How Long Do Topamax Side Effects Last? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I began Topamax a week and a half ago as a migraine prevention. I am experiencing random facial, hands, and feet numbness. Mental fogginess, dull headaches, and tiredness. For those of you who have had success with migraine prevention and have taken this medication for a long time: How long did your side effects last? I have heard only a few weeks. I'm not sure If I can deal with this constantly much longer. I am contemplating which is the lesser of the two evils side effects vs. migraines. I have lost 10 lbs. though. Any advice?

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I'm really interested in any alternatives or what type of preventative you are currently taking? I had no idea the side effects of this medication and have even been diagnosed with ADHD since being put on it. Hoping to be off a lot of my meds in the near future!! Thanks:)

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In response to alternatives, I have severe chronic migraines. I was perceived topamax after trying about 10 other preventative meds. Topamax was the first to have any effect on migraine, reducing frequency to about half. Cognitively I suffered a lot of memory recall issues. Weight loss was also very severe. My dr. Changed my script to zonegran. That med saved my life. All migraines gone, no cognitive issues, no taste issues and still affected weight loss but to a lesser degree. I recommend if you are taking topamax for migraine, ask your dr. About zonegran. I've been on it for three years

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I have been on topamax for many years (for migraines). The tingling gets less eventually depending on dosage (6months max)and the taste thing, you are stuck with more feeling and nausea can be possibly eliminated by taking the medicine at night vs morning or the other way around...maybe try the slow release topamax

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This is a reply to Allison's question...I have been off Topomax for quite a while now i am still suffering from the side effects of this medication and wondered many times if these side effects will be permanent...I have put my question out to the public but have received no response....Although, it does seem to be fading away some so maybe it takes a while for it to go away.Best of luck Allison hope for your sake and mine it will not have permanent damage... I still say that Topomax should not be prescribed and should be off the market for the side effects of this medication is to severe.

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My experience with Topamax sounds similar to yours. I took 50mg daily from late 2004- to early 2007 and again from late 2009- early 2015 (had a pregnancy and breastfed during the period when I stopped treatment). Over the past couple of years, I noticed greater difficulty finding words and naming objects. My doctor stopped the Topamax about 6 months ago and started low dose Elavil. I haven't yet experienced the return to normal that my doc expected so 6 weeks ago he started Ritalin 10mg two times daily to improve my focus and concentration thinking it would help with the issues (I do not have ADD/ADHD). I can't yet tell if these issues have improved. I'm starting to think that Topamax permanently changed my brain. I am and nurse staff educator for a longlong-term care facility so I understand the troubles you had as a teacher. Staff education is always "fun" as I never know if I will have an issue while lecturing or what I might call a particular object. Still hoping to see improvement as time goes on but preparing myself for the possibility that this may be permanent.

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Help!!! So I've been on topamax now for about 2 years starting off at 150 mg twice a day and not having any luck in stopping my grand mal seizures. About a year ago they started me on 150 mg of lamictal twice a day and reduced the topamax to 50 mg twice a day. Since I started taking topamax I noticed a loss of words (if you can't tell in this post ??)... Once starting the combination of meds I've been seizure free for 15 months but starting to notice more severe side effects... I have an EXTREME loss of words now, memory loss (I have to gps everything... Even when visiting my home town), thinning of hair, loss of concentration (only I had ADD as a child but have tolerated it as an adult), now depression (possibly due to feeling like an i**** all of the time), and it takes much longer for me to comprehend anything. When I told my neurologist about my memory problem she said "ehh I don't think it's your memory just your focussing that's lacking" so she prescribed me to 5 mg once a day of adderall. Then I had trouble sleeping so she prescribed me 10 mg of Ambien at night. I'm still left feeling stupid (granted I can concentrate) then I forget the information I just took in so its pointless, wake up tired from the Ambien, and stupid from the topomax I suppose! What the heck do I do! I went to my Neuro last week and told him AGAIN in of my loss of words and memory problems and he prescribed me to the topamax sprinkles? Has anyone tried this?!? Any difference in side effects?!?? Please!

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I am sorry to tell you that I took Topomax about ten years ago for a couple of months. It immediately affected my memory, and it never returned to normal. I still have trouble with words, names, and things people told me. I hope you fare better than I have.

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I have been taking topamax for over 10 years the doctor said I had migraine & seizures. I used on have such a great memory that my friends called me walking directory. Now, I have memory fog & can only remember things prior to taking this crap. Last year I finally went to Santa Barbara Samsung clinic & was told per my testi have no signs of epilepsy. Theses damage doctors just want to keep the pharmaceutical in business. For migraine or headache I now take salmon oilily pills by Neo Life just helps me so 3& I think I'm getting my memory I used to have. I went off topamax 1 week ago today & feel so much better. Thank God I found neo life products.

