How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 9) (Top voted first)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

194 Replies (10 Pages)

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Hi. How long should I wait to take Suboxone after my last dose of Oxycodone? Thank you.

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Re: Ken (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

You took 12...30mg oxycodone and 2 60s oxytocin,..its a wonder you didn't OD....I take 20mg x 3 aday and wanting to get off the roller coaster.. Tired been doing it over 12 years and I'm 60

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Re: Mr Clean (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I just wanted to say that the Naloxone in suboxone is only there to prevent abuse of the suboxone. Naloxone is extremely poorly absorbed through the oral route so it was added to suboxone to prevent IV use of the drug. It should not interfere with other opiates on board.

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How long will I need to wait to take suboxone after I've been off 80mg of methadone for 8 days and I've been on 100 mg of roxicodone for five days?

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Re: Mr Clean (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

If I took a 1film subox 8mg and 8 hours later can I take Oxycodone and will it help my pain?

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Ok so I took sub for only a like two days now and I now have my meds refills so the last time I took a sub was at 2pm can I take my roxy now at 7 dnt wanna do something stupid lol

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If I cut a suboxone strip and used only bout a 2cm thick piece, will it have effect since im now able to take my normal oxycodone pain meds or would they just be wasted?

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I am having trouble sleeping due to pain, and I believe Nortriptyline. If I am on Suboxone two times a day, morning and night, would it be OK to take some Oxycodone to get through one night of insomnia? My doctor didn't call, so I don't have any suggested or prescribed sleeping pills, or suggested meds to discontinue. I thought I wouldn't take the Nortriptyline tonight and take it in the morning instead of at night, too. I checked online, and Nortriptyline is known to cause insomnia. Help!

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Thank you! I'm tired of seeing all these people freaking out due to warnings of precipitated withdrawal from taking opiates and subs too close together--people do it all the time without any adverse effects

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My son has been taking Oxycodone for about 6 months, he has weaned himself from long acting (2 weeks ago) and for the last few days (3-4) he has weaned himself from 5 pills to 3 today. How long should he wait to take suboxone? He takes his last dose of Oxy at 10:30 at night and gets up at 12:30PM (14 Hrs) any suggestions? He has PW a couple of times that is why he weaned himself down.. Any Help

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Ya.... Sub's are good to detox with... But wait till you detox from the sub's.... terrible... Not as bad as methadone though

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Omg -- for the last time you don't have to away with subs I don't know if it's propaganda so people feel the full withdrawal and then our rescued by subs because it is a miracle for stopping with drawl I have flip-flop back-and-forth between subs and opiates when I run short of my medication if you take an opiate shortly after a sub you don't feel the effects of the opiate if you take a sub shortly after I mean like two hours you will not have the imaginary precipitated withdrawal if you start to feel withdraw me it's only because you don't have enough sub in your system so you're really experiencing the regular OB it was drawl so if you take another sub it goes away long-term sub users or people that flip-flop know this to be true Suboxone is like a miracle because of his longer half-life if I did not have pain I would totally switched to subs and get off the stupid opiates but subs don't work for pain

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i don't do d but I'm perscribed oxycodone and I have friends that do d and they said when there trying to get off that they have to wait until withdraws because strips have narcon in them and that works against opioids narcon is used for when someone overdoses so taking a strip after d will put you in more intense withdraws compared to just trying to kick so wait until you start getting sick

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I've been taking 120 mg a day for 3 weeks it's been 20 hours since my last is it ok to take a suboxone
Before starting taking pills again was on subs for 2 weeks don't no why went back

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If this is too personal its ok, but I was wondering if you had to have a kidney transplant because of the opiate use??

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I was on a Suboxone treatment plan for almost 3 months earlier this year, then moved to a new state. I couldn't get into a sub doctor for 3 weeks, so what would most of us addicts do? I substituted with opiates. Finally got a doctor, and put back on two 8 mg subs daily. I waited a good 15 hours to take my first sub after my last dose, but was thrown into pwd's. That was the most horrifying experience of my life. I just don't understand how I could have been thrown into pwd's. I thought I waited plenty long enough. Now I'm in the boat of being too terrified to start the subs, again, because of fear of pwd's again.

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You're 100% right and know your stuff. I took 1 x 10mg oxycodone, and then about 5-6 hours later, took a 4mg suboxone and I'm all good now.

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I'm way outta control on my Roxy use. It started as just taking half of a 30. Then a whole 30, then two 30s a day. Now I can take 4 a day and be just fine. It consumes all of my money. What the hell do I do? I don't have insurance. But if I don't have a lil magic f***ing pill on my dresser in the morning to take, my day isn't worth a shot, hell that's if I get outta bed. I just can't do the withdrawals. I have a sub strip and I took my last 30 at 8:30 this morning. It's now 3:30pm and I'm gonna try it. I hope to god it doesn't make me sick. But I'm used to taking a 30 and have another 2. So here goes. I really would like to kick this habit. Life is miserable with this addiction.

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I’ve been taking opana 30 mg for about 6 years and I just stopped 4 days ago and started taking 30 mg blue roxys. I’m doing about 7 to 8 a day been taking for four days now. I’m ready to start my suboxone but don’t want to take it to soon. How long do I need to wait before taking the suboxone?

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Re: Mr plz let this work (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

I am about to get off opiates for the 3rd time in 4 yrs. I've had 3 back surgeries and each time, I end up where I am now. The one thing that let's me know it's time to take a sub is when my eyes are pinned (pupils very small) , throw in some sweats, chills and RLS and you are ready. I have discovered something absolutely amazing, it's all natural and it WORKS! It's called Calm support. I just got ordered a 3 mo supply because it is so amazing. I also take 2 immodium about 10 hrs after the last oxy 30. Also, 800 mgs of ibuprophine the night before I go to sleep and in the morn. I have waited 12 -14 hrs and have been fine. I NEVER take a whole strip at first, just a quarter . See how you feel 3 or 4 hrs after, then take another quarter if needed. I always do. I've also noticed that subs keep me awake, so I try not to take any after 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I will NEVER be in this position again and advise anyone who is considering back surgery to avoid it at all costs. My addiction has cost me my family's faith in me and my faith in myself. I was going through so much pain after my first back surgery I folded and started using again.. I had been using before the surgery and believed I would not need another pain pill for the rest of my life after I had the surgery. The pain was worse than before. Unbearable!!! So, I am on my way back to reality and away from all of the madness these opiates create. One more thing, melatonin is very helpful for sleep. It is all natural as well. PLEASE do yourselves a favor and spend the money on Calm Support. It is AMAZING!

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