How Can I Get Prescribed Subutex Instead Of Suboxone (Page 10) (Top voted first)


i get sick everytime i take my dose of suboxone. I throw up everytime. but my doctor will not switch me to the subutex even though it is in my charts that i have yaken the subutex and never got nausiated. what do i need to say or do to get my doctor to understand and switch me? i also have severe intestinal problems that get aggravated with the suboxone, what can i do. i do not want to quit treatment but i cant keep throwing up everyday all day. please someone help me.

227 Replies (12 Pages)

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Personally, unless you need one other, and they appear tone so somilae I’m not sure what the problem is other than the cost. I tried and eventually got off suboxone, niy it has the craziest withdrawal of any drug and the doctors didn’t know what Intold them. I said on qeek three or 21 days of nothing that is when things go crazy. I was literally tallingbtonpwople who wee not there for a few days. Just don’t think because you hot through two weeks that u r good cause you will not be soon.

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Re: Sweets (# 195) Expand Referenced Message

All of these responses prove my theory of what suboxone did to me. Don’t get me wrong, it saved my life. However, it lasts so long and you feel good (I’m comparison). I would get so much work done and still have energy. Although, it makes you feel like doing things and you really get into those things. Hence, I would send entirely way too long emails or post comments like on here with such attention to detail. For the most part, that’s all a good thing but after a while of being up so long and still communicating with people, they begin to think you have gone crazy (in my case) or they think you are high, which technically you are a bit. I will also say the combination of suboxone and adderall made me stay up for days! It eventually got out of hand. I was just noticing the people taking it have really long, detailed responses and people who are sick and need it probably worked hard to get a few words typed. Has anyone else had this problem or just me?

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Re: Jamie (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My doctor said I had to have documentation from er or my regular doctor to switch to Suboxone cause of my headaches

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Re: Comment (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Not nomore they dnt if you dnt have liver issues or cancer your not getting the subutex

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Doctors will also give them to people who have hep c.......

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Re: Jen (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jen. Besides getting pregnant, I have taken Suboxone going on 7 yrs. Off label for chronic pain issues from a MVA 18 YRS. ago. Had been prescribed various Opioid anagesics for 12 years. Had been on Oxycontin last 4 yrs and Dr. Retired. Could not find a physician who would continue prescribing the Oxycontin or any sch. II Opioid and had a terrible withdraw, ending up in a psychiatric facility.... immediately was given 8mgs. Suboxone. Over the yrs have delt with the exact water in ears/clogged up feeling and popping. Also about every 4to5 months, hives appear. I saw an ear nose throat md and he diagnosed nothing. I explained to him the constant irritating problems but he did nothing as far as diagnosing. I also suffer with migraines. These symptoms all began with taking Suboxone. I'm going to have my PC state I'm allergic to Suboxone and try Subutex. Thank you for validating my exact thought about Suboxone being the culprit.

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Re: chelbell (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Where in Indiana? CRC which is clermont recovery center only gives subutex. Just depends on if u can drive that far, but give them a call if u absolutely can not find anyone to give u subutex: 513-735-8100

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I’m on subutex due to horrible migraines and bad nausea depression I couldn’t even get out of the bed I told my dr everything that I was experiencing and he immediately switched me to subutex after reading all this I feel so lucky to be on tex I definitely feel so much better like a new woman

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Re: mikeyf1973 (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I know people that inject Suboxone as well, the pill form and film my son being one of them he has a addiction to the needle as well,
But I'm on Suboxone as well and want to be switched to subutex bc I can't sleep at all I have been on them for awhile and they make me so I can't go to the bathroom , sleep, or no sex drive what so ever I also have very bad liver problems any thoughts

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Re: Doolalah (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

If anyone drinks coffee or a lot of it, while taking suboxone, it somehow clears it out. I don’t know why. A friend told me this he noticed symptoms of nausea as well after 2 years of taking it. His doctor told him after a while it doesn’t work. Which is sad and you could be experiencing withdrawals if this is the case. In fact he had to go to rehab to get off the suboxone. Did you try Bentyl for stomach?

