Help With Pain Management After Surgery (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am taking Hydrocodone/APAP10 mg8/325mg (8 a day) muscle relaxers, Topamax for headaches and Prozac after breaking my neck at an accident at work. I had surgery and a metal plate was put in, and I was very lucky. I still have the pain, I am in pain management and have tried shots epidurals etc. and they are all short lived. I am grateful I can still walk and be mobile. Is there any chance I might find some relief some time? I feel greedy asking this since my problem is really of so little consequence when others are suffering with really catastrophic illnesses. Thank you, Loretta
2 Replies
Thank you for your help!
This is just a quick note to thank those volunteers on these boards that provide helpful answers to those of us in need of information. I, and many others, truly appreciate your time and dedication to assisting others. This resource has helped me learn a great deal in my own pain management, and I wanted to give a little something back in the form of a thank you.
James, so glad that you found this site so helpful, it is a great resource with constantly updated information.
The Hydrocodone with APAP (Acetaminophen) isn't a muscle relaxant, it's actually an opiate analgesic.
The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.
Ref: Hydrocodone/APAP information
There are stronger medications available that may help, and some that specifically help with nerve pain.
What other options has your doctor offered you?
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