How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 10)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

194 Replies (10 Pages)

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Re: Mr Clean (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree with you, I just wait between 10 and 12 hrs and take the sub and it does its job , I do it all the time, you don’t have to wait 24hrs, thats BS

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Need answer how long do I wait to take suboxens after I took my last Oxycodone10mg yesterday

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Re: Mr Clean (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks. You sound like you know what you're talking about.

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Re: susi (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

The reason you didn’t go into pwd is because you took pills AFTER subs... I wish ppl wouldn’t post unless they know what they are talking about.... if you take subs after taking pills you absolutely can go into pwd... so many people are confused about this and it’s scary to think how dangerous it is that you have NO idea what you’re doing or telling others!!!

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I’ve been taking opana 30 mg for about 6 years and I just stopped 4 days ago and started taking 30 mg blue roxys. I’m doing about 7 to 8 a day been taking for four days now. I’m ready to start my suboxone but don’t want to take it to soon. How long do I need to wait before taking the suboxone?

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Re: Mr plz let this work (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

I am about to get off opiates for the 3rd time in 4 yrs. I've had 3 back surgeries and each time, I end up where I am now. The one thing that let's me know it's time to take a sub is when my eyes are pinned (pupils very small) , throw in some sweats, chills and RLS and you are ready. I have discovered something absolutely amazing, it's all natural and it WORKS! It's called Calm support. I just got ordered a 3 mo supply because it is so amazing. I also take 2 immodium about 10 hrs after the last oxy 30. Also, 800 mgs of ibuprophine the night before I go to sleep and in the morn. I have waited 12 -14 hrs and have been fine. I NEVER take a whole strip at first, just a quarter . See how you feel 3 or 4 hrs after, then take another quarter if needed. I always do. I've also noticed that subs keep me awake, so I try not to take any after 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I will NEVER be in this position again and advise anyone who is considering back surgery to avoid it at all costs. My addiction has cost me my family's faith in me and my faith in myself. I was going through so much pain after my first back surgery I folded and started using again.. I had been using before the surgery and believed I would not need another pain pill for the rest of my life after I had the surgery. The pain was worse than before. Unbearable!!! So, I am on my way back to reality and away from all of the madness these opiates create. One more thing, melatonin is very helpful for sleep. It is all natural as well. PLEASE do yourselves a favor and spend the money on Calm Support. It is AMAZING!

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Re: Mich (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I sat here in fear of these pwds I was using 40mg oxyirs 8 times a day 390 pills a month and decided enough is enough I went 13 hrs till I felt I was going to rip my skin off took 2mg of Suboxone than 30 mins later took another 2mgs and fell asleep woke up 2 hrs later n felt normal. Took another 4mgs this am 5 hours later n feel ok. I'm blessed but wait till your physical state is in withdrawl not your mind. I feel much better and I just started

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If you are on suboxone then why did you take 10mg. of oxycodone? You're on suboxone for a REASON. Was it worth the 10mgs.? Now you will have to be in full withdrawals before you can function with suboxone!! WAS it really worth it??? You and others like you cause of CPP a raw deal. That's why WE are not getting the care we need to live. SHAME on you. But prayers are being sent because I myself have been in withdrawal because I couldn't the meds I NEED to keep me out of pain and out of my bed!

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Hi. How long should I wait to take Suboxone after my last dose of Oxycodone? Thank you.

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Re: wtarin1 (# 188) Expand Referenced Message

Stop judging people. You don't wear a robe and you're not God. Stop judging.

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Re: Ken (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

You took 12...30mg oxycodone and 2 60s oxytocin,..its a wonder you didn't OD....I take 20mg x 3 aday and wanting to get off the roller coaster.. Tired been doing it over 12 years and I'm 60

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Re: Mr Clean (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I just wanted to say that the Naloxone in suboxone is only there to prevent abuse of the suboxone. Naloxone is extremely poorly absorbed through the oral route so it was added to suboxone to prevent IV use of the drug. It should not interfere with other opiates on board.

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How long will I need to wait to take suboxone after I've been off 80mg of methadone for 8 days and I've been on 100 mg of roxicodone for five days?

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Re: Mr Clean (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

If I took a 1film subox 8mg and 8 hours later can I take Oxycodone and will it help my pain?

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