How Long Do Topamax Side Effects Last? (Page 4)
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I began Topamax a week and a half ago as a migraine prevention. I am experiencing random facial, hands, and feet numbness. Mental fogginess, dull headaches, and tiredness. For those of you who have had success with migraine prevention and have taken this medication for a long time: How long did your side effects last? I have heard only a few weeks. I'm not sure If I can deal with this constantly much longer. I am contemplating which is the lesser of the two evils side effects vs. migraines. I have lost 10 lbs. though. Any advice?
I started topamax the first time the side effects for me were bad. For the first 2 weeks i was all over the place i hated myself. I started it for my headaches. Once i got over the 2 weeks it worked great. Before tm. I tryed 7 other meds an they either didnt work or i blew up like a ballon. After my son In 2012 I was 203 lbs I was put on 200mg a day in 2013. I was 182 lbs. and by Sept 2015 I was 138 lbs. But I also ate right and worked 60 hours a week as a bartender. Well I lost my way to pay for it... I stress this to you all... be careful if you stop this med cold turkey... I had really bad with draws.. I ended up in the hospital. That may not happen with everyone! I was also on it for 2 years. Sense I wasn't able to take it I gained 40lbs back in 2.5 months.
Well update as of today. My headaches and weight are out of control and topamax is the only thing that helps so the dr wants me to try again with it at a smaller mg and at night instead of the day. Tonight is the first night n I'm not doing very good. Wish me luck and I hope this helped some of you.
Some may ask why do it again after what happened when I ended it the first time. And the first 2 weeks. I had to ask myself can I deal with the pain and how I feel about my self. I'm the long run yes I'm a strong person. So ask your self the same thing.
I started having severe migraines almost daily two years ago after a head injury. I've been through the triptylines, Amitriptyline (sedation + weight gain), SNRIs, Cymbalta, Effexor (high blood pressure + no decrease in incidents), Botox (decrease severity but not number of incidents), and now just starting the anti-epileptics with Topiramate. I increase the dose weekly by 12.5 g and I'm up to 90g currently. I already have cognitive issues when I'm tired and have had no increased problems with finding words. I have a bit of tingling. I've increased my water intake on advice of pharmacist to avoid kidney stones so I haven't had dry mouth. This latest increase in dosage, I have noticed being more tired. I could nap anywhere, anytime. My headaches have already decreased incredibly. I've logged only one headache in the last 14 days (I spent 5 hours outside in a crowd concentrating) and it only reached a 4/10 on the pain scale, and resolved with an Advil + Tylenol.
So in my experience so far, Topiramate has been the best migraine prophylactic med in the past two years. I also use sumatriptan + maxran for acute migraine care however I've not taken that in over six weeks.
If this Topiramate doesn't pan out, I'll move on to the cardiac pressure type meds. Migraines, be gone!
I just started Topamax for seziures & migraines. And I just started feeling tingling in my left hand and my left foot. I was just wondering how long this will last?
I was on 100mg of topomax for 4 years. I loved how well it controlled my migraines but I knew it affected my cognition and ability to think and recall words. I didn't know how many other side effects I was experiencing from the topomax until I came off it. I had no energy and eventually it became debilitating. I'd work during the week and sleep ALL weekend (literally). It was terrible because I need to have a life! I also experienced much neuropathy in my feet, hands, and arms. I came off the topomax 1.5 months ago and feel so much better! However, the scary part is the cognition issues have not dissapated. I fear they are permanent and it makes me sad. Be careful. Just know that some side effects can be permanent. My migraine prevalence is the same when I was on the topomax now which is wayyy better than before. I think it changed my brain and the migraines will only happen a few times a month now but my cognition will forever be changed. Hopefully I'll get it back.
Been off Topiramate for over six months now and as previously posted I STILL have the metal taste, tinnitus along with the dry mouth and throat I developed during the early days of taking this medication. Dental checks result in no dental problem being detected. Also I don't feel my cognition has returned to pre Topiramate levels although this may have something to do with continuing Silent Migraine symptoms. Also I've regained the 10lbs I lost whilst taking it :( See consultant in a few weeks but dread taking any other medication offered as don't want any more lasting side effects.
I stopped taking topamax 18 months ago and still struggle to end sentences, poor memory and forget words. It's so frustrating. I was talking to a friend I have known for a year and had to ask her name. So embarrassing. I fear the side effects are permanent for me. I hope you are not the same. I was on it for over a year.
