Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 6)


Here it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.

248 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: Mare (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

BTW, you should look at the name of this blog. It’s about signing a petition for people who have chronic pain that need their medications. Not about junkies or overdosing. Maybe you should start a blog about the issues you have. I’m sorry you took my statement the wrong way. It was in response to those that can’t get their meds for chronic pain.

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Re: Mare (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

Please STOP directing the junkie overdose statement to me. I DID NOT START IT. Enough. YOU started it. I stand up for the addicted. Chronic pain in an addict and in a person who actually needs them as well. If you have not seen an addict in pain, DONT COMMENT. I know what the topic is but YOU were the one who should look to what you say. YOU need stay on topic here not I.

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As all the pain medicines been around for years and tested (as they should be), which takes years. Yet they want to take them off the market, not to mention putting a lot less medicine in them just to make us disabled. Seniors suffer and they put us in the same category as these young kids that choose to just get high off them.

All that are trying to take away our little quality of life we have left need to look up the definition of addict vs dependent. Dependent dosen't mean getting high or even taking away our pain, only to make it a little more bearable for us disabled and seniors to survive another day for some quality of life to enjoy our grandchildren.

I think we need to dig into the dirt of every politician and find out their history. I'll bet we would have a hay day with that and change a lot of their minds. I wanted to get a petition started but didn't know exactly how. I'm behind you 100% and I can get a lot more. They're just hoping we die off. What better way to do it which i can go into more depth about that too.

I am so ready to do something about this!!

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Re: Bella (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

Just to be clear I didn’t start it either. I went back to the very first post & the only mention of it were Posts #9, 14, 67 & 78. As a matter of fact, I never said a bad thing except to Post 78 to EMPTYBOTTLEADDOCTION who thinks we all are squandering around looking for meds. This now ends. I didn’t say & neither did you.

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Re: Jh (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

Jh, if you really want to help... please read what I posted and join our group. It is number 82 on here and to long for me to repost it. Some people say they want to help, to 'do this & that' but that's all I see them doing, is talking. Please do not think I am talking about you now as I am not. The, Don't Punish Pain Rally group is all about helping & fighting this battle to win. Read what I posted & see for yourself. This goes for everyone that is wanting to help, win the battle. Take care ~

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Where do I sign? I pray someone that has the power to help us will notice soon and seriously take a stand for us!!
Thanks for the info... where is the petition?

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Re: Mare (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

Look at the conversation starter by Valerie who said LET THE JUNKIES OVERDOSE take it up with her.

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Valerie, can you tell me how to sign up.
Im not good on these phones. I can type a message, make phone calls. I think i need a book on smart phones for dummies. actually my grandson helped me set up my phone. Its pretty bad when your 6 year old grandson sets up your phone. I know im old school but im learning.
Ty, jh

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Re: Mare (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

Goodmorning Mare. Thank you for all the info, you seem like a very caring gentleman. And yes I have tried to get off subutex more than once. My last attempt was last June. This time around I chose a pain management doctor who I have known for years. The first week he put me on percocet 10mg x 3 daily..on around the 2nd week I started getting worse. So I went back to see him and he increased the dose to 4 daily. By the 3rd week I even got worse I called him on a Sunday night and he said come in Monday before his office opened. My husband had to just about carry me in, he looked at me then at him and said at this time I think she should go back on her medication and she can try again. Let her build her weight up and regain her strength and just 3 weeks I had lost almost 15lbs. So at this time I'm still on my medacine and will probably die taking this medication. I only say that because I'm 58 and have attempted so many withdrawals trying to get off. I just don't want to trying again it's so painful..however if someone were to ask me for advice about buprenorphine treatment....I would advise them to get off what ever they are on because buprenorphine is a very powerful drug, they say its equivalent to a very high morphine dose..when I read that I had no idea..but when I started it in 15 years ago none of that knowledge was around. The doctor and pharmacist answered to my mom oh, no it's not addicting. She asked because I was using it to get off pain this day I don't know if I was addicted or dependent?. Because the doctor was so quick to get me started. I paid $500, a month for them since then the price has come down and generics are available. But it's one of those drugs that is a high tier generic I'm on S.S D. And I'm lucky enough to have insurance so my copay is affordable $45-monthly now..those 3 weeks of detoxing my back pain because noticeable and I thought I might need pain pills again or should I stay on this treatment...its seems crazy to me now that I read pain medication pts.having to go to the dr. Every month. And I get my buprenorphine from a psychiatrist and only have to see him every 3 months and he gives me my scripts in my hand for 3 months worth. Plus I only have to do U/A maybe twice a year. I'm not sure if subutex or suboxone, would work on a patient that has great deal of pain. I just dont think so..but I guess one could try. .well I just wanted to say hi, I have been busy working around the house, I'm working on my back bedroom PAINTING and laying tile down in my sons room..he is 26 and has disabilities..take soon my Friend..

