Help I've Fallen Into Subutex And Xanax And Can't Get Out!!
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Any way to get off subs after at least 15 years of being a slave to them? Don't get me wrong, being strung out on opiates or anything like that is much worse, but I'm pretty sick of relying on a f***ing pill to keep me well. I'd like to have another baby someday. What have I gotten myself into??

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I need a Dr who'll write that terribly bad plz help me can I have the info plz its a urgent situation plz

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Hello, Red! How are you?

Both of these medications usually require a very slow taper to successfully come off of them and prevent the worst of the withdrawal symptoms.

The FDA lists some typical withdrawal symptoms as possibly including nausea, dizziness, rebound pain, rebound anxiety and diarrhea.

You also have to be very careful not to stop the Xanax cold turkey, because that can create the risk of seizures.

What has your doctor advised? What dosage do you take of each?

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