How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 5)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

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I take 1/4 piece to aid in withdrawal after 12 to 24 hours after doing without and showing symptoms. Been on subs for a week straight and that's good compared to my previous routine. A miracle drug to replace the pain pills but also has dependency with withdrawal.

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This was extremely helpful for me. Thank you very much.

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You can take suboxone immediately after. Suboxone only causes withdrawals if taken after methadone or opiates. Don't wait for full withdrawal, that's what it's for.

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My son has been taking Oxycodone for about 6 months, he has weaned himself from long acting (2 weeks ago) and for the last few days (3-4) he has weaned himself from 5 pills to 3 today. How long should he wait to take suboxone? He takes his last dose of Oxy at 10:30 at night and gets up at 12:30PM (14 Hrs) any suggestions? He has PW a couple of times that is why he weaned himself down.. Any Help

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I have been taking h for last 3 weeks, so stopped taking subs as on a script. I also take 40mil oxy a day. How long should i wait after oxy last 10mil was at 6.30pm to start subs again as there all the meds i have.

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Total BS I have alternated the subs and Oxsee's in either direction precipitated withdrawal is bogus I think is part of the marketing campaign to make people feel like crap so is the box and can save them because it is a miracle drug to help them stay clean I know countless people That alternate with drawl has never happened if you don't feel good or withdraw me when you take Suboxone's it's not because you took them to early it's because you didn't take enough !

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AGREED!!! it makes me crazy when i see these questions about pw!!! Every sub user i I have spoken with doesn't want to admit it to everybody but they often alternate whenever they get pills-- and they never have a problem even if they take it at the same time two hours later zero hours later and either direction and I've also done this myself when waiting for a script and my pain was out of control I think it's total marketing propaganda! Sub is a muracle if getting off pills but so many people are using it as a "stopgap"'or in emergencyvand in that case there's absolutely no reason to suffer because such p wdrls!!!! Eithr "direction!"

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Ya.... Sub's are good to detox with... But wait till you detox from the sub's.... terrible... Not as bad as methadone though

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I took a oxycodone 15 milligrams I am in full with draw took it almost 2 hours ago can I take my suboxone and now I'm so sick my stomach hurts so bad

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Omg -- for the last time you don't have to away with subs I don't know if it's propaganda so people feel the full withdrawal and then our rescued by subs because it is a miracle for stopping with drawl I have flip-flop back-and-forth between subs and opiates when I run short of my medication if you take an opiate shortly after a sub you don't feel the effects of the opiate if you take a sub shortly after I mean like two hours you will not have the imaginary precipitated withdrawal if you start to feel withdraw me it's only because you don't have enough sub in your system so you're really experiencing the regular OB it was drawl so if you take another sub it goes away long-term sub users or people that flip-flop know this to be true Suboxone is like a miracle because of his longer half-life if I did not have pain I would totally switched to subs and get off the stupid opiates but subs don't work for pain

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What are the withdrawals from subs after taking for 4 days and when I asked about the 10 milligram oxycodone I've been on Ms cotton for almost a year have a night Ms cotton for two days so I've been taken 10 milligram oxycodone just to get by and check out my subs I took my sub I'm sorry I took my IC code on at 12 it did not work I'm sick can I take my sub now and be saved it's 2 o'clock a.m. 2 hours later

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I found subs much easier to detox from because of the long half-life. I found it to be much slower, less sickening. I was on Methadone for a time but it didn't control my pain and scare the hell out of me about it's long build up. I really wish the government would stop the bulls*** about opioid overdose. It's like they care when they could provide the Suboxone program to help opioid addicts which would avoid the travel to once a day doses and making a ritual out of going to the methadone clinic.

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3 days!? Lol like 10-12 hours.

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You do not have to wait till full withdrawals are in affect before taking sub... At the first sign of withdrawal you can take sub safely... No reason to start puking n s***ting b4 your dose. 16 years of every day use... lots of medical issues from living so hardcore :-)

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To everyone advising people they don't need to wait until they are in full withdrawals, please stop giving this advice.

I used to think the same thing. I'd go on short breaks from subs, and when I switched back to sub I'd use before bed and feel withdrawal in the morning and pop a sub. That is until one time it didn't work that way. I experienced a hell that you wouldn't believe. At several points I begged my chick to get me a knife so I could kill myself. I'm shaky just thinking about it, it was traumatizing. I've been through cold-turkey opiate withdrawal, and that was pleasant times compared to this. You're playing with fire every time you induct onto subs without being fully in withdrawal. I was feeling withdrawal, maybe it was psychological, but I felt sick.

YOU NEED TO BE IN MODERATE TO SEVERE WITHDRAWAL BEFORE STARTING ON SUBOXONE. PERIOD. Just because you got away with it doesn't mean everyone else will, so stop advising people based on your personal experiences.

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Hey how long can i take a suboxone after morphine

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Your experience was likely simply not enough sub to counteract the opiate & were on opiate wd. Not only do i have experience personally that waiting is total bs--anesthialogist told me total bs before & after major surgeries/knocked & went back & forth w/ subs & opiates-- everybody is different its true so people need to take "board advice" lightly but funny how when people think its precip wd-if they take another 8mg of sub--it goes away!! Its straight opiate w/d without enough sub onboard to allevitate it!! Anesth dr was like "wd is dangerous, sub is just a partial opiate so not getting full affect of ops/knock med so we have to adjust" & they did the same when i asked for sub in hospital After surgical pain was under control and had been on iv morphine for 3 days!!! They said not a prob & started sub immediately but started w higher dose 24mg instead of 16--for one day...precip wd is bs...its good old fashioned opiate wd without enough sub on board to fix...just my opin ... But everybody starts out with the precipitated withdrawal "paranoia"

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The two that really need to be watched out for are oral Morphine and Fentanyl - one should def wait before taking sub as one can throw themsleves into a nightmare WD - wait as long as poss w/these two for sure!!!! Thru exp have found that 6 hrs really is enough time for many meds to get out if system - Sub I have been able to take 4 hrs after taking Dilaudid as well as Hydrocodone. Of course we are all different but many need not get super sick before starting Sub - always tho talk w/good doc you trust.

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You know everyone its a big mobkey on our backs i had 4 operations on one foot ended up addicted to opiets FINALLY when i could not get any more i suffered withdrawl and we all know how that feels so i went into a saboxin program now i ended up breaking 4 ribs and bruising my lung yup had to go back on perks (really needed them) this particular dr was giving a hell of lot of perks as an addict of course i am going to eat them! Well i overdid it and have my saboxin waiting for me at the pharmacy well cuz i ate so many perks i cannot get my saboxin for 28 days going thru withdrawal and mad at myself for asking the dr for more scripts when i was not in any pain anymore!!!!!! All i can say is it really really sucks to be an addict and we are not all to blame that runs in our genes whos mother grandmother grandfather had addiction problems i wish everyone good luck and strength and will power NOT to let this take over our lives

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Sorry Jude...that awful...
i have friend who was ling term op addict...she went on sub and it seemed like a miracle cure I don't think she ever fully stopped the subs hanging around that I half a milligram to milligram -- no work yourself back to six mg per day ...
What I find most disheartening is I do think subs are a miracle it would certainly and a lot of hepatitis over does homelessness and a lot of things that come with your win and really severe op abuse

Regarding the last post I always take subs within four hours of oral morphine short acting never had a problem w prec wd...fentyl so strong and such a frightening medication although very necessary I don't think I would trust subs to be able to overcome WD from fenyyl

Good luck with your struggle Jude he did it once you can do it again !!!

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