How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 2)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

194 Replies (10 Pages)

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Ok so I took sub for only a like two days now and I now have my meds refills so the last time I took a sub was at 2pm can I take my roxy now at 7 dnt wanna do something stupid lol

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I took a suboxone 12 hours after I took a 30mg oxycodone and feel fine, you don't have to wait 24 hours that's not true. 10 to 12 hours and you'll be fine trust me I did it

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Wire your story is do much like mine! I hate myself for being addicted to Roxie 's! My kids see me sick and say daddy is sick again! I pray to God that we get clean this time. It has been about 20 hours since I had Roxie feel pretty rough but nothing compared to taking subs to early. Hang in there get clean!!!!

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You should be fine to take your roxy 30s by then i took an 80mgoc 1hour prior to dosing with 2 8mg subutex but everyone is different but id say take away with no sickness if that's all you took iv taken with oxycodone 15 an 30mg all at same time i never got sick i felt okay but i was dumb to do that but i did good 2months then i toke together an its a nice pain free no sickness an see triple vision not 2trucks but 3 but wasted my money an time cause i came back an got back on them from the doctor who gave me them first time

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Ten to twelve hours is ur safest bet or you might face some severe withdrawl symptoms

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I took some norkos 5 hours ago cause i ran out of suboxone. Well, i just filled them& took 4 mg. Will that be ok?

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If I cut a suboxone strip and used only bout a 2cm thick piece, will it have effect since im now able to take my normal oxycodone pain meds or would they just be wasted?

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I am having trouble sleeping due to pain, and I believe Nortriptyline. If I am on Suboxone two times a day, morning and night, would it be OK to take some Oxycodone to get through one night of insomnia? My doctor didn't call, so I don't have any suggested or prescribed sleeping pills, or suggested meds to discontinue. I thought I wouldn't take the Nortriptyline tonight and take it in the morning instead of at night, too. I checked online, and Nortriptyline is known to cause insomnia. Help!

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its been over 20 hr since i usedis it safe to take a bub by now

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I hope you're right or Ill be thinking of you while I'm puking. Lol

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Omg ur story is soo my story i know exactly how u feel

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I've taken a 8mg suboxone for three last dose was at 12am. Am I safe to take a Percocet 10mg for pain immediately now at 530am. Please help!

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I been on roxys 30 for about 5 yrs I took my last 1 today about 10:00a.m. and took zubsolv at 9:00p.m. and felt good

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I've been doing 1-1/2 to 2 30 mg. Oxycodones a day for the past 3 weeks since my 36 year old son was killed by a hit and run driver a block from his house. I couldn't take the pain, and having been an h user for about two years, it was easy to avoid being hysterical using 30's. Now, I want off, how soon after using can I start suboxone strips? Someone said "right away" but she's never been in wd and does alot more than me, for a much longer time . Please help me someone, I hate this feeling!

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Its been 6hrs since i took a D4 can i take a suboxone?

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Totally confused its been 20 hours since doctor gave me 20mg of meth. My body wants to take 1/4 of sub. Have I waited long enough. Exhausted bad leg syndrome can't sleep OK answer!!!

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If you do h regularly, you need to be in full withdrawal. The suboxone will cause you immediate withdrawl. I had to wait 1 1/2 days.

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You don't need to wait sometimes I think it's propaganda so that people feel full with drawl and never want to experience it again because the Suboxone and works wonders I have mixed both Suboxone and opiates
At same time for you don't need to wait sometimes I think it's propaganda so that people feel full with drawl and never want to experience it again because the Suboxone and works wonders I have mixed both Suboxone and opiates pain--i've taken Suboxone four hours after my last dose of opiates and as I said earlier taking opiates when the Suboxone did not help with pain I know people who of mixed it for years I've never encountered or heard of a single individual ever!!!!

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I didn't wait at all bad to say but iv even mixed them an nothing different or to be proud of but I'm back on my opiates again after I tried to stop due to my tolerance hope this helps

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When it comes to prescription opiates you do not need to be in withdrawal AND DOESNT CAUSE PRECIP WD. As I said in a previous post there have been times where my script was delayed in filling either due to not being able to find it or shipping issues and I've taken 8 mg of Suboxone for pain or have been on sub for a few days waiting and as soon as my prescription was available for opiate took it immediately--no wd!! And don or have been on sub for a few days waiting and as soon as my prescription was available for opiate took it immediately and never a prob -- I know people who have been on opiates and then took the Suboxone and absolutely no withdrawal and no waiting time. -- not just my experience but that of every single Suboxone user I have ever encountered -- again I think it's almost propaganda because when you experience withdrawl it's hell and then the Suboxone is an absolute miracle!

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