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Re: Charlene (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your kind response. I’m 59 yrs old & have had back issues since 1991 so I know how difficult things can get. Like I said previously, my dr had me on a lot of drugs just to get the pain in check. I also had to see a Pain Management Psychologist for a few years to learn about the cycle of pain & how to manage it. When the medicine was no longer working years later, my pain Dr suggested I have a pain pump implanted. Then he could put the necessary medicine & I wouldn’t have to worry taking pills several times a day. I agreed to the implant. They placed the pump on the left side of my abdomen with a tube that goes up into the T10 vertebrae. In the beginning, I still needed to take some pain meds until the medicine got to my spine. Then I no longer needed to take so much. I still have days when the pain breaks through but it hasn’t been as bad as it used to be. I know what you are going thru. My situation is a little different cause my was from a work injury so they pay for everything. But I had to jump thru hoops to get it. I had to hire an attorney but eventually I was on workers comp. I still have several drugs in the pump, I just don’t need to take so many pills any longer. Like I said previously, I take a muscle relaxer for breakthrough pain & also a sleeping pill. If you don’t want to take meds orally anymore, you should talk to your doctor & ask him about the pump & if it could help you. (Oh & by the way, I’m a women) mare is a nickname my family always called me. lol) I hope you get the relief you need. If you would like to talk one on one, I’m sure we can do something like that. Take care of yourself

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Right now I have such a horrible migraine that I could die! I woke up at 3am with it. Trying to make do with the Tylenol 3 I have from my PCP for chronic acute pain. The migraines are just one that it is supposed to help with. NOT! I WANT MY LORCET BACK! I hope FL or the federal government getsvthe law up to vote in allow us to get our prescription drugs from Canada and online... if I can get my old script back, will be great! And even Ay on 325 m per pill, I feel I am going to die of ACETAMINOPHEN POISONING! THIS IS RIDICULOUS... WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO PAIN MANAGEMENT? I go to my primary-care once monthly and have to UA everytime to just get my Tylenol 3 and Diazapam. Ridiculous! Have lost to under 95 LBS consistently from about 105 since they took me off my god medication. They fudge my weight record and add a few LBS more than what I actually weigh... I have to take care of my 86 yr ol Mom... how can I do it the way I am with the pain!!!! I can't stand this BS!!! I NEVER ABUSED MY MEDS... HAD PERCS FOR BREAKTHROUGH, Like with MIGRAINES... NO MORE. I AM GOING TO SCREAM!!! CAN'T ANYONE HELP. IT'S BEEN OVER A YESR SINCE I HAD ANY GOOD MEDS AND ABOUT AT THE END OF MY ROPE RIGHT NOW... It's just the migraine right now, can usually handle it better, but ALWAYS in pain after PCP care cold turkeied me off my opiate and Soma all at one time. It"s been HELL!!!

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Re: Mare (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

Well damn mare, I'm so sorry about my confusion about "gentlemen". LOL. Your funny as to letting me know so politely..I have no idea why you entered my mind as a Male, like you said maybe your nickname..idk. my nickname is Charlie lol. Nobody calls me it anymore. It was given to me by my uncle in New York because they had a daughter with the same name, age. Even the same schools. So when they called Charlene we both came running. Even the school goofed up report cards. One semester I came home with mostly A's looked at it and thought humm how did that happen? Well it didn't happen, it was my cousins..too good to be true. Anyway I don't remember how I actually bumped into this medschat group I usually read a different one on the medicine I take..but I'm glad I did to find a Friend..I still can't believe how many of the pain patients suffering so much w/o meds. This so called crisis has affected the wrong group of people. Its like it's some sort of abuse. Seriously I'm just as angry as others. I live in Florida in the area of where this mess started. We had no problem at all getting pain pills. I used to go to this one doctor who would come into the room, say hello, touch you back with a small poke you barely felt. Sometimes he'd come into the room and just say do you need a refill today? He would give percocet 10s every 4-6 hours. And soma. But had you come back weekly and charge $40 an appointment. Just a few steps down was the pharmacy. To fill. So everyone you'd see in the office they were next door to..I'm not bragging at all, just sayin that's just the way it was. Pain management doctor signs about everywhere you see. Most of them did have attached pharmacies too. I started out with back problems. The doctor said it was probably due to carrying the kids. I had 3..and it was just a health department that started me out with darvocet. I will admit I liked them to much.

Addiction runs in my family but mostly alcohol. So it's strange I don't drink I hate the taste of it all I have 2 sister addicts to pills, one pills and drinking so she had a double demond to fight. Now both on methadone and me subutex. Again I wished I got off pills rather than subutex..its a powerful drug to kick.they say then non addictive. Only now very addictive. Well again damn I got off course here.i was talking about how it's so hard to get medacine these days. My sons has disability issues I take him to pain management doctor. who gives him percocet 10x 3 daily. I can tell he seems somewhat scared to put his pen to paper but he does very quietly he talk I noticed as if not wanting anyone to hear..I'm trying to figure out why he can get them, because I read some can only get tylenol 3.? Its just not fair..I don't know whose fault it is? The government? The president's?..but I do know the deaths are still real and some states worse than others..people are still able to get drugs, the ones who can't only turn to heroin. I have also read a man was going to kill himself that he could get anymore refills it was his last pill. And he describe how he will end it..I was so scary. I didn't know what to do. But I think of him to this day....well it seems I wrote a book, and meant to come and say sorry gentlemen. lol. Bye for now my friend.

