Help Others In Getting Their Pain Medications Go To Care2petitionsite And Sign Demand That Chronic Suffers Get Medication Now (Page 12) (Top voted first)


Here it is, your sincere effort to help us all get back our right to having our pain medications now!! sign this petition to get action and be a part in changing the DEA'a plan that is surely not working. Give us back our lives, Let the junkies overdose is they so choose to. Go to "Care2petitionsite" now sign the petition on "demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medication now, by valerie. I thank you for your support. Feel free to share it because the more signatures that we get the sooner we can make this a reality.

248 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: Bella (# 196) Expand Referenced Message

Bella, that is nonsense. Big pharma is being sued. What is your point?

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Re: What to do (# 192) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure to what you are responding. As for your question: my crystal ball is a bit hazy, I do not know the answer.

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People that need medication can't seem to get the meds they need because of the people who want to feel high. That is what's killing ppl. It's not the meds doing it. If 1 is prescribed and you only take that amount it's not going to kill you.

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Re: Bella (# 196) Expand Referenced Message

I am not a “kid” but thanks for the compliment. I was diagnosed 25 years ago at the age of 30. As far as my medical conditions, that is none of your business. I am a chronic pain patient, that’s all you need to know. It seems you are on the wrong “page”, as all your posts call legitimate pain patients addicts, drug seekers, Doctor shopping kids. I think you need help. Obviously you are badgering people that need prescription medication and do not score in alleys and street corners. You have your own agenda that should not be showing up here.

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Re: methadonehater (# 202) Expand Referenced Message

I agree Hop. Bella is nothing but a brainwashed troll. I don't think she has a point most of the time.

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Re: Bella (# 209) Expand Referenced Message

I agree that more opiates are worse. I was prescribed Lorcet but I was trying to work too. To try to cope with the pain, I would take one. They would work at first. Then I had to take 2 then 3. I used to think that the more I took the more relief I should get. I was totally wrong. Actually the more I took at that point was AGGRAVATING my condition. I do still take them but at a greatly reduced amount. Actually much less than the prescribed amount just to take a little edge off along with other non-narcotics that help much better.

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Re: Bella (# 210) Expand Referenced Message

I am not an addict. I am a victim. Pain management doctors couldn’t relieve my chronic pain with multiple medications they tried over the course of 10 years. One specialist from a well respected hospital in NY City recommended something that worked. I stayed on the same dosage, never added additional medications, following doctors orders. At the time I am hoping the medical community didn’t know the potential risks associated with long term use. I am doing what is necessary and lowering the dosage until I can come off it completely. This is not the place to write posts calling people derogatory names. You have an agenda of your own that should not be discussed here. There are other places for you to share with “like-minded” individuals. Here you are insulting people who had no idea of potential harm if medications were used as directed. Please STOP. It’s hurtful and one day karma will bite you in the a** for your cruelty.

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Oh, are you are a racist too? What exactly do you have against Al Sharpton?

Look up the numbers. You will see that what I am saying is the truth. Check out the John Oliver show of 8/18/19 if you are too lazy to look at the stats yourself. He talks all about it.

BTW: I thought you said you weren't coming back and here you are.

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Re: deedee (# 221) Expand Referenced Message

where is this petition? Please give a llink.


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Re: Mare (# 222) Expand Referenced Message

This has only a fraction to do with my nephew. Look at all the posts here or you just pick on me. For your information I too live in chronic pain and have every right to be here. So you can shove your response up you know where. Your nothing but a bully and so aren’t these desperate addicts. Look in the mirror before you say anything about anyone overdosing.
You will never hear from me again. I hope you all suffer.

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Re: Bella (# 227) Expand Referenced Message

I do hope that you come back at least to read the comment! I lost my son to a drunk driver many years ago! It was the most painful experience of my life!

I also have a friend lost her very good son to an overdose! They thought they had finally gotten him clean and when he was away at college, it happened! She is a very brave, she talked about it to anyone and everyone! Her motto is: if it saves just one person! Her husband in a beautiful article which was posted in the sun here in Florida! People need to understand that it can happen to anyone!

As pain patients we do not like the stigma that narcotics carry! Many will not admit to being on narcotics because of the stigma. No one likes to go to the pharmacy and be looked at in this manner! What I'm talking about is the J word! As pain patients, if we do not like this word why would we think about using it on someone else! Why would we use this word to someone who has lost a nephew or a son? We have to learn tolerance, empathy, and yes maybe love! We would never say that word did someone really love! If narcotics were problem we would talk about it as it is; addiction! Please don't tell me that this lady did something first because I will tell you that God tells us to turn the other cheek! She is a woman in pain and she will always be in pain until the day she dies! Unfortunately her worst pain is not going to be from OD or any other disease it will be from the loss of her dear son! Believe me I have lived it for far too long not to know what I am talking about!