My device is to stick it out I've been on it for like 9 months or something I think I lost count but it does get better I can even drink soda again I've lost 40 pounds although I don't think I can afford to lose anymore lol but the side affects are gone and my head ache are a lot better than they were
I was on Topamax for about 3 years. I did experience the normal numbness, loss of concentration..all of those went away with time. But the severe depression, anxiety, and memory loss were all things I began suffering with and it got only worse when increasing my dosage, finally at 400mg a day. My work even started saying they were noticing me in a "daze", not understanding simple tasks. I have been off Topamax now for 5 years. I barely remember my late 20's. But my memory loss is still here and apparent. After reading this blog, I'm wondering if this has all been due to the drug. None of my doctors, all which were all aware of each other...ever connected the 2. Now what I want to know is can or how can I get my memory back. I was a college grad, that had a brain, now I feel like an i**** at times.
I weaned off 100 mg in two weeks. ALL symptoms -- severe fatigue, tingling in extremities, significant depression -- gone!
I have multiple diagnoses, one of which is Complex PTSD, for which I, too, am on an intricate cocktail of drugs. My first successful psych med was and continues to be Topamax (Topiramate). My first dose was 25 mg and I remember the day we moved it to 50 when my fingers started tingling, but it went away.
Up until 10 months ago, the meds I was on made me gain weight. Then I changed doctors and he, knowing that I've already had a gastric bypass, knew that it was imperative to take me off any weight gainers and get me on weight stabilizers or losers. In the last month, I've dropped 20 lbs. I needed to drop every pound of that. I'm hoping they will up the dosage in hopes that it will further help with my C-PTSD and Fibromyalgia, but the weight loss, too.
After years, any benefits for me have outweighed the negative.
My advice is to keep at it in the long run its so worth it I've had brain surgery and I'm on this med for migraines and to prolong vision loss due to pressure in the brain but I've been on it for about 8 months and for real about 2 months ago started feeling good but my doses kept getting upped just make sure to take it the same time everyday I've lost about 30 pounds and feel great and I wish you the best but just know before I felt so horrible so I know what your going through and I hope it gets better
I was on 100 mg of Topomax since mid-March. Experienced chronic fatigue, tingling in arms and legs and depression. Doctor thinks it's the Topomax, so last week I was on 50 mg a day and this week 25 mg a day. Today is my last day. Any idea on how long the side effects might last until they go away?
I feel the exact same way. I am so glad I am not the only one. Ever since I started on the 100mg dose and higher, my anxiety has skyrocketed and I feel like I'm going insane.
How long are you tired I'm so tired all the time I can't function at all I had brain surgery 4 years ago I went blind over a 9 month period after surgery my vision got better but now my head achs are so bad they put me on topamax 75mg in the morning and 75 mg at night I've lost 23 pounds but I can't go outside with my kids because of the heat its horrible how long does the tired feeling last I've been on this for 6 months but they uped the dose about a month ago
Yes I still have the taste and hypersecretion, visit the dentist no problem the dentist said but hope it will go away. Off for 3 months
What dosage are you on.? I am om 100 mg for about 5 weeks so far no results in helping my migraines I've lost 9 lbs, get dizziness, have sleep issues, and fatigue, dry mouth. I am working may way up to 150 mg prescribed by my dr. I am curious of your dosage. If there is hope it will help & the side effects will subside I'm willing to stick it out a little longer.
I just started Topamax last night the generic form "Topiramate" 50mg and after reading all these comments I'm stopping NOW! I woke up with the numbness and tingling crap and I don't like it! I woke up confused and agitated as well. I called my doctor on the way to work and told her I did not like the feeling and that I needed something else other than this medication. It's a very scary feeling to wake up feeling numb and confused! I thought I was having a stroke this morning. What a horrible feeling! I wish I would've been warned at least!
Five months after ceasing Topiramate I still have a metal taste. I've consulted my GP who ordered blood tests but they showed nothing untoward. I also developed tinnitus which also remains to this day -its like having someone sit on my shoulder blowing into the neck of an empty bottle :( Fortunately the tingling I had in my face stopped shortly after I stopped this medication as did the confused episodes. My memory's better though its not as good as before I took Topiramate. By the way I was prescribed this medication for Silent Migraine.
How can you say it's not as bad as people say? This drug effects people differently. My hair was falling out in clumps at 25mg after 2 months, my memory was shot, the tingling felt like burning etc. I've been suffering with severe migranes since i was 15 years old. PEOPLE need to understand NOTHING will always affect you as it does others that's what makes people different.
Hi . I feel for you as I have tried all the preventative drugs throughout my 50 years of being a migraine sufferer. One of them was Topomax and it it did nothing to help only gave me horrible side effects. One of which was hair loss. It didn't all fall out but a lot did and what was left went frizzy. I would have put up with that if it had worked for the migraines but it didn't. I advise you to ask your Neurologist for Candesartan tablets. They are a blood pressure tablet but are also the newest prophylactic for migraines. I am on them and they are helping. You have to research and suggest things in this game! Good luck.
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