Hospitalized For Uncontrolled Nosebleeds Due To Cymbalta
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I was started on Cymbalta 60 mg after Celexa had stopped helping me with my depression. After almost a month on the drug, I began to have nosebleeds and my blood pressure was extremely high. I had never had high blood pressure or a nose bleed in my life and I am 54 years old! They became uncontrollable and I had to be hospitalized and have an epistaxis embolization. I was in the hospital for 5 days due to the bleeding. I mentioned to the physicians that I had read that these were rare side effects of Cymbalta. They all looked at me like I had two heads! I can find no other reason for this sudden health change in me. Has anyone else had something like this happen to them while on Cymbalta? I would like to hear from you. I was just released from the hospital yesterday and am now dealing with the headaches and face pain from the procedure. Just curious if there is anyone else out there that had a similar experience. I am also copying the description of the procedure I had. It was scary. 3-5% stroke risk. First a diagnostic cerebral angiogram is performed to assess the vessels of the face and nose. This is done by placing a sheath into the femoral artery of the groin. A catheter is then placed through the sheath and advanced into the neck vessels. Once the diagnostic angiogram is completed, a micro catheter is passed through a guide catheter in the appropriate artery. Branches of this vessel supplying the nasal region are embolized with particles (PVA, Gelfoam, Coils) or other material. The procedure takes one to two hours. Afterwards, the patient's leg needs to be kept straight for four to six hours depending on the closure of the initial incision site.
4 Replies
I have been on30 mg cymbalta for 3 weeks and in the last 5 days I have had severe nose bleeds. The nose bleed tonight lasted more than ten minutes. It literally pours out. I will be calling my doctor in the am. The current dosage is a decrease the doctor had originally started me on 60mg and I was so sick and it literally sets my migraines off for days
Cindy, cymbalta was originally made for a nerve blocker for nerve damage pain. They realized it helped with depression so it is now used for both. Sadly because depression is horrific in the population they make more money using it and advertising it for depression. However it is advertised in the fast talk and small print as a nerve blocker. It's a wonderful nerve blocker. I have pitched brain nerves so I obviously take nerve blockers. I was originally put on it by the anesthesiologist and then the current primary wants me to double the amount i was on to also help with depression and anxiety. If there's one thing I've learned through the years is the side effects listed is the actual side effects you'll most likely have, that's not with all but most. I'm speaking of some nerve blockers, depression meds etc. I was on 30 MG's of cymbalta when I first started taking them. I was so sick like you said like the flu, once on it it went away and worked good. Three yrs later a nurse forgot to call in the script and said I had to wait for the next two month visit! I was so sick with withdrawals the pharmacist said it was very dangerous because of the side effects of withdrawals and said it's a risky med because of the possible side effects. She called the Dr kept getting her nurse who was sarcastic to her and wouldn't give her the messages. For two months the Dr tried to get me back in, I was so sick I couldn't take it again. My primary I have now insisted I take it again in the amount of 60 MG's without a starter pack or lower MG's first to increase to the 60 MG's. I tried to start taking it and I get almost violently sick. I have no idea how to start again. I did have heavy periods but could have been that or another med. It's not unusual to have bleeding problems with some meds. Hope something in this helps.
So sorry for your nightmare on Cymbalta. Doctors today are *****s! I took Atenolol for my BP cause no doctor or nurse can take it properly anymore..their in a rush. At home tests my BP is fine vs drs offices. After 2 months on atenolol I started with sudden nosebleeds and then when brushing my teeth my gums bleeding...not to mention at least 10 god awful other side effects. Seen dentist and he was the one that said stop the drug's causing your symptoms for sure of the bleeding gums and most likely your nosebleeds. Yes..he was right. It took 2 months for all this madness with my weird symptoms to go away. The pharmaceutical industry executives should be forced to take the poison they make for a year before releasing it and maybe we would have less crap made for illnesses. They only care about the bottom line and their extravagant lifestyle.
Well based on your 2 symptoms of nosebleeds and really high blood pressure i almost thought you were my mom (whos name is also Cindy).
But the only meds she takes is adderall.
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