Bella if you have read this please don't feel bad that you referred to your son as your nephew! I see all you were doing trying to protect yourself as much as you could! My prayers go with you .. a lifetime no matter how long that is, is a very long time!

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This makesme sick stop using the race card and what in Gods holy name does any of this racist. We are suffering badly and doctors are really being nasty to us. The same doctors that started us on our pain medications to begin with and our now treating us like we did it ourselfs. I have been abused badly by the pain management place as if I got the drugs myself. It is sick how they treat us then have no compassion for us. We are going to suffer for along time. We now our the bad guys. I hate the race card being used, remember it is about our pain and they need to feel our pain problems and will. We need to ask God to make them miserable Noone cares, black or white or in between. So stop the race card it is useless and wasting time. It makes me sick. It is about all of us who truly need pain medications in order to have any sort of life. Screw the pot crap and oils and every other natural crap they throw at us. I have spent thousands. Do you really care about the side effects when we can't even get out of bed. Sorry I have watched many many people live long lifes with their pain in check and at least have quality of life. My pain is killing my heart, my blood pressure is so bad. I have proven time and time again that when they releave my pain everything levels out, but know instead pump me full of a lot of other drugs having nothing to do with my pain and then they sit around trying to figure out why myblood pressure is so bad. I take so many medicines for this it is unreal and it never helps, I keep blacking out and breaking bones. Just Had major surgery on my spine they gave me one pain pill every six ours. I will never have surgery again. I will just let my horrible blood pressure as they say, your are either going to have a major stroke or heart attack. They really have taken my life away, I now at 62 have a DNR on me because what is the use. Yes it is sad. So stop talking about race it makes me sick. When we start to die we are going to have horrible deaths and a lot of suffering. Lets drop the race card and remember we are all in it together. ONLY IF YOU ARE RICH DO YOU GET GOOD CARE, WE HAVE NO HELP UNLESS WE FIGHT THE HELL OUT OF THEM

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Re: Charlene (# 237) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Charlene for this hello and my email prompting me to return. I must say this site is truly an excellent guide to speak and let us say what we like and how we feel. I may have gone off topic I know this. But I’m thankful for responses in understanding my reactions to certain comments made here particularly about pointing fingers at our youth and saying they are “junkies.” Just another road for me to get rid of the stigma. I do speak on addiction, grief, and loss of a child thrown in with faith etc..I can only do this after 5 years. And I agree with what you say I guess I don’t understand the 20-30 years plus of being on pain meds. I mean opioids truly do cause more pain and that is how they addict you. Also I have been to other specialists about my issues with pain and one doctor said “why does your primary only give you half a script of 5 mg Oxycodone of 15 when it clearly states on the bottle take one every morning?” Haha I just agree with him because god forbid I ask for the slightest increase and this is what I understand from these poor people who are in excruciating pain every day. It’s the doctors. And when I went to pain management they wanted me on OxyContin 24 release pills of 120. All I could think of my son and of course I declined and left. They want you to be slaves so we can have websites such as these. The Sackler family who makes OxyContin just filed bankruptcy so they can slap in the face of people they killed, not to pay back the families who have numerous lawsuits against these scum sucking wealthy people. All in all I only take one when I get a severe flare otherwise like you it’s CBD cream for my painful fingers and back. Along with Aleve which will get me before the pain meds. Just to let others know I do believe in the power of prayer and attend Mass frequently. Even the Latin Mass you forget about everything when you pray. That’s just for me and I pray all here and even the ones who didn’t like me I hope they all get cured and have no or minimal pain and get their medications. Although I said I hope you all suffer, I apologize as that was my reaction to saying things about my child when I knew what really happened. None here didn’t. But peace to you all.

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I’m afraid I won’t be able to function without my medication. It seems no one understands or cares about people who are truly suffering, day in and day out. Once th egg y allow people to get awarded big settlements from big pharmaceutical companies, they halt production of the meds . Of course most Doctors have stopped writing prescriptions for these meds already. I’m afraid if my current Dr . retires I’ll be screwed . I’m raising my grandchildren so I need these meds or I would most likely be unable to walk at all. This world is crazy when it comes to this.

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What’s the actual domain name?

