Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 3)
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Here it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.
Re: deedee (# 207)
I totally agree with you on ALL OF WHAT YOU SAID...! My grandkids are growing up without the fun of gradma. Thanks! PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT OUR PAIN MEDICATION!!!!
oh, thank GOD somebody started this petition !!! I've been suffering from chronic pain over 20 years. I have an anxiety attack/panic attack. the panic attack has gotten So bad I'm always in fear my heart raises & my pain turns into a bowl of spasm. I don't believe for one second that government is so worried about people overdosing on these medications and they are dying. like they really care about us SO MUCH! those drug users have been around since before our time and they still are. why people like us should suffer so bad that every day you wish you were dead! and what about the medications they are prescribing to us now, they have more side effects than our medications .every med that Dr's have prescribed for me has made me soo sick. Noisia/ vomiting/ dizzy/ not knowing where I was +other reactions to long to write that's okay? I've been spending so much money on herbal medication and taking them as much as is allowed just to take the edge off the pain and panic attacks but nothing helps. I can't even spend time with friends and family or even my brand new grandbaby due to my condition ,so yes pleaseeeeee help we are suffering so bad we have no life, all I can say is SHAME SHAME ON FDA & THE REST OF THEM .if they cared about human life as thy say thy do, thy wouldn't let people like us suffer and not be able to have a bit of normal life, thank you for starting this petition,
Re: methadonehater (# 202)
I agree Hop. Bella is nothing but a brainwashed troll. I don't think she has a point most of the time.
Re: Bella (# 196)
I am not a “kid” but thanks for the compliment. I was diagnosed 25 years ago at the age of 30. As far as my medical conditions, that is none of your business. I am a chronic pain patient, that’s all you need to know. It seems you are on the wrong “page”, as all your posts call legitimate pain patients addicts, drug seekers, Doctor shopping kids. I think you need help. Obviously you are badgering people that need prescription medication and do not score in alleys and street corners. You have your own agenda that should not be showing up here.
Re: methadonehater (# 200)
I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain it to you.
People that need medication can't seem to get the meds they need because of the people who want to feel high. That is what's killing ppl. It's not the meds doing it. If 1 is prescribed and you only take that amount it's not going to kill you.
Re: What to do (# 192)
Not sure to what you are responding. As for your question: my crystal ball is a bit hazy, I do not know the answer.
Re: Hop (# 195)
Bella, what's your point. Going to multiple doctors to get drugs, or drug shopping, is illegal.
Re: Bella (# 196)
Bella, that is nonsense. Big pharma is being sued. What is your point?
I don’t think it’s fair for people not to get their medicine when they need it
Hi I was wondering if everyone or those who choose to, could name their State and the MME limit based on CDC guidelines or their State gudelines if any there are subjecte f2f to. Im in Oregon 120 MME is max and they are trying to push patients lower.
Re: What to do (# 193)
What are u talking about? All I heard was you are unsympathetic to parents who lost kids from overdosing and dying. End of discussion.
Re: Hop (# 195)
At such a young age you never mentioned what type of pain you have? What does it derive from? Kids doctor shop because that’s what addiction does. So don’t go and blame them. How else can an addict get anything? When refused they turn to Heroin so I can’t hear your reasoning for this. One thing I do agree with is it is the pain management doctors fault because they are puppets of Big Pharma who put profits above you.
It is different for kids who are addicts FROM THE STREET than going to an apt with pain management.
Re: Bella (# 181)
I have been experiencing chronic pain for 25 years. I spent 10 years trying meds other than opiates to get relief. I was headed for disability at the age of 30 but my family could not survive on the payments. I needed to find a way to work until I qualified for my pension. No one told me 13 years ago that the medication offered by a respected pain management doctor could have serious long term effects. I was told if you try this you can control your pain for 2-3 days without remembering to take a pil every 6-8 hours. There would be no breakthrough pain and waiting for next dose to work. It would have less impact on liver and kidneys because it was not ingested. I agreed. I stayed on the medicine working full-time and raising my 3 kids. I had little if any side effects. Then the DEA, FDA, and other alpha groups find they made a mistake. These meds were dangerous and were for short term use only. Ok - so what can you offer as a replacement? I was told the same meds from over 20 years ago that made me fat, tired, unable to work or care for my family. I feel people like myself are victims in this situation. I am weaning off the medication with no idea of what will control my pain when I am done.
I don’t think most chronic pain patients would have taken these medications if pain management doctors did not encourage it and tell them it was safe if used as directed. Now I feel judged by many as an addict. Technically I am addicted but it’s different than being a drug seeking person that doctor shops for meds or aquifers them by illegal means. I don’t want sympathy; I want understanding. I would not have taken any medication if I knew the truth. I waited 3 months to get an appointment with the well respected pain management doctor employed by a well respected hospital in NY City. He offered relief, I took it because I trusted his expertise in pain management. Afterwards I was seen by a local pain management doctor that kept me on the same dosage for over a decade with no changes. I never abused the meds, felt high, or asked for more. This crisis began as a result of big pharma giving perks and incentives (financial as well as trips, etc) to docs that would prescribe these particular meds. Big money has been made by pharmaceutical companies and doctors because of trusting patients like myself. This is the story that deserves to be told.
