How Can I Get Prescribed Subutex Instead Of Suboxone (Page 4) (Top voted first)


i get sick everytime i take my dose of suboxone. I throw up everytime. but my doctor will not switch me to the subutex even though it is in my charts that i have yaken the subutex and never got nausiated. what do i need to say or do to get my doctor to understand and switch me? i also have severe intestinal problems that get aggravated with the suboxone, what can i do. i do not want to quit treatment but i cant keep throwing up everyday all day. please someone help me.

227 Replies (12 Pages)

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It is absolutely not illegal for a patient to be prescribed 4 a day. If it where illegal I wouldn't know so many people to receive 4 a day.

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I don't understand why anyone wants subutexYou can't take other opiates with it eitherI know they say you can and people believe it but its simply not true I know from personal experience.. I mean you can take opiates while taking subutex but they won't work for painIt is all in their head.

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I agree with you on taking methadone insteadI didn't have as many side effects on the dones And it took away all my painI got myself off methadone with no help from anyone but GodAnd lots of exercise. However four years ago I had a chill they had me on percocet d at the age of almost 40. 3 months later I had a surgery on my shoulder and I had 2 more surgeries that same year they had me on percocet. And when it was time to come off of them I honestly thought it would be easy cuz I was taking them responsibly, wrong. Right back where I ended up. He referred me to a suboxone doctor. I've been on them ever since and all they care about is money. Worst thing he could have done for me, I hate these things but hate withdrawals more. I know I can get off of methadone as I've done it before but I can't find anywhere around that has that program. Unless I want to drive 2 hours everyday to get a dose. It really does suck and I'm not taking much Suboxone as I wasn't off of them so bad. I don't remember nothing and making you feel tired and taking away my libido. I just hope I can keep decreasing and jump off of them without terrible withdrawals. I'd rather deal with my pain than be on Suboxone and that's saying a lot cause I have joint pain so bad I don't hardly sleepAlong with having a 4 year old to take care of at the age of 43.

I would rather be put back on methadone and wean myself down like before As I already know I can do it. And one other thing. All the suboxone doctors have a fit if you take any kind of benzodiazepines. I am not on them regularly, but I do suffer from anxiety from time to time and if I need to take one of my xanax I should be able to. They were never my problem drug. I can't stand them but when I have anxiety attacks they work. All these doctors don't know s*** because they've never experienced Any of it themselves. Vicious cycle.

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I'm a cop. Can I get your #. I could use some subs

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Naloxone only stops u from administering the drug intravenously and abusing it. Buprenorphine is the blocker. I've done a lot of research and spoken to several doctors. Basically naloxone is there for no reason other than to stop iv use. Buprenorphine does it all. So there's really no purpose. Naloxone is short lived only one hour. Buprenorphine has higher affinity then naloxone. I'm on the suboxone films and the naloxone makes me sick. I don't have history of abusing any drug. My drug of choice was pain pills and I took them orally. But yea buprenorphine on its own will block. I tried it before with subutex then 4 hours later from 40mg of oxys and did not feel nothing. Google about suboxone and the naloxone in it and u will see. God bless.

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Constipation is caused by the Buprenorphine (which is in both Suboxone and Subutex). Like all opiates, it causes constipation (and cause nausea). The additive of Naloxane in Suboxone does NOT cause constipation. Any prescriber of Suboxone or Subutex should inform their patients to use MiraLax (a stool softener/laxative) as needed. Buprenorphine is very strong.

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And guess what suboxone films have an abuse rate too. Naloxone is there for overdose incase of iv use. It's not the blocker. Buprenorphine does not make u high! I know ppl that misuse suboxone films. But to ppl like me that's never abused drugs should be given the chance to be on subutex for those who get sick off of naloxone.

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Subutex pill that's plain buprenorphine is better then them crappy suboxone films! I took the subutex before being on the suboxone program. Which the suboxone does stop withdrawal but for me the naloxone in it makes me sick. Vomiting headaches, nausea, some vomiting, bad belly pain, restlessness, itching alot, down mood etc and the doctor knows it's the naloxone making me sick but they only prescribe subutex to pregnant women! I never did misuse drugs. Only popped pain pills. Idk why the doctor won't at least give me a try at subutex and do drug panels and pill counts and check for needle marks. Any doctor that prescribes suboxone should be able to prescribe subutex! The naloxone in suboxone don't stop ppl from abusing the drug. The makers of suboxone just want doctors and such believe that so they can keep making money from they're suboxone meds and company. I took 8mg subutex under my tongue in the past and never had not 1 side effect.

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If I heard that, I'd believe you, but I wouldn't prescribe a drug compound that has the same drug that causes you to have migraine and allergic reactions. Btw, allergies are easy to check for these days. Ask any allergist; Just a little blood. Assuming I'd accept this story, I would consider ANYTHING with Suboxone or Subutext in it. And, no, Narcan (in Subutex) doesn't mitigate drug allergies. Give us a little credit. WE did earn doctorates (I have two) and, over these past 20 years, have heard every conceivable "excuse" for requesting a SPECIFIC drug in the narcotic or benzodiazepine class.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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AT Costco you can get generic" subutex"for about $2.20 a tab,almost a fourth or fifth of what you pay for suboxone.stay clear of vs.they bend you over the counter.