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My life was unbearable until I discovered Propranolol for prevention and sumatriptan nasal sprays for pain relief, both have no side effects and seem to work for every sufferer I know. Try asking your doctor for those.

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How can you say it's not as bad as people say? This drug effects people differently. My hair was falling out in clumps at 25mg after 2 months, my memory was shot, the tingling felt like burning etc. I've been suffering with severe migranes since i was 15 years old. PEOPLE need to understand NOTHING will always affect you as it does others that's what makes people different.

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I weaned off 100 mg in two weeks. ALL symptoms -- severe fatigue, tingling in extremities, significant depression -- gone!

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I went to a weight loss clinic to lose 20 pounds. I started on 25 mg at night 3 weeks ago. Within the first week, my feet began tingling, my face would go numb, I had problems enunciating words (tongue tied), my brain was foggy, and I couldn't find my words. I also had the fishbowl effect. I became dizzy. 3 weeks later, the fish bowl effect mostly stopped and new side effects include: periods of rage, bad anxiety, diarrhea, nausea, daily headaches that last all day , irritability, and insomnia. I will forget midsentence what the heck I'm even talking about. I'm having horrible mood swings. I'm weaning myself off starting today, and I will never take this crap again. I swear I've lost IQ points.

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Hi. I started the med with the same course of treatment. By the time I was on 100mg for about 2 weeks I felt like breathing was a chore. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I felt as if I belonged in a hospital. I am generally a very active person and workout on a consistent basis. I could barely get myself to work. My dose was cut in half to 50 and I immediately started feeling noticeably better. After about 2 weeks at 50, now 2 months on the med, I again started to feel sick. I was slower in everything I did and just felt a constant need to sleep, although I could not indulge. I just yesterday decided I've had enuf and am weaning off 50mg at the doctor's direction by cutting the pills in half. I'm supposed to take half a pill at bedtime for a week then I can stop completely. I would like to just stop now. Do you know if I can just stop without doing the whole week? I took one half last night which equals about 25mg.

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I've been on Topiramate for 6 yrs now for fibromyalgia and nerve damage. It has damaged my kidneys and I have suffered from kidney stones not realizing it was from this drug. I am currently being weaned off of it. It's not worth it...yes it worked for the pain control, but now I am fearful for the damage that it has done to my kidneys...I also suffered hair loss and numerous other side effects but kept drudging on. I'm 54 lady and very concerned for my health at this point.

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If you eat a piece of fruit(banana and apples is what I use) when u take it , it will help with the side effects, something to do with potassium in it. It counter acts the effects

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I was taking 200mg 2x a day for 5 years for migraines. I experienced fatigue, severe brain fog, tiredness, inability to remember things, and KIDNEY STONES! I have been off it for 10 months now and things are slowly improving. I can remember people's names now! And I'm no longer tired all the time.

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I am on topamax 50mg twice daily for epilepsy 4years nows but i dnt like the effects i have! Serious tiredness wit up to 10hr or more of sleep.... My neurologist took me frm Epilim to topamax as in his words a far less severe drug i disagree as i was a lot more outgoing without taking topamax

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This isn't a weight loss drug!

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I can't remember how long I've been on it, over 3 months But my husband and I just come to the realization that my mind is bad because of it. I am on the 100m dose now and stopped. I have bad panic attacks now. Have trouble keeping my thoughts positive. I see light traces at bedtime. No drowsiness I have insomnia. Can't sleep. Can't eat. Food disgusts me. I have to force myself to get nutrients in. I keep blaming myself wanting to die. I feel miserable. But only after my dose was upped to 100. I stepped in front of a semi but he hit the brakes. I don't know why I did it. I have just been playing over in my head all the bad negative thoughts and moments in my life. They are just brought to the surface. My good memories seem to have been surpressed, I hate it. I wish I never took it! I cry everyday since I've been on it. I've never been emotional like this, I always valued my life. For me Topomax is very bad. I stopped taking it last night. Also it makes my fingers toes and face like ice and chills, my heart races, numbness in feet and hands, stomache pains and blurred vision, my right arm shakes and my memory is gone, missing not right. My mind is not right. My husband knows me best. He says it's the Topomax. I was taking it for mood disorder I think. They didn't really tell me. They just prescribed it to me.

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Hello! I saw your post and, as a pharmacist, I must say I know of some people that had the same side effects. Nevertheless one must realise that those side effects that you complain about are a consequence of how the medicine works. It reduces the uncontrolled electrical activity that exists when someone has a seizure (epilepsy) or a migraine. Since our way of thinking also comes with electrical activity, then the side effects you experience are to be expected. Normally a person who first starts with this medication takes it in gradually higher dosages AND MUST NOT stop it all of a sudden. Was that the way you were told to take it?

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