Help! Coming Off Of Viibryd (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I was wondering if any of you out there have come off of an SSRI and had severe panic attacks that lasted a month or longer. I am in such distress. I wasn't taking any sort of medication a few years ago and was fine. I almost went through a break-up last summer, got super depressed and my primary care physician started me on Viibryd. At first, it worked great, I felt happy and alive and things smoothed over with the boyfriend. Once he bumped me up to 40 mg however this past November I started to notice I was having panic attacks every now and then. I decided I wanted to get off of it and he cut me down to 20mg for a week, then 10 mg for a week and then nothing. The more I got off of Viibryd, the more panic attacks I would have. I would especially get them while driving.

I would get a feeling of not being able to breathe followed by tachycardia and my hands would go numb. I was taken t the ER so many times this past month and even hospitalized for a weekend after being off of the stuff. I believe the last Viibryd pill I took was on February9th (a month ago today) and my panic attacks have lessened but only because I have been taking .5 mg of lorazepam (ativan) 3 times a day. Whenever I don't take an ativan, its inevitable that a panic attack will come on. I am in such distress and don't want to get on another SSRI because while I was in the hospital, I was diagnosed with hyper seritonin syndrome from the viibryd. The doc I saw said I was taking too high of a dosage for only weighing 115 lbs. I want this torture to end and I just want some comfort in knowing someone out there went through this or something similar and that they made it through it.

137 Replies (7 Pages)

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I think you could quit taking it since you've only been on it 4 days. Or to be safe can you cut the pills in half or call your Dr. ? I called my Doctor to make sure he knew I was tapering down in case I went crazy or something. (We had already discussed me going off of it.)

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Please get off thisASAP. I had been on it for 3 months and 40 mg for 1 month- I had nightly "night terrors" and would wake up with a heart rate of 250-it gave me horrible headaches and elevated my BP dangerously. My doctor stared to wean me off and today is my second day with nothing . I have these 2 days off and I am so glad because I have a really strange "floaty" feeling and trouble concentrating along with what I can only describe as "zaps" in my brain about once a minute..I hope theses feelings end soon.

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Up until last fall I have never had a problem with depression or anxiety,and was on no prescription meds. Things started to get really bad at my job and I was having issues with some friends and just started feeling really down all the time. I would start crying randomly and when it got to the point where I felt like I didn't want to live anymore I went to my doc. First he had me try citalopram and things were going ok for about 4 months . Then my pharmacy switched manufacturers and I had a bad reaction and I decided I needed to try something else l. He chose to put me on Viibryd because there is no generic for it so they can't switch manufactures and its "had some really good results" with some of his patients. I started taking the pills in the starter pack the next day and felt 100% better. Everything was going fine until a few days after I started the 40mg dose. I started having difficulty falling asleep, then the nightmares began. Soon I started having the brain zaps. I ignored these symptoms for a few weeks figuring that my body needed time to adjust to the higher dose. For the most part I felt good during the day other than lack of sleep. At this point I had finally found a new job and was feeling really good about things as I considered my old job a major source of my depression (but I gotta pay the bills. Right?) Into my first week at my new job I'm feeling pretty good but I want to be sleeping better so that I can be alert. So I started cutting my pills in half and immediately started sleeping better without the nightmares, sleep paralysis , brain zaps, etc.(yes I did this without telling my doc, I just felt it was a good idea at the time) 3 rd day of taking 20mg as opposed to 40 I'm training at work trying to focus on what my trainer is saying and I begin to feel lightheaded, and end up blacking out for maybe 10 seconds. I work in a hospitalso they called a rapid response, I was wheeled down to ER and made a great impression on my new coworkers. Anyway, i'm currently taking 30 mg of Viibryd and SLOWLY weaning myself off of them. Has anyone else experienced fainting episodes while weaning off of Viibryd? Or after missing a dose? I really hope that within the next few months I can be off of it all together without starting something new. I wish I had been warned before I started taking viibryd. I still have a ways to go before o can completely quit.

