How Can I Get Prescribed Subutex Instead Of Suboxone (Page 4)
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i get sick everytime i take my dose of suboxone. I throw up everytime. but my doctor will not switch me to the subutex even though it is in my charts that i have yaken the subutex and never got nausiated. what do i need to say or do to get my doctor to understand and switch me? i also have severe intestinal problems that get aggravated with the suboxone, what can i do. i do not want to quit treatment but i cant keep throwing up everyday all day. please someone help me.

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Yooo I'm in the area as well I've got a few people that might be able to help

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Why the hell would you say you think those who IV their dosage are the lowest of all. You do realize that your an addict too and 90% of the world looks at you like your the lowest scum on earth? Just because someone administers their drugs intravenously doesn't make them better or worst than the guy who insufflates it, still an addict in the end. Addiction is a disease. No one knows where it will lead you. I don't look down on them. We're all brothers of addiction in this together.

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wrong. Nalaxone has nothing to do with the blocking effect. All the Nalaxone does is prevent it from IV usage. Nalaxone injected IV will cause withdrawal only if other opiates are present, otherwise nothing happens.

The blocking effect comes from buprenorphines high affinity for the receptors. When introduced to the brain it rapidly displaces any other opiates causing precipitated withdrawal from the rapid removal.

Just thought I'd she'd some light on the subject.

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LOOK. IM NOT WANTING SUBOXONE ANY MORE. however. I DO WANT SUBUTEX !!! the doctors say "" that its all the same... well maybe... they think that if the blocker is no longer a factor.. then the patient will pop other pills.THATS STUPID!!! THEY TEST US SO MANY DIFFERENT FREAKIN WAYS. why would we . anyway. subutex doesnt make my head hurt.. or cause me any anxiety.

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Hello there i saw u said u had an extra 3o subutex a month. My dr put me on suboxone with as a single mom of 5 kids i cant afford. I want to be off opiates. These suboxone male me sick sick. Is this offwr still available

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Hi I saw your message regarding the methadone,at I ask what state you live in. I'm in ny on long Island and having a very tough time finding a dr to prescribe methadone. I was on it for 5 years it worked great then my dr stopped writing it. And cut me just like that, I did nothing wrong

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Omg I didn't realize this... suboxone done the exact same thing to me! Something about artificial sweeteners makes my stomach hurt so bad. It causes muscle spasms and makes me super nauseous.. I had no idea why suboxone was doing the exact same thing, so now this makes way too much sense!

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I too stay sick with the drugs out the that han the opiate blocker in it. I almost stroked out dry heaving. The Dr thought I was just in detox. He was right I was detoxing 24/7. I couldn't eat sleep or work. All that stomach bile with no buzz to proceed the hell!

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How can I find a doctor over the phone that takes cash to write subutex

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I have been on Suboxone for a while and then there wasn't a generic. When a generic subutex the insurance company wouldn't pay for it anymore and switched me to subutex.Generic. I am probably the only patient who is taking it from his office and I used to go see him every week to count pills. This was how he wanted it for about 6 months and now I can go every month. The insurance company won't pay for suboxone.

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To Meechelle You are a f*****d person to say that about I.V users, so just because they do that they are scum? hmmmm. I bet you have done things in your life your not wanting to talk about.

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Can you share with me some doctors in nc near Charlotte or asheboro that gives subutex? I live near Charlotte

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Yeah im allergic to sulfa antibiotics and aldo have hep c! Still they give me box and my liver is soo swelled

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When i was being switched from suboxone to subutex i asked my dr to switch me due to suboxone was almost 19$ a pill and subutex is 3$ from my pharmacy. I couldnt afford to keep paying that high price cuz my ins didnt pay nothing at all. That may help

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Because a lot of people abuse subutex, so doctors don't want to prescribe it anymore.

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Tell the doctor you get really bad headaches from suboxone and want to try subutext,you've heard of people in similar situation and switching meds worked for them

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But question doctor...I'm in middle tenn. I have been clean from the needle since October 16th 2013 and subutex helped tremendously. I have gone from hydros, oxys, roxy, perks, fentanyl and illicit drugs to subutex. I do have hep c, have doc paper providing that I am hep c positive going on 5 years now. Suboxone does however make me sick absolutely sick to my stomach, I have had severe migraines as a child and suboxone brings them out full force to the point I'm locked in a cold dark bedroom because my migrant is almost impossible to function with. I do know there are docs in tennessee that will allow cases with hep c individuals be prescribed subutex. My baby brother (my only brother) just lost his life to an accidental overdose in January of this year and illicit drugs terrify me even more now. I've conquered being a junkie, now I just want to go to a legit doctor who understands me as all patients have diff circumstances and get the help that will work for me. If I'm left taking suboxone, I'm just going to be back at square 1 which took me a 7 year process to beat. I'm not making excuses, I'm not feeding bulls*** and giving people what they want to hear...I'm speaking from the heart. I need to figure this mess out. I need a doctor that will work with me.

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I have been getting the worse Migraines being on Soboxene and Nausea ... I understand those are the side effects so what they are doing is taking me off and putting me on Vivtual which I hear is better in so many ways????

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Where are u located? I'm in mcminnville tennessee near Nashville and I'm allergic to suboxone an have hep c and want to go to a clinic but do not want suboxone.

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I too became very ill taking Suboxone - for me it was pretty easy - I just told me pain/addiction doctor and he then wrote for Subutex only. There are some people for whom Suboxone does not mix well with their body chemistry but you have to get someone to trust you - I do not know exactly why they are so insistent one take Subutex a couple of days and then switch to Suboxone - I think it is due to the fact that some people who are not opioid tolerant are able to abuse the Subutex and therefore getting a euphoric effect that cannot be gotten from Suboxone. Find a good physician who you feel comfortable with and who shows compassion and is not a shaming/blaming/arrogant type and go from there. Not easily done but it's doable if you are persistent in your search - if your motives are sincere then chances are the doctor will see and feel it and write for Subutex. So it has been for me the past 6 years now and i have had no problem at all save for one time but that is a whole diff story. Good luck!!!!

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