Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 9) (Top voted first)


Here it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.

248 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: Grangerl (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

I cannot find the Petition to sign regarding Chronic Pain. Could someone direct me please?

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I agree 100%. I have no life and problems with my back leg and knee. I also have a 14 yr old son and can't do nothing with life. It sucks.

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Hi, I cannot find it. Where is it dear? I will sign and share it everywhere.

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Sandra (# 63) --

Go to & search on chronic pain or pain patient. It will bring it right up.

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Pain medications are always going to be available for those of us who really have severe or ongoing pain that no other treatments will help. Doctors, PA’s and Practicioners need to start being part of the solution to those who have a legitimate reason and need for opiate pain medications. Those who continue to abuse and overdose on these medications will either die or they will be in jail, there are no other options for them.

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Re: CJMoore in CT (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

Did you mean they're increasing the equivalent from 90 to 120? The neurologist I saw for over 15 years here in Texas no longer treats chronic pain patients, but when we visited a while back he said the crack down would be less severe in the not too distant future. (This weekend was one of those where Monday is too distant in my opinion) His reason behind the transition is the paperwork involved for a single practioner. The pain management group I'd been with for over 5 years has closed their doors. Here in Austin Texas it's been impossible to find another doctor so far. Starting all over again, even with my records, is like being a guinea pig again. Congratulations on your great news! Hopes and prayers being realized by any of us brings a smile to my face.

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Re: Really agitated right shoulder Oxycontin guy (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

One sentence. Mass politicians don’t give a s*** about you. Period.

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Re: Momo (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

The side effects you mention may or may not be related to opioid use. You do not say what other meds you are on, or what disease is causing your pain.
All drugs have side effects. You don't tell us what dosages you have taken or the length of time. Alternative drug treatments are far more dangerous, and largely ineffective. These include anti-depressants, seizure drugs and others. Opioids taken in the lowest dosages possible, and taken as prescribed are relatively safe. It's important to let your doctor know about all meds you are taking, eat a healthy diet, exercise, and do everything possible to stay healthy within the parameters of your pain and disease process.

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Re: Anjali (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Yes Trump your president. Build the wall keep the drugs out. 64 million Americans are behind you President Trump. We Deplorables love you. He is doing everything he can, ask your own State Representative to help you I guarantee they won’t give a s***. TRUMP2020

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Re: Anjali (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely agree with everything you said.

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Just to add, MedsChat is for advice and opinions on health related issues. This isn’t a forum to discuss any political views or opinions. IMO. Just saying

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Re: Bella (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Thx for your reply. As I used to be a so called junkie...before I started buprenorphine treatment in 2007. Yes I went to the doctor for pain medicine until my surgery could happen. And after. Yes that's when I chose to do so and picked up pain and take them...after a good amount of time I no longer chose to do so. I became addicted fast and in the long run had to take them just to keep from being dope sick. Addiction runs high in my family, but mostly alcohol. I would never wish the pain of addiction to anyone. Let alone die or overdose because of addiction or anything else. It's a shame some people just dont have the knowledge. I happen to notice on these groups that some people say, ...oh I never abused them or I never called them in early. I'll bet for more than half of them, you take their pill bottles away and let's see how many addicts are in these groups.

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As I read pain management blogs, I noticed mentions of, oh I never filled my scripts early or, I only took the prescribed amount daily, never sold them either..and then continued to say they have taken them for years, and they so claimed that they are not addicted. So why don't you put your pills away and don't touch them for a week! In the end you will be running for your pill bottles & that's addiction. You all are addicted and don't even know may be getting your prescription from your doctor and so you call yourself 'not a junkie' because your not getting them illegally. Many many, many years ago people didn't have pain medicine, they used natural plants to provide relief...and nowadays they have pills, but you cry damn I'm only allowed to take 4 a day and so... all you people crying about you can't get your pills... grow up and deal with the pain...I'm assuming addiction is all over in this group. That's what you write about, needs and wants of pain medicine.

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Re: Barbara (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

They have DECREASED from 120 (January 2018) to 90 (January 2019). Sorry if there was a mix up. I don't know where they go NEXT.

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Re: Mare (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

You are exactly right! I work in pain management and there is addiction and there is dependence my patients who have a legitimate problem and a need for pain medications will always get their medications, I don’t care what the FDA says or Congress. And those who became addicted will get the help they need.

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Okay, for people that actually want to do something, here it is. We had a Rally on 1/29/19 with great results! If you want to know more about them and what You can do, join, go to one of the Rallies. If your health prevents it, have someone go in your place. If you still cannot do that, we have articles you can print out and put up anywhere (that allows it), in your State. Share, share, share!! So now You can finally make a difference... don't you want to help? We even have another commercial coming out soon! Join to find out when and so much more information. As the saying goes, "Ball is in your court". We are now on TV being interviewed... so much more since our last Rally... check it out and see for yourself.


"The Don't Punish Pain Rally page was created to organize rallies/protests throughout the United States. We are protesting again in major cities on Wednesday, May 22th, 2019. Protests will be held at your state's capitol, ERs, hospitals, pain management centers, CDC, FDA, DEA, Department of Health, CVS, parks, and other venues that are suitable to receive media coverage.

We are protesting to have our voices heard regarding the neglect the chronically ill community/pain patients have experienced due to the new CDC guidelines, the DEA, and the FDA's involvement. We are not a support group; however, as we have bills sponsored in our state, we are happy to assist you in doing the same."

IMPORTANT: Also, please join your state page to organize within that page as these pages will assist you in future protests, media, and providers' questions.

DPP's mailing address is: PO Box 48902, Fort Worth TX 76148

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Re: Liberty (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

You are absolutely right. It sucks bad for new comers with Chronic Pain. Not a new comer I guest. Been hurting for years.

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Re: Bella (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAYING WHAT I THOUGHT, let the junkies overdose? Humm I would never wish that on anyone...I have to say I'd bet a big majority of people in this group are addicted, how can one not be for taking stronge pain medication for months into years... all one would have to do is test one for a week or so and see how fast they are to get their medications back in hand. I do understand people are in pain I am and probably 80% of most are. My dad is 72 he needs his medication so I get it. But to wish one to overdose or even go into withdrawal is so PAINFUL. I have been there and its worst than real pain

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Re: sandy (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Please tell me about rallies and any petitions. U am a senior and after 10 years they took my medications. I am only allowed 2 pill for the entire day. I cannot functions. I cannot perform my house work nothing. Please tell where in Virginia or calling and writing where I can get involved.

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Re: Bella (# 86) Expand Referenced Message

So sorry. I have to find my post and correct it. I had to jump in to say I'm sorry because I don't think I accused you of saying something like that at all. I believe I was thanking you for saying what I thought was a bad thing to say to whom ever said this in the beginning. You stood up and said how wrong it is to say l" let the junkies overdose "". So please reread I'm trying to figure out how I got this twisted

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