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Started taking Zoloft in August, after suffering from an Anxiety attack. I went to see my doctor, asked if I could just be prescribed Vallium, because my anxiety was caused by situations in my life, like becoming empty nesters. Our grown daughters have all spread their wings. I am a 45 year old female, mother of three daughters. I agreed to taking the Zoloft. Shortly after starting, I became numb to every possible emotion including the desire to have intercourse with my spouse, who I have been married to for 24 years and we've never had a problem in that area. Nothing bothered me, nothing made me happy, Nothing, is what I felt. It completely altered my thinking, feeling, etc. So last week, I go see my doctor, explain how I have been feeling, and express that I would like to enjoy intercourse again. He decides to put me on Viibryd, and that is when hell broke loose on my body. I have been taking it for JUST 7 days. I started last Wednesday. So Tuesday night, I took 40mgs of Zoloft and Wednesday night I took 40mg of Viibryd. My doctor told me that it would be okay to go from one to the other at the same dosage. I was fine Thursday. Friday, I thought I would die. Felt like I had been hit by every cab on a train. Saturday, I thought I would DIE! Sweating, chills, no energy to breath, blood pressure 160/95 had the worse night of my life Saturday night. I literally thanked GOD for letting me wake up on Sunday. Mind you, I have never had a blood pressure above 120/60
Sunday, pretty much the repeat of Saturday, but was feeling better. Monday, call doc and tell him I about died over the weekend and want OFF of the drug. He tells me to lower my dosage, 20mg for a week. Thanks. I took 20mg and fought the devil all night. Horrible night, no sleep. Brain zaps, twitching legs. Completely freaking my husband out. I have slept 4 hours in the last two nights. I pray to God that he gets me through this. Finally found a place where I know how each of you feel. I can't express to anyone what the heck is going on in my body, in my head! I thank God too, that my husband is so supportive of me and has gotten no sleep either. I was literally afraid to close my eyes last night, for fear of the return of the devil. Never, ever taking anti-anxiety, anti-anything ever again.
Good Luck. Hugs to you all.

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Kim, thank you SO much for your encouragement! And I thank everyone who has come forward and told their stories of misery and horror. I assume there may be some who have had better results, but I haven't found many. I was put on this drug after having little results over the years from Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Cymbalta, prozac and probably others I can't remember (I'm 62). The only one that has come even slightly close to this one as far as side effects is Cymbalta. I have fibromyalgia and IBS. I have had depression for many many years. When my doctor gave me the starter pack and somewhat explained how it works, I was very excited. I assumed after all these many years of antidepressants being brought to market that surely this one had to be better. After 7 days on the 10 mg, the only effects I had were lots of gas, bloated stomach and diarrhea. NO improvement in my depression or moods or anxiety. Yesterday (1/14/14) I took the first 20 mg pill. A little more diarrhea and bloating during the day. Between 3-4 this morning, I woke up and realized I had had diarrhea in my pajamas while I slept. I have NEVER had anything like that happen to me before. Today I cut the 20 in half on my way to getting off this horrendous drug. What I want to know is WHY are doctors prescribing this? I can't find hardly any positive reviews anywhere. Almost everyone has a horror story to tell about it. I can tell you one thing: I'm going to give my doctor a very stern lecture about this. No one should have to suffer the way so many of you on here have. I hope and pray that all of you finally get off this without lingering side effects.

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Diana, I understand your dilemma. I have been off Viibryd since Feb.7. I tapered down pretty quickly but I wasn't on it that long. I pray your getting off this will be okay, just do it slowly, it won't be painless. I just cannot believe all I have heard and read after starting Viibryd, how bad it can be. My doctor still has not called me back, I can only attribute it to his support staff. I feel since I am on my own on this, I won't try any other meds for depression as NOTHING has truly helped. I know it is not easy to treat at all. Just have to make self healthy, not sure doctors even know how! Good luck to you all as we struggle to deal with this daily.

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A psychiatrist prescribed this medication, and it helped me a lot with both depression and anxiety, but when a medical reason for my depression was discovered, I decided to come off Viibryd and see how I would fare. He helped direct me about how to get off it with minimal side effects.

I had completely refused to go up to the 40 mg dosage. I was taking 20, and to get off, for one week I stepped down to 10, and for the past several days I have not taken any. I am having a little bit of disorientation today that may or may not be related, and my anxiety has increased, but my doctor told me to expect increased anxiety because it does have anxiolytic properties. This makes sense and is simply part of the process, but if you are having panic attacks, that seems to be a sign that either you're on too high a dosage, or you're getting off it too quickly.

Also, be sure to check if you're on another medication that has negative interactions...the person suffering from serotonin syndrome is probably on something else that should not be paired with Viibryd. Be sure to discuss all medications with your dr., but in my experience, don't rely on the dr. entirely. I know not everyone can afford a psychiatrist, but I'd advise people getting prescribed by a GP to follow up on their own by using reliable sources like the mayoclinic and avoiding sites like WebMD that just try to scare you to death. Best of luck to everyone struggling!