What to do (# 189) --
Kratom tastes badly, the only way I can take it is to capsule them myself, or you can order these edible discs from Amazon also, the only other thing I can take it and it's a last resort is to toss'nwash... if you buy the capsule order them in size 00, they are larger and you can make them pretty fat, that way you don't have to take so many... and I know a few very reputable vendors who will always help you buy the best. For me I take only greens, maybe red kratom once in a while, like if I need it close to bedtime.
Re: Bella (# 133)
I do not understand! I am angry at what has happened to chronic pain care! I feel it has made me more sympathetic of others however. How can I expect someone who does not suffer chronic pain to be sympathetic to our cause if I can not be sympathetic to others causes.. yes that includes addicts, and families who have lost loved one no matter the reason!. Why would I even think of calling someone the J word when I know someone out their probably looks at me in that same way! No it is not because I lost my baby to a drunk driver but it certainly humbles me!
Remember: There for the grace of god go I!
We are here to support one another and not tear each other down!
My prayer is for all who need a prayers!
Re: methadonehater (# 150)
We do not have years to wait! Every day is a challenge; putting it lightly
Re: Old grandma that knows (# 170)
Another old granny here! I want to get older and live instead of living it in bed! I have tried it once in the form of tea when waiting for the pharmacy to fill my medication which was about a week late. I really do not know what I bought but pitched it after one try! I would like to try again but in powder form. Where might I find it. South Florida!
Thanks much from one granny to another
Re: Hop (# 180)
It seems like fighting back gets them in trouble! They are treated like drug dealers! I am mad as hell but honesty I would not subject myself to jail time especially after seeing what the consequences have been to other doctors! Their was a doctor I read about in California I think. He saw many patients from all over the USA who needed high dose opioids in which other doctors had become afraid to treat them. He continued to treat patients until he too got a visit from the DEA. (Drug Enforcement Agency) He retired in a matter of months. I think his last name was Tennant! Look it up! I feel your pain!
Re: Bella (# 181)
I agree that addicts who are not selling and are not violent should not be in jail! I think the courts are trying to make this right!
I also know we had many problems previously where people who did not need opioids were getting them! I think for the most part that this too has changed! It came with severe consequences to those with chronic pain. You see I am a chronic pain patient! I have been on opioids for more than 15 years. I am 61 years old now but I injured my cervical spine while working as a flight attendant when I was about 43 yrs old. I refused surgery initially but after about 2 years when everything (traction, physical therapy, chiropractic care, diet, exercise, homeopathic care... You name it; it did not help me enough to allow me to go back to work! Finally, I agreed to do surgery; it changed my life forever! If I had been able to look into the future, I would have never done it. I was taking 2 or 3 Vicodin a day until surgery and then nothing helped me! I am a good example of why surgery should be a last resort! After surgery I did not get better instead I gradually got worse! My surgeon did not believe me until they finally found the cause! Two of the titanium screws broke in half!!! Initially, I thought if they took the screws out I would be at least some better but it was not to be! The screws are at C4 and are so far up that it was too dangerous to remove them unless they started to back themselves out then it would be life-threatening and they would be forced to do something! Taking hardware out of the spine is difficult but taking them out when they are so far up could leave me a quadriplegic!
So, after having good care for years it became difficult to get medication that my doctor prescribed. Then my doctor got a visit from the DEA and became afraid! I had been on high dose opioids; fentanyl patches almost from the start. I had been able to reduce my dose years ago after PT helped me some and steroid injections also have helped. I have been doing them for years! The steroids scare me terribly but I have to do them or I need more pain medication so it is a trade-off I pray will continue to pay off for the test of my life! When the taper started less than a year ago I could not make the cut. I went thu hell before I got a new doctor (always pain management doctors) I am still angry! I was forced into a tapet that I could not follow! I was honest but it got me nowhere! Finally medicare paid the majority of more than $30,000 to implant a pain pump in me that delivers (guess what?) Opioids to me! If you read about the dangers of the pump, I do not believe you would want it either! That is not alI, I will have to have a new one implanted every six years. I have had it only since February and have had to replace a hand help piece which cost me $650 and left me in hell again for a week!
I do not know what more I can tell you to try and make you understand that cervical spine surgery is very dangerous. No one told me before hand that about 3% of us turn out this way! It seems small unless you count everyone that has this type of surgery but even more important, even if they only did 100 of these surgeries; how would you like to be one of the 3? Then worse yet; have the care that gives you the most relif taken away from you? At 61 I now have interstitial cystitis, osteoarthritis, osteopenia, severe DDD which was probably caused by steroids I was given for about 5 years (from the time I was 25 till I was 30) for an autoimmune problem called chronic urticaria (sp). It is hives that started attacking my organs! Oh I do not drink or smoke (I have tried to live my life as healthily as possible! I do believe that there is a way to help those of us that need high for opioids and at the same time keeping them out of the hands of those who do not need high dose! What if we had to be seen and screened by multiple doctors who all had to agree? Then certify us so we would be able to get our medications for as long as we needed them; reassessing us if need be? Thank you for your thoughts, I know we may not always agree but seeing things from both sides may change the way we once thought!
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