could not count money at work. Depression, anxiety, definitely not a good fit for me, everyone is different.

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Same! 100mg (125 for a short time, went back down to 100) for 4 YRS...feel like my ability to FOCUS through things was just permanently affected. Took myself off it twice before this last time..would go back on after migraine took me to ER. But they are far enough apart, I have meds at home to take on the Train when it comes...I'm done with this medicine. I think it helped break the constant migraines...but the cognitive changes and the tinnitis...I'm hoping to recover from them.

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