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Well I went thru all steps to get back on Subutex and left with no choices, I asked my doctor where can I get a test and this doctor is a former methadone clinic doctor mind you tells me he don't know ask your primary ok I go to him he told me he don't know find another Suboxone doctor that will give you Subutex haha man what, it's the law in TN now to have the test saying your allergic to naloxone but they have nobody to send me to. I'm trying to get on pain management but there's no such thing according to my two doctors pain management for addicts. Only why I stayed with an addiction doctor this long so I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now trying to find a doctor that don't exist according to them. Anybody have any thoughts let me hear em, I been clean for 5 years and 5 years worth of clean drug test and not even a speeding ticket, And they took away the medicine that gave me a halfway normal life without any warning or other option, But here's the funny thing my Ex methadone Dr. Told me to go get on Morphine and fentanyl patches the stuff I was putting in my arm in the first place to get here lol man I don't have enough in me to go thru another one of them drug loops, I'm getting to old for that it ain't fun anymore I can't do it. I done it to many times. Hopeless

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Now, even a lot of Suboxone docs are dropping patients. There was some new law this year that every private practive Doc must now "join a major healthcare institution". After 5 yrs with her I get a letter: "For business reasons I am no longer dealing with Suboxone and joining Kennedy Health Systems" (YOU MEAN: Now I have to declare all that cash income I was getting and it's not worth it!!!) I have leftover subs but I'm not starting this doc finding crap again. F'd up for sure. Europe doesn't have these issues where people are controlled by pharmacueticals.

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I too became very ill taking Suboxone - for me it was pretty easy - I just told me pain/addiction doctor and he then wrote for Subutex only. There are some people for whom Suboxone does not mix well with their body chemistry but you have to get someone to trust you - I do not know exactly why they are so insistent one take Subutex a couple of days and then switch to Suboxone - I think it is due to the fact that some people who are not opioid tolerant are able to abuse the Subutex and therefore getting a euphoric effect that cannot be gotten from Suboxone. Find a good physician who you feel comfortable with and who shows compassion and is not a shaming/blaming/arrogant type and go from there. Not easily done but it's doable if you are persistent in your search - if your motives are sincere then chances are the doctor will see and feel it and write for Subutex. So it has been for me the past 6 years now and i have had no problem at all save for one time but that is a whole diff story. Good luck!!!!

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But question doctor...I'm in middle tenn. I have been clean from the needle since October 16th 2013 and subutex helped tremendously. I have gone from hydros, oxys, roxy, perks, fentanyl and illicit drugs to subutex. I do have hep c, have doc paper providing that I am hep c positive going on 5 years now. Suboxone does however make me sick absolutely sick to my stomach, I have had severe migraines as a child and suboxone brings them out full force to the point I'm locked in a cold dark bedroom because my migrant is almost impossible to function with. I do know there are docs in tennessee that will allow cases with hep c individuals be prescribed subutex. My baby brother (my only brother) just lost his life to an accidental overdose in January of this year and illicit drugs terrify me even more now. I've conquered being a junkie, now I just want to go to a legit doctor who understands me as all patients have diff circumstances and get the help that will work for me. If I'm left taking suboxone, I'm just going to be back at square 1 which took me a 7 year process to beat. I'm not making excuses, I'm not feeding bulls*** and giving people what they want to hear...I'm speaking from the heart. I need to figure this mess out. I need a doctor that will work with me.

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Tell the doctor you get really bad headaches from suboxone and want to try subutext,you've heard of people in similar situation and switching meds worked for them

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When i was being switched from suboxone to subutex i asked my dr to switch me due to suboxone was almost 19$ a pill and subutex is 3$ from my pharmacy. I couldnt afford to keep paying that high price cuz my ins didnt pay nothing at all. That may help

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To Meechelle You are a f*****d person to say that about I.V users, so just because they do that they are scum? hmmmm. I bet you have done things in your life your not wanting to talk about.

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I have been on Suboxone for a while and then there wasn't a generic. When a generic subutex the insurance company wouldn't pay for it anymore and switched me to subutex.Generic. I am probably the only patient who is taking it from his office and I used to go see him every week to count pills. This was how he wanted it for about 6 months and now I can go every month. The insurance company won't pay for suboxone.

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Hi I saw your message regarding the methadone,at I ask what state you live in. I'm in ny on long Island and having a very tough time finding a dr to prescribe methadone. I was on it for 5 years it worked great then my dr stopped writing it. And cut me just like that, I did nothing wrong

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LOOK. IM NOT WANTING SUBOXONE ANY MORE. however. I DO WANT SUBUTEX !!! the doctors say "" that its all the same... well maybe... they think that if the blocker is no longer a factor.. then the patient will pop other pills.THATS STUPID!!! THEY TEST US SO MANY DIFFERENT FREAKIN WAYS. why would we . anyway. subutex doesnt make my head hurt.. or cause me any anxiety.

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