High Blood Pressure And Lipozene
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Could you take the Lipozene if you have high blood pressure?
3 Replies
This medication is a supplement, so it has not been approved by the FDA, nor has it been proven to actually aid in weight loss. Thus, there is no way to say if it is or is not safe with any given medical condition, or any given medication.
The manufacturer, which is listed on the website as being Obesity Research Institute, states that it contains a natural fiber that absorbs water in your stomach to help you feel full faster. However, that can cause problems with some medical conditions, for instance, if someone is diabetic, they may not take in enough calories to balance their blood sugar, or it might cause someone to absorb less of their medications than they should.
Have any of you tried it? If so, how did it work for you?
Can u take lipozene while taking high blood pressure medication norvasc 2.5mg
My blood pressure become very high at times, is it safe for me to take lipozene , I'm kinda afraid, don't know what to do,please help.
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