How Can I Get Prescribed Subutex Instead Of Suboxone (Page 10)
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i get sick everytime i take my dose of suboxone. I throw up everytime. but my doctor will not switch me to the subutex even though it is in my charts that i have yaken the subutex and never got nausiated. what do i need to say or do to get my doctor to understand and switch me? i also have severe intestinal problems that get aggravated with the suboxone, what can i do. i do not want to quit treatment but i cant keep throwing up everyday all day. please someone help me.

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How would you go about finding a private or family doctor that would would be licensed?

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Weird, I came across this post 2 years later and my own post was there and as I was reading I thought... That sounds about right! Lol and realized it was my own damn post...;)
I'm Jen btw... And I'm still on Sub, it's been 8 years now.... I haven't been on this particular thread since the last time I posted. Anyway, I was saying back then that my doctor had a phone call suggesting Methadone rather than Suboxone by the insurance company... I realize the reason behind that is Methadone is cheaper... The insurance companies will cover the opiates themselves. Lol the reason why you're on Suboxone in the first place. They have no problem covering that forever! I don't mind paying for Sub if I absolutely have to, of course who would be thrilled about paying for it forever... But if it meant being clean off the rest I'd be fine with that. When I said why can't it be a life long drug I meant that in general... It's been given to me for years but it's not a maintenance drug....
I'm with the same doctor I was with 2 years ago. I also went on Subutex for a year and a half and here I am again. I did end up getting pregnant which I NEVER thought would happen again. (My first child I had at 18 and I wasn't addicted to anything then and everything was great...) this time I was devastated because I was on Sub and I was terrified to take anything pregnant... However, I was already 2 and a half mos along and the doctors assured me it would be ok and that it was the right thing to do. I could lose or cause harm to the baby and I didn't want that either. I'm so happy to say I had a beautiful baby boy. I was prescribed 2 8mg Subutex a day and not one time did I take more than ONE. In fact, the last 3 months I took less than one. 3 quarters and then the very last month 3 quarters to a half. Due to being a trusted long term patient (never failed a drug screen, never "lost" or misplaced my meds, nothing at all in 8 years) I was able to stay on Subutex for almost 7 months after having the baby so I was able to breastfeed. My baby will be 8 months old in a week and I've been back on Suboxone for 2 weeks now. I noticed almost immediately into taking Subutex that the headaches I was having were GONE. I also suffer terribly with tinnitus which started about 3 months into taking Suboxone 8 years ago. I thought I had water in my ear at first (now I can clearly tell that's not the case at all but I didn't know what it was) I was seen by regular physician, referred to ear, nose, and throat doctor, and had an MRI to rule out anything serious and was diagnosed with tinnitus... I know this is caused by Naloxone now because it went away on Subutex substantially, along with the headaches. Sure enough, I'm back on Sub for two weeks and it's back to headaches and the tinnitus is terrible. It always was, I just didn't know it was from Sub before. I explained this to my current doctor... She doesn't prescribe Subutex at ALL. ( I was transferred to another doctor for my pregnancy and he's full.) She did say if I could find another doctor she's supportive but that's all I can get. :( you'd think that with my track record being an excellent Suboxone patient example in my opinion it wouldn't be too tough to find an understanding doctor but it's damn hard to find one that'll do it. I've had no luck so far and it's depressing me knowing it could be as easy as switching the meds and I'd be pain free. I don't know what to do about it. Knowing Naloxone has done this to me for years makes me sad; the drug that has helped me so much has been dragging me down as well. I'd like to be clean from it all, I think every addict would love to go back to the way it was before opiates... It's going to take me awhile to get off either way and I'd like to do it without the pain and misery from Naloxone.

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Hey , I don't know if you have tried to get off methadone but last time in rehab I saw about 30% of opiate dependencies that fail are from methadone. I wouldn't recommend methadone on a post that's asking for a way to get subutex instead of suboxone. Methadone CAN get you high too by the way, subutex can too if both are abused that is. So your points are invalid.

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Illegal drugs? lol. these are detoxification medications that are prescribed by doctors. what part of that is 'illegal'

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That does not work. As they give me migraines and my Dr said suboxone or the program isn't for. Me...