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All opioids are NOT the same!

Darvocet is not the same thing as codeine. Codeine is not the same thing as hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is not the same thing as oxycodone. Oxycodone is not the same thing as morphine. Morphine is not the same thing as Heroin. Heroin is not the same thing as Fentanyl. Why are all these drugs under the umbrella of "the opioid crisis"? Methadone isn't the same thing as any of the drugs I have mentioned above.

People have been taking opioids for thousands of years. It will only be 1 more thing for the black market to sell if these drugs can not be obtained legally. People in pain will turn to the streets to get. who knows what. to get themselves out of pain, and what they get on the streets could be incredibly harmful.

Isn't it smarter to have these drugs dispensed by a doctor?

Again. prohibition doesn't work, it just makes the black marketeers richer and it puts the people who have no choice but to go to black marketeers in danger.

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Re: Charlene (# 112) Expand Referenced Message

I understand your plight. The problem started decades ago when our GP would give us a script for pain. Unfortunately some people may be predisposed to addictive behaviors. It’s in their genes I guess. However, the government is lumping everyone in that category. That’s why I spoke of the pain pump from a pain manager doctor. If it does not alleviate the pain, one would think it’s not working & would end up taking more. It’s partly the doctors fault. I’m sure they know the signs of abuse. Also as a chronic pain patient, blood tests & U/A should be part of the process. My doctor does it to make sure I’m taking what he prescribes. I remember countless times when I forgot to take them & wonder why my pain was anyway between a 6 to a 10. That’s why the pump is so easy. I don’t have to remember when the last time I took my meds or screw up the dosages. Also our bodies adjust to the dosages & we might end up taking more. That’s what they call chasing the pain. That’s why those I had to take a class with the pain psychologist to fully understand how pain goes up & down. Stress, weather & outside forces also contribute to it.

I moved from NJ to Cali because of the pain I had. It helped but since they took 95% of my disc out & 25% of the vertebrae above & below the disc. It still slips out a lot of times. It’s very painful when that happens. But also, the disc wore down so much it’s useless. I don’t want to have a fusion because my Dr said he would also need to fuse the one above & below for stability. I didn’t want that either since I mostly would then have mobility issues. That’s why I’ve been fighting with my insurance company. They recently sent me a letter stating that my back issues should be healed by now. But they haven’t done a thing except remove parts of the spine. I want a disc replacement but they keep denying it. I’ve been walking with a cane since my early thirties. Now I have problems with my neck from using the cane. There are other issues too, like stenosis & spondylothesis. If they were to do another MRI or CAT scan, I have more discs that are bulging. Don’t you think it would have been cheaper if they only would have done the damn disc replacement in the first place. They don’t give a rats a** as long as it doesn’t cost them money. Sorry about the ranting. I just wanted to give you a little more of the issues I had with pain. I hope you get the relief you deserve one way or another. Good luck & keep in touch.

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Went site, 3 petitions are closed!??? For pain & chronic pain related!??

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Re: Lynn (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, this thread is old, tho we keep posting to it, those petitions no longer exist...

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Re: Mare (# 114) Expand Referenced Message

How are you in acute chronic pain and forget to take your pain meds... that doesn't make sense! Either your pain wasn't that bad or you were taking too many... Sorry, call it as I see it. Sorry if not accurate, but I don't comprehend how anyone 'forgets to take pain meds. If you forget, then you wouldn't seem to have pain...

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Exactly right. My version of 'war on drugs' is to lock up all who ABUSE drugs, give them one chance only for a boot camp rehab. If they refuse, lock them away from the rest of us, who work hard to take care of their health. Give the druggies all they want, free, of their drugs of choice. Keep them locked up and away from the rest of us. When they die, as so determined to do, they die! No 2nd, 3rd, 4th time Narcan calls. Patients with TRUE chronic pain to get through their lives won't feel and be treated like criminals. (My war on poverty has a similar, tough love approach for the able-bodied. Teach a man to fish/relocate them to areas with jobs sort of thing, and the only thing mandatory is birth control. Hunger is a huge motivator.)

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Re: Dystonia patient (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

Pray you do not become locked up yourself! These people need help where there is no help for them! Shame on you.

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Re: Dystonia patient (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

I'm with Bella on this. You have no right to talk about others on addiction. Obviously you are not educated about this situation. Addiction can happen to anyone whether you're taking the correct amount or not..and if it ever happens to you, you will regret you said anything about it. It can be your worst nightmare, and talk about pain. Nobody asked for addiction, it's in your genes. I have been there done that and still makes me ill thinking about it. So shame on you..educate yourself, grow up.

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