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I understand exactly what you are saying. I was prescribed 2mg subtex 12 years ago and now all hell has broken loose with the pain management Dr’s and now I have to see someone who will not take legitimate insurance and it is $120.00 a visit which is monthly. Every 3 months it is $160.00 for a pee test.

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Re: SubMarkV (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I'm glad to finally see some that is smarter than the Dr.'s like you said "if you are taking Subtext, pain pills ARE not gonna be as good" so why waste your time & $ on pain pill when Subtext is all in 1 stay straight and don't have to deal with headaches and getting sick from naloxone anf Subtext is cheaper at pharmacy. I'm 47yrs old been through the opiate thing been taking Subtext for @ 5yrs now and would take a pain pill if you gave it to me but I can't get Dr. @ home to write me Subutex so I'm gonna have to go outta town I guess. I mean I know what helps me and what makes me sick but Dr.'s @ home won't hear it so I'm open to any suggestions

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Girl I have those problems and then some with suboxone. And my dr said the only way I can get subutex instead is if I can't breathe when I take suboxone. Like nothing else is even an issue, it doesn't matter where I'm from, if you break out in hives, tongue swells, vomit, migrane, any of that.

I don't understand what the big deal is about, like if a person would rather have one over the other and is complying with their treatment then they should get the option to tell their Dr "hey I'd rather take this one, it's got less side effects for me". Where I'm from I know some ppl go out of state just because the laws and the Dr's here are ridiculous and now they are even making pregnant women take suboxone films. I told my PA I hate the thought of anything orange flavored. Now after taking the films but I've been prescribed both subutex and suboxone and this last time when I got switched just a few weeks and I saw major changes, the biggest issue being having the stomach issues!!! Good luck with that.

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Re: Krissy1020 (# 122) Expand Referenced Message

If you’ve never abused drugs then why are you prescribed suboxone? I’m just wondering because you keep saying you’ve never abused drugs.

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Re: Shelb (# 223) Expand Referenced Message

Because you can get a dependence using prescribed opiates taking them as directed. Thats how it went for me.

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Re: travis (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Thats not true at all The buprenorphine stops other opioids/opiates working.The Naloxone is there so people dont abuse the medicine i.e injection

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Re: Jamie (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My Dr said how do u know u are allergic to it. What do I say

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Re: chelle (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Lady. You are a genius. Thank u so much

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I have been subs for 5 years an subutex twice while pregnant recently my dr switched me to films and I had an allergic reaction so I'm on subs pills again but I'm still getting upset stomache headaches and sick. Also bowls have always been a problem since the start if my treatment dr just said take stool softner. I go to my dr soon an since sub tablets will be stopped come march 2013 I'm hoping subutex is wha I am given again. Subutex is better no headaches stomache aches an such. It sounds like you need a new dr one that'll listen know tht the suboxone is causing your problems.

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You only get SUBUTEX if you have been consistently had issues w side effects of the NALOXONE . I've Been on subutex for six yrs started on suboxone like they do with everyone cause they want everyone to take the strips or orange. My only real issue w subi one is headaches and s*** feelings and the nasty from hell taste of orange bile from the daily NALOXONE. Hell, that's what your shot up with when you're ODing on H and they have classes at the needle centers that give out jars it was a great thing but anyway. It cannot be good for your body daily (thats why theyll switch if youre pregnant) and you only absorb it if u swallow it (than ill get that dopesick feeling from NALOXONE ) I always hold in mouth 20 min n spit it out. But I get these tiny white buprenorphine pills does anyone know why there isn't many places that have the big white subutex anymore?! The little ones make me go trough them stupid fast . The big ones were better for those who insufflate. I should just tounge it but Im workin on it...hate bein stuck on it but would prolly die without it or so my brain says lol whew..I don't have the energy to do much many answers that can just be googled the answer for :/. I can give U alot of answers; erowid :3 if anyone has {edited for privacy} MSG me back somehow here I dunno I'm a newb

PS YOUR DOCTOR SUCKS AND U NEED A NEW ONE IF youre VOMITING FROM IT for real AND HE ISN'T SWITCHING Probably cause vomiting isn't a normal thing but if I are daily twice that's awful I'd complain or just see someone who cares at all or is a Nice quack

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