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Momo (# 8) -- I have severe damage to my spinal column due to not automobile accident. And just by terrible luck or the most horrible convergence of circumstances, I was uninsured. Lost everything I owned....... point being, no Insc=no legitimate pain clinics in Georgia. This was exactly at the time of the emergence of govt intervention in pain meds and PCP's no longer able to control pain. I knew everything was going to be just fine and aok. When has the federal government not gotten involved in anything and not improved it ten fold? Sorry, sarcasm is the last act of the desperate mind. This was in 2009. I believe that the government made their grand entrance into yet another place they had great intentions (I hope so anyway). I remember hearing about this beginning in 2008 as best as I remember. I knew that this was going to be a catastrophe of epic proportions. But it really didn't concern me at the time and in retrospect, the way I have been scolded, reprimanded like a disobedient school child, talked to like a drug seeking addict and the best of all is being told by the most reprehensible and loathsome creature to ever graduate from medical school, his suggestion for me as he spoke to me in a way that had I not been in excruciating pain from the 7 burst fractures in my spinal column and a crushed shoulder joint that has to have a joint replacement, and the maturity and ability to control my responses to being provoked, I would have beaten him so badly that he would have had to find a pain clinic for the lifelong chronic pain I would have caused him and very deservedly I might add. But the worst insult yet was from this physician dedicated to helping the sick, injured and in need of an empathetic and caring human being whose advise was for me to go to the local methadone clinic for heroin addits. This was clearly where I needed to be due to the fact that I was a junkie and he would not treat junkies. I apologize for the slight diversion from the subject, I just get rather triggered by this subject. And I despise that word for the simple fact it makes me sound like a 20 something that has just heard someone say something that makes me need a safe space and a quite room with therapy bunnies and ponies to pet to be able to recover. I feel like if these young people had to live with the debilitating chronic pain that the people on this site had to live with on a daily basis with out an hour in the day to have a minor reprieve from the pain, they really would be needing a therapy bunny to feel better. But I will return to the topic and stay on the path and not vear off on another wild tangent. But as you were saying, I came into this world of narcotics and pain meds and drug screens and pill counts as a complete neophyte to all of this. I drank enough beer in college to probably float an aircraft carrier but had long grown out of that phase without ever experimenting with any illegal drugs. So not only did I end up looking like a jack-o'-lantern on Thanksgiving day, but I also had to have a surgery to repair an anal fissure caused by the extreme constipation that also accompanies the use of opiates. It had got so bad that I literally tore myself internally. And that was a pain that had to be surgically repaired because no human being could possibly take that pain which came with a person's daily bodily function that every human being must do with some regularity. It was unlike the pain that I had with my back and shoulders that was bearable but constant. Probably a 5-6 if I do not do anything that I shouldn't. Like the daily chores that all adults have to do. And for a young healthy man that had a minimum of two jobs at all times since high school, it is a living hell that only my belief and personal relationship with my higher power that kept me from losing my mind completely and if I am being truly honest, it is God that kept me from doing something that would have left my family in pain for the rest of their lives. Now you are starting to see ads for companion medications to the opiates. The dry mouth rinse, gum and toothpaste. The prescription medication for relief from opiate induced constipation. And one last thing that no one has mentioned either, I got my first set of prescriptions from the "pain specialist" and I was in a state of disbelief. It was a cocktail of methadone scheduled, roxycontin 30mg for breakthrough pain as needed, 2mg Xanax times 3 daily and Soma. This was only because I refused to take the 80mg oxycontin for breakthrough pain so he dropped it back to the 30mg. And I asked him exactly how long would my liver and or kidneys withstand that much medication, and he told me that if I remained on that level and amount of meds, I would probably be looking at a kidney transplant and or a liver transplant also sometime in the next 8-10 years. So I used the meds just long enough to develop a dependancy on them before deciding that I had no clue how long it would be before I could get surgical intervention on my spine and shoulder and I couldn't do that anymore. So I flushed everything down the toilet because I was a man who had never been stopped by anything I decided to do. That is how I became the youngest real estate broker in my area before becoming the youngest person elected to public office in my county. And then being the top 40 under 40 in my County and state. And while doing all that, I had been acquiring 22 rental properties and being the top 5 producer in my real estate company in the commercial department in only three years. All of these things was considered extremely ambitious on there own, and all together was completely unheard of for someone who started cold without having the right last name in my town and no trust fund but completely by myself with grit and determination. So I refused to be captive to a bunch of pill bottles,so I flushed them because if I could do all I had done, I could do this. Well when I first remember being fully conscious 3 days later, I realized that maybe I had met my match. And it took me another two years to finally get off each one of the meds one at a time. With the methadone being the last. And I will say that if I have to go back to a pain med for my deteriorating back issues before I can have it repaired, I would go to methadone. It never made me get a high, and it was a very good pain medication. But only if you do not drink alcohol or use any benzodiazopines. The combination of a benzo, methadone and just one mixed drink or a beer and you will not live. But it is still a very effective pain med. I have gotten down to 4) 50mg tramadol a day and concerta for the fatigue and periodically a 75mg Lyrica. And I stay in my bed most of the day and do nothing of any help to anyone. But that is better than having to fight what everyone is fighting now. But I have to say that I worked my way