Here We Go
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Well I've been on and off vicodin for 2 years now, (pardon my grammer and spelling, I'm on my iPhone and it's time for bed). It's always the same 5 a day and within 3 months 40-50. I've always gone the hard way at quitting time, 7-10 days of misery, not hell. Some how within the last two years I have become a sucessful business owner who hasn't lost everything, I've been there before and that's why this drug is so f***ing scary, I'm functional. Long story short, I've lost 25 pounds, pale as a ghost and am getting married in 8 months. Due to my biz I can't afford to hit the good ol withdrawls again so tomorrow at 11 I'm going to a clinic, (f*** kaiser) to begin suboxone treatment. My questions are will I have the night sweats, crazy back pain, runny nose, diarreah, etc? And I'm seeing people stay on suboxone for many months, can't I use it as a taper than quit? Any replies would be more than appreciated, I'm ready to do this for good, not just for me anymore but for my future wife as well, I want to be around for her.

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Suboxone contains the active ingredient Buprenoprhine and has been used successfully, by many people to treat drug addiction.

The reason people are usually on it for many months is because it is tapered very slowly, to prevent the withdrawals that you were speaking of.

That said, it is very important to follow the instructions you are given for its use and dosing schedule.

It is, however, still an opiate, so you may experience some of the usual associated side effects, such as: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth.

Read more on the medication here:


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I know that not everything affects everyone the same way. My experiance is that takeing a bunch of pills... then going on Suboxone, it actually made me feel pretty damn good almost NORmal. No night sweats, no puking dryheaving,answering the diariah questuin ..almost not makeing it to the bathroom, and actually not makeing it to the bathroom. I will honestly say you will be so happy on the Suboxone program. Just take it only the way it is persribed to you no more.. and you can do less. I heard it can be a bitch omeing off of soboiix too. GOOD LUCK. Oh sex drive and pleasure is 1000000000% better off of the PILLS and on the Suboxone... you feel good, but not high as a kite.... ok I hope that that helps a bit.

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