How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 7) (Top voted first)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

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Hurting or withdrawaling? Sub wont help pain a 40 op wouldn't help!
If u withdrawal ur going to "waste" can take sub prec wd is bs...but better have full script of sub because 1?wont be enough to overcome wd! Esp if u already wd on a long acting med!!!

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Well there here where I live and what do keep talking about withdrawals?? I have been on subutex for 6 months and when I have sever pain I'll take a norco 10 after it helps no withdrawals. I have worked in the medical field . So I'm confused how could subutex and another pain reliver could cause withdrawal. I would not recommend it. You only have withdraws if you run out of your meds and don't have any. I don't get it

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Matthew, If you read alllll the sub literature-marketing propaganda & some drs say If you are Not like 3 Days into opiate wd, then magically sub (taken "too soon") will cause a "special withdrawal" called "precipitated" wd...and the logic by extension is that if someone is on sub & then takes an op, that they will then spiral into this magical hell of precipitated wd! Thereby making sub & op mutually exclusive....that is why all the ignorant questions exist about "how soon can i take an op". But kudos to you if you've never had a pharmacy issue or any shortage or simply started sub but had unbearable pain & needed to return to ops....But OF COURSE these people are asking because they are ping ponging back & forth! But to answer it again for all the new readers--precipated wd is total bs...coming off ops u can taken sub immediately (if u feel like u r still in wd ITS BECAUSE U NEED MORE SUB & its just the regular wd not fully suppressed!) if u are on sub full-time & have pain u can take ops (just like when i had surgery the anesthesiologist said sub? Precip wd? ...laughed at the ignorance of believing that!...ur op may not feel as strong.... These are just my opinions based upon experience & medical advice & everyone i know who has long term experience with sub...everyone needs to do what is right for them!

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Dope head go to rehab I take 2 subs a day broke most of my bones. Gotta take some pain so deal with it. . I get so sick of crying I know cancer patients that take less than y'all do

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Sorry your wrong oxycodone has a half life of 4 hours and it will still be in your system 6hours.

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I agree w/ ur theory...a friend & i discussed when we were on high dose long ops when young could just stop. I was on meds late teens early 20s for gyno cancer & after like 5 years just stopped sovi could start planning to get preg. Zero wd seriosly
I swear i never had wd until later in life (20 years later) &!even then only after i "heard about it"
Did have more psy add feeling in past than i do now, however

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Hey mr. Clean how lon do you need to wait to take a sub after 5mg of morphine and a very small dose of dilaudia at the hospital now I need to take my suboxone but I'm afraid to do it this soon it was 9 when should I be able to take it safely

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I am not a doctor but do take Subutex and have had to have pain medication post cancer. In my experience one need not wait too long a time after taking Oxycodone - one can take either Subutex or Suboxone withing 8 hours from last does and from my experience with will not throw one's self into a withdrawal. However - if it is Oxycontin then that is a different story and you should wait a good deal of time contingent upon the amount you have been taking. With Oxycodone, 40 mgs, I was able to take my Subutex in the morning when I woke and without any problem. Again, I am not a doctor but am sharing my experience with. The ones one must be very, very careful with taking Sus too soon are Morphine of any kind that has been taken orally (if it has been given intravenously it is out of your body within four hours respectively..but orally it lasts a long, long time and you must be very careful as if you do take too soon you will absolutely go into a precipitated w/d which is a nightmare. Fentanyl as well, one must wait also - with Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone (Percocet, Vicodin or Diaudid) - one is safe taking Sub eight hours after last use of. Best of luck to you. Hope this helps - always very good though to check with physician before ya do anything. Just sayin'...

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What about if you're not in withdrawals
Will it hurt then

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Thanks for the info I'm just COMMING off Oxy hcl 30 mg 6 times a day and switching to subs. I've been up for 72 hrs of pure hell takeing small amounts of Oxy when things got bad was sleeping restlessly In between doses I've stopped 9 hrs ago and have the induction in 3 hrs I took Benadryl 9 hrs ago and it took most of my withdrawal away wish I would of tried that days ago it makes things very bearable don't know if anyone has tryed that before but it's really has stopped me from climbing the walls thanks for the 12 hr hookup I thought I was in trouble cuz the doc said 24 hrs hope this works and good luck to you all

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Thank you Mr Clean! For some reason you seemed honest and knowledgeable. Everyone else were scarying the heck out of me....and Sure enough...your advice was 100. 12 hours after taking last oxycodone seemed to do the trick!!!!!!

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My story is almost damm near the Same and I don't no what to do

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Same here I've been perscribed oxycodone for a couple of years and every once in a while I will take my last oxy and go to bed and wake up and take 1/4 of strip and I'm good not high which I don't care for and deff not sick and I like doing that to get off oxys every now and then

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Once and for all nobody has to wait, there is no such thing as precipitated withdrawal's. If you take Suboxone and you feel like you're having withdrawals that's simply your opiate withdrawals and under treatment was the box and just take another strip and you'll be fine.

Like other people I've been on long term opiates but also been in the hospital with cancer and the doctors immediately gave me not just my pain medication but my Suboxone. There are no interactive problems. I think it's marketing propaganda to make people feel like super s*** in major withdrawals then when they take it three days later instead of immediately they feel like Sub is a godsend which it is, but if you wait three days to take it you've already been through the main part of withdrawal so don't even bother with subs, otherwise just take them immediately when you would've taken your next dose of opiates. There's no reaction. I know so many people that mix their opiates and Suboxone. There are no problems doing that.

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My situation is so similar, been getting prescribed norcos for 11 years. It sucks being miserable and in pain and sucks that pain management is so horrible and life controlling.

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Hi I'm 13 hours in not taking a pill I been taking 5 Vic's 7.5 a day for 2 years from a torn shoulder now I'm trying hard to get off of them can I take a sub now I have 8 mg sub but I only want to take 2 mg bc I only want to take them for 4 days until the withdraw is over or should I take 4 mg thanks

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So as a mother myself I've been down that road and not saying what I have done in the past will work for you but I myself have done 5-10 30mg oxycodone in a day or for days/years at a time n did the same thing and got Suboxone on the street for a period of time. Now I used to do the 5-10 oxys, sometimes doing my last one at 1am and wake up at 1030am n take a piece of sub. I found that taking a quarter of it in the morning and a quarter of it(8mgsub) at night helped me wonders n I never went into rapid withdrawal. Now I only take an 8th of one so 1mg/day and I'm good! So best of luck! If you have any ?s or need someone to talk too u can ask!

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Absolutely agree, the famous fear of withdrawal hell is bs, I switch between oxys and subs all the time with no withdrawals.

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Sooooo super wd caused by taking subs w opiates...feel bad for people who wait believing it will cause wd...if u take sub after ops & feel withdrawaly its only because u didnt take enough sub...ive taken both at same time essentially after surgery & just discussed this w my dr who is licensed as a sub precriber & pm dr. He was telling me he had to reassure a sub patient who had surgery & needed op for pain relief but she had precip wd fears & had to explain to her its bs & is abt keeping addicted patients on track of subox only etc....& i also know this to be true from personal need to wait people ...if u have subs take them when u need them!

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I have talked on this subject before everyone is different when it comes down to medicine IV heard people say they went into withdrawals when your taking oxycodone or any opiates at all suboxone has naloxone in it an it's an opiate an naloxone is a blocker that stops you from feeling the opiates IV taken both before an nothing happened others said it gave them a bad headache but suboxone is mainly used by people wanting to get off opiates but all I found out it's just wasting the oxycodone pill when taking suboxone or vice versa each medicine is for certain problems hope this helps have a good day thanks Ken

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