How Can I Get Prescribed Subutex Instead Of Suboxone (Page 9) (Top voted first)


i get sick everytime i take my dose of suboxone. I throw up everytime. but my doctor will not switch me to the subutex even though it is in my charts that i have yaken the subutex and never got nausiated. what do i need to say or do to get my doctor to understand and switch me? i also have severe intestinal problems that get aggravated with the suboxone, what can i do. i do not want to quit treatment but i cant keep throwing up everyday all day. please someone help me.

227 Replies (12 Pages)

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I had your symptoms after i took sub for about 6 mos. I had gall bladder disease and yes, i do believe sub caused it. Full of gall stones also...stuck in my bike duct. It has also caused severe weight gain. Fast forward 10 yrs later....still on sub, stuck at 2 mgs a day. Cannot lower. Tried wholeheartedly, several times.

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Wow, you sound just like me. Can I ask how long u have been seeing your doctor? The reason I ask is I believe there is a hudge turn around in this field of medicine (nothing personal I beleive it's the nature of the business), I have been on Subutex for about 3 years now, but was started with Suboxone (it also made me ill) once I got to know my doc and he knew I was serious about my decision he had no problem prescribing Subutex. I just sat down and talked with him, and he had it documented how sick Suboxone was making me. YOUR NO ALONE ....... just sit down and voice how you are feeling. HOPE IT HELPS : )

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Methadone worked better for me its no better and no worse from subs what i just read you would be better off on methadone,long as u doing abuse it, I tried subs and wasn't for me,I'm on low dose of methadone,and when u wanna quit they tamper you down.

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I'm in need of a Subutex private Doctor as suboxone gives me migraines I need help in Lynchburg Virginia

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That is so very untrue. The naloxone blocks opiates. Subutex(buprenorphine) does not contain the naloxone and that's the difference between suboxone and subutex. I've been on TeX 5+ years and i know plentybof people that have shot suboxone. Not that i recommend that but just wanted to help get your facts straight.

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Idk how old this post is or what the rules are in your State, but the ONLY Dr's here that can write it are Psychiatrist's

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Does anyone in west Texas know of a Dr who will switch you from suboxone to subutex? I had the subutex in rehab 6 day in detox then 21 days afraid detox. And I won't lie the first few days of not having it I didn't feel like I was a queen and I sure would of loved to have i roe even a half of one but I made it thru the last like 9 days & came home & relapsed a couple days later. So I find this dr only one around within a 50 mile radius and he calls me once a month. I call the day before my app and I pay my $75.00 cause he does not take insurance at all for this program. I do have private insurance thru husband & I also have it now from my job. So if you don't pay your fee he (I could be wrong but I'm not) doesn't call you. You talk for a few mins talks bout what you've done all month and says ok check with your pharmacy before the close of day and I get enough to last all month as long as I do it correctly sometime I don't and I really regret and it's been a few months like probably 3-5 months I have run out faster then I should. But I went from the what 8mg and now I only get one strip of the 2mgs and it has been I'm going to say a year and one month I've been on it. Before I got my insurance thru my company I had husbands blue shields blue cross. They first had to approve me and they did it was 20$ the very 5 months cause it was in the pill form then the 6 month the pharmacy gives me strips & that time it went up to co pay $40 and ever 6 months I had to go do a U/A ramdomy & then they approve it for another 6 months I think, well then I go like in my 7th month now they say co pay went up again cause it's not in the list of drugs they allow for it's not on the insurance, it wasn't in their approved drug list. So then it had to go to 60$ co pay. But then husband Insurance running me around and pharmacist asked if I had new insurance and I'm like yes mine. So now it went down back down to 40$ and they haven't gotten ahold of me saying I needed to do all this stuff. So anywho I think it should be a lifetime supply. Thank you all

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My son is the very same way . He cannot take suboxone at all . he gets really sick ... He is on subutex as of now but with the new laws.. I don't know what he will do...

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I agree with everything you said AquestionNeverAsked

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Hi Douglas I was wondering if you got your methadone from a clinic or private dr.

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I was responding to a prior post. Apologies if my language confused you - I am opposed to the religious BS foundation as to why we take drugs - the moralising is actually implicit in the disease model. The key to our problem is personal exceptionalism, we think we are SOOOO special and unlike anyone else we create a false logic to continue using. Addiction has a very tangible physical component (withdrawal) and bad logic - it is not and never will be a disease

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Where in t that I can I find a dr , i was told unless u err pregnant they don't do it? With the exception of surgery , I live in cy

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well I was on suboxone for awhile for addiction to opiates 30 or more years. I got started in Viet nam. Because of cancer I was switched to subutex. A research doc and friend said in a small controlled study naltrexone caused cancer tumors to grow in lab Rats. After agent orange exposure and 2 cancers , Therre was no way. I just had full knee replacement. After doc and I worked out a perfect plan rest of medical community kicked to the curb I started with oxy than hydromorphone over two months. I am using low dose subutex to kick. Jeff

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Well if it has a blocker why can I take it and then 6 hrs later take perks ?????

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That's not true. I can't stand the taste of suboxone. They have me on zubsolv now which is suboxone but less naloxone. I prefer the subutex because it didn't make me sick when I was pregnant. I had never even heard of them until then. I think it's complete bulls*** if they allow others to ruin it for everyone else due to their stupidity. It's not fair. Subutex has blocker in it anyways. I went from taking opiates to subutex thinking it wouldn't put me in withdrawal and it did so I don't see the difference. If only doctors would make the subutex unabuseable then that would work for so many more people. I get headaches as well as my stomach hurts every time I take a strip. So I don't get why all they truly care about is money. Well I do, but it sucks because they're scared about our well being... if strips truly work for ppl well then that's great, it's amazing and stay on it, but if they don't why take away something that could possibly help change someone's life for the better and as well as the long run?

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You are a monster i personal have tried to go to the methadone clinics if u are/ were on done u wouldn't wish it on anybody wouldnt want any one living the he'll that done can do

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Re: travis (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Travis so I've heard that's really the case.. But was your Dr fine with it the first time you told him that. Or was he not wanting to give you suite at first..pls reply thanks

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The reason is because your doctor is only able by law to prescribe the name brand Suboxone. I have the same problem. It doesn't make me sick, but my out of pocket expenses with the doctor appointment and paying for thirty atrips is well over 500 bucks a month. I found out that certain doctors can only prescribe the name brand. Big Pharma making their money!!!

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Re: stephen5675 (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on methadone for 8 years and it has saved my life. People who bad mouth methadone are either on too high of a dose and not ready for the next chapter in life. I was off everything but then had a severe back injury and refused any narcotic except methadone! If people have any questions feel free to write me back. {edited for privacy}

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

State law says u have to be allergic to naloxone or pregnant to get the subutex

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