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i feel you pain brother just like a diabetic needs insulin so it is with opiate addicts and methadone/subutex....i been going to my doctor 3 years and they are starting same ignorance starts out about helping the patient ....then as they get filled up with a waiting list they become arrogant and it becomes about greed....the thing is methadone is a one dose a day drug, i am use to doing ten fixes a day so its part of my addiction how i deal with that psychologically i need three administrations a day .....i am scared to death ...i am even considering H because i am tired of worrying will this be the last month i get the meds that has changed my life....that would be like us not wanting to give insulin to diabetics ....and this suboxone subutex war is stupidly ridiculous..... we all know that the bup fills in your receptors and if the receptor are full of bup ,no other opiate can get in thus blocking the dope from releasing dopa- mine... there is no difference but i dont like suboxone it makes me depressed and like iam want to come out my skin....but the blocker is not naloxone that is a misused term if you want my uneducated opinion....naloxone neutralizes opiate ....bup fills the receptors and blocks any othter dope from getting you high ....why because the bup is already in there and then it builds like a bridge between the other receptors filling them as go out and waist your money on dope it will not do anything but piss you off, and being the subs have a two day half life they end up blocking the same amount of time as the naloxone is in your system....but between the law makers big pharma and the lobbyist, addicts have no chance man, and it drives us all from what is a life saving miracle back to some vomit filled gallery on the streets....whats worse is not knowing what power the legal or illegal drug dealers will wield over our lives tomorrow...i do know it takes stability and consistency to survive this thing and it may take a lifetime, but nobody cares about junkies we are junk....thats the harsh reality of it

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Sadly I was abusing suboxone and subutex intravenously for years. Nothing different in the two except that I would have much rather had subutex when I did it.

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So here is my street diagnosis. There are two possibilities. One- you're not doing enough opiates. You're a part time user trying to get an Rx. Suboxone works miracles in real addicts with real withdrawl issues. We feel like a million bucks compared with how we did kicking. It's never going to work for you if you continue to lie about the amount you are using. You most likely don't even need a suboxone prescription. 2- you're using when you take suboxone. Can't do that.

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If you are throwing up on the suboxone , you're taking too much. Subutex isn't as strong as suboxone. So. Lower your dose. You will be fine. A lot of people who were never really in withdrawl, their parents take them to the dr, or concerned friends, that know nothing about being an opiate addict, ( it actually takes a very long time to truly get addicted to where you get really sick when you stop - and I'm not talking nose runs) want to help and rush and get them on subs. When they don't need it. You could probably be fine in a couple days. Minus low energy and runny nose. Big deal. Be grateful that you don't need a drug like subs. But it seems like these days, every body wants to be a heroin or oxi addict. It's like the cool thing to do.

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I've been on Subutex for almost two years and just found out prolonged use of this particular drug can and will cause numbing in the hands and feet do to it killing nerve endings in your hands and feet. Its more common in women more so then men. Anybody taking it starting to notice numb hands and or feet first thing in the morning? Noticing major swelling problems? This is due to taking the subutex. It causes something like what's commonly referred to as limp hand. This is serious. If your in treatment for the RIGHT REASON, try to get a tapper plan and get off it. Think I'm joking, consult your pharmacy technician.

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I have seen many people take suboxone via injection. A boy I work with does it everyday but at least he isn't taking 10 Roxys a day.

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I need to know where I can get prescribed subutex I'm in South Florida I definitely need help

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Looking for a subutex dr

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Hello, I am in Columbus OH and every doc here prescribes the suboxone strips. I have tried this three times. I ended up in reverse withdrawal and it was the 5 worst days of my life. The doc says "wait it out". Nearly impossible. I went to rehab in Florida and was given subutex tablets which worked wonders. I can not get a doc here to prescribe subutex at all!!

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So what's the solution to being allergic? Because I have tried both... head between my legs for days afterwards.... I can't handle neither, so what then will the doc do?

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Hey I'm starting suboxon on May 21....I've been abusing pain killers and heroin since I was question is for anybody who wants to answer it. What will happen on the day of my appointment? how much do they prescribe? I've been taking one to two a day already.

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Doe's anyone know the name of doctor who will prescribe subutex in the Austin, Tx. area? Thanks for any help, Sadie

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Hey Stef!
I want to know whether you found a doctor to prescribe u subutex? I go tomorrow and will be seeing one who does in ft lauderdale and from everything I have read in these forums kinda scares me but subutex is the way to go I used it once and it worked. Then used and never had the chance to have again and I wanna stay in touch

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Methadone has ruined my life. The Wd's from them are worse than any opiate out there. I've been on them all and I can't kick methadone. Th half life is insanely long so you have to suffer through Wd's for a week atleast before even thinking about touching a sub strip! I thought heroin was hard... It has nothing on methadone! Beware!! Please!

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Don't say the miagraine
. you have to prove is for that the allergist that you are allergic to naloxone in the suboxone.
He will tell u to take and dissolve as usual just instead of swallowing, spit it out. I've me. Find another dr. Tell him the subutex is cheaper and it will help u financially.

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