through pre-med on the neuro-orthopedic floor of a level 2 trauma hospital. And got accepted to medical school but chose not to go. But by the time this happened to me, when I left the hospital, that was before the days of oxycontin, roxycontin and the panoply of opiates that had come on the market. That is the reason I didn't have enough sense to realize the amount of medication I was getting was more than patients with CA of the bone was getting when I worked at the hospital. And at the time, bone cancer was the most insideous, cruel fate that anyone could ever have to endure. And I said the amount that I was given, not taking. I didn't know until years later the reason why you could walk into the waiting room at the pain clinic and see the 50/50 split between the people who was there just to get the meds and the dealers. Because anyone who was a legitimate pain patient had insurance and was going to a reputable clinic. I was one of a handful of people that I met in the waiting room that was a legitimate pain patient. And the reason for the massive over prescribing was so people could have enough meds to sell half and take the other half and have the money to return the next month. That is what happens when the federal government gets involved in anything besides the defense of the country and providing the necessary infrastructure for people to be able to make their share of the American dream and occasionally having to regulate some industries. But something had to be done when 60,000 people were overdosing and dying every year. That is more soldiers that was killed in Vietnam. And the only reason most of them were dying of OD's is because of the physicians that were over prescribing for far too long and then abuptly stopping the opiates all at once. And I can say that if you don't have a tremendous burning desire to stop and help to wean off the medications, I have no doubt why so many people turned to a cheaper and easier drug to get, heroin. And all the while, the Sachler family that owns Purdue Pharma, the makers of oxycontin, they sold that med to physicians as a safe and less addictive alternative to other opiate pain medication knowing all the time how unbelievably addictive it actually was and extremely dangerous. And each member of that family is a multibillionaire. And the tobacco industry settled a class action law suit for several hundreds of million dollars and the Sachler family is trying to settle their class action law suit for far much less and none of them are ever going to be prosecuted criminally for all the death and destruction done to thousands of families all so they could enrich themselves. And they are responsible for the decimation of entire towns in coal country and the Midwest. So when NAFTA had closed the factories and the Obama administration nearly destroyed the coal industry, they stepped right up and gave these people who were already demoralized from not being able to find a job which causes severe depression, and then they magically was given Obamacare that gave them access to a physician who was more than happy to oblige their pain with the entirety wrong type of medication for the pain that these people were suffering. An opiate may make you temporarily forget the pain of losing all sense of reason and loss of purpose but it will always return when the meds wear off until time for the next dose. If you think that I am making spurious and unfair accusations against the Obama administration, just look at the calendar and do the math. Not everyone fits into this equation but I know that it played a role in my misery. Even though I couldn't even qualify for Obamacare in Georgia, I still was severely depressed at my circumstances and if I didn't have a higher power that is a million times more powerful than pain medication, I have no doubt that I would have been just another statistic. And I have to say that even though I have a legitimate reason to be taking pain medication and I may have to start again very soon, the people who are addicted just because they have an emotional pain instead of a physical pain, there is now more help for people who truly want to stop than I ever remember being available in my lifetime. So I have no doubt that it will be much more difficult to get the medications that I will need to have a decent quality of life, I am really happy that maybe I will not have to go through the mind numbing misery of withdrawals and the humiliation of physicians that would have been better suited to be veterinarians than medical doctors for fellow human beings. Something had to be done to get this under control, but as per norm, whenever the government gets involved in anything, there will be far more unintended consequences created than problems solved. And if the greedy physicians that have no compunction about turning their patients into drug addicts, if they were caught and made an example of, the business of pill mills would be a thing of the past. And then the government could go back to doing what they do best, raising taxes, waging unwinnable wars and over regulating industries that didn't have such a direct impact on a patient and their doctor.

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I am a chronic pain sufferer. Needed a bump up in my meds by 20 milligrams. Doctor refused me for months. Could not even give me the respect I deserved by not even looking at me, just the computer. Never had a bad U/A.

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Re: BBs (# 247) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ask him why he would not increase it ? If your doctor never looks you in the eye. You need to change doctors. Many years ago I went to a PCP that was so busy looking at her laptop screen she did not answer or look at me. After 15 minutes, I got up and walked out without telling her. I was at the elevator before she looked for me. (I could see the front desk from the elevator)

It is up to each doctor what they prescribe individual patients. Signing a petition will have no impact on what doctors do and do not prescribe.

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Re: Hop (# 195) Expand Referenced Message

At such a young age you never mentioned what type of pain you have? What does it derive from? Kids doctor shop because that’s what addiction does. So don’t go and blame them. How else can an addict get anything? When refused they turn to Heroin so I can’t hear your reasoning for this. One thing I do agree with is it is the pain management doctors fault because they are puppets of Big Pharma who put profits above you.

It is different for kids who are addicts FROM THE STREET than going to an apt with pain management.

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Re: methadonehater (# 200) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain it to you.

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