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VIIBRYD IS THE WORST MEDICATION EVER! I have suffered from anxiety and depression on and off since becoming an Army wife and dealing with deployments. I was on cymbalta which I LOVED but when we got off active duty and hubby became deputy, our new insurance sucked and it cost too much so my Dr wanted me to try viibryd. Worst mistake ever. I went through the starter pack and I became an angry person. I am not an angry person. I missed 2 days due to pharmacy not having it and I actually attacked my husband!!!!!! I went in a total rage. I talked to my Dr and she said it was from missing the 2 doses. Mood swings only got worse, nightmares were daily, and aggitation increased. I thought about dying all the time and actually wanted to die. I also gained about 10 pounds in the first month. Its been 4 days without any meds and I haven't been to sleep in over 32 hours. I will never suggest this medication for anyone. It needs to be taken off the market.

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I am going to look online and read some of the legal cases. There are some already.

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Viibryd is awful. On it for five months. Helped a tiny bit but side effects were terrible. Sleepy all he time. Sleep 12 hours per night and then want a nap during the day. Nightmares and would wake from the dream unable to move or reach for my husband for a few terrifying moments. Also unable to talk to wake him up because I was so scared. I'm now taking Wellbutrin which works on dopamine vs serotonin. Very few side effects. It works much much better. Everyone is different.

Viibryd is a scary drug.

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If you stopped taking it cold turkey, rather than tapering off of it, then such withdrawal/rebound effects are normal.

I didn't suffer the panic attacks, but I was on Zoloft for several years and stopped taking it cold turkey and did suffer some rebound effects for over a month, after stopping.


Have you talked to your doctor about anything else you can use to help?

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I've been on 40mg for more than 2 months and missed a dose yesterday, had 20-30 ZAPS! and nightmares last night...I'm thinking about weaning 20mg for a week and then 10mg / week, then 5 then off. Maybe you should too, but I'm definitely going off this evil spirit of a medicine.

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I have been taking Viibryd 10 mg X 10 days only. Do I need to wean off of Viibryd before starting Lexapro 15 mg which was my original medication at 10 mg?

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I hope you have successfully come through what you were dealing with....I'm in the exact same boat ... Same weight thing and all. I'm absolutely terrified and its worse having literally NO ONE around who can even remotely fathom what it's like.

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My doc had me taper very slowly, max I was on was 20 then went down to 10 for one month now completed, feel somewhat light headed

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I agree. Been experiencing the same things since stopping it. I've tried everything the last 18 years, but this is BY FAR the worse.

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Good luck to you. I cannot believe this is in the market. My physician looked at me like I was crazy when I told him the symptoms I had on that meds. I feel very fortunate to have come out of it, sane & alive. I had never experienced brain zaps or night terrors before, whoa. I tapered down very slowly, cut the 10mg into 5mg. I was so scared but I made it. As you said, I will never take anything like thus again.

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I was put on viibryd for PTSD.. I was good the first week on the 10mg, and also the second, but by the time I made it to the 40mg I started having side effects. I was uptight, panicky, irritable, and if I missed a dose in the evenings I would have horrible violent nightmares. When I went to see my doctor she didn't step me off of it. Instead she gave me a nerve pill. By the second day I was violent and had what I guess was D.T.'s.. I had flash backs and urges to tear the flesh from my arms. I think it's more of a problem than a solution, considering the side effects and dependency level it creates.

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Hello. I'm 31 yr old female with 4 children i took Zoloft after the birth of my 3rd child, he and i were on a bad car accident when he was 6 Weeks old. Zoloft was good for the ptsd then so i could stop crying and feeling despair. But i was emotionally numb, no goofiness or the things that made me, me. if i stopped taking it i went nuts on people. I resumed taking it as scheduled but gradually weaned myself off. I was like 25 then and had my fourth child so i got back on it until i could pick myself up and get back to work and school. A few months ago I had a panic attack for the first time while driving my 14 year old home from school. I thought I was having a stroke. I went to my doctor and he recommended viibryd to take the edge off. I thought I was just being a weak person by not being able to be as resilient and stressed, he said he had other patients who were college instructors, psychologists and what not...and that it worked for them and I wasn't weak just needed some relief. He said it had no side effects and if i didn't want to take it then i could stop. I was very nervous to begin any medication and thought it was just my relationship stressing me out. Reluctantly, i started taking half of the 10Mg he prescribed me to see if i felt relief, and nothing changed so i started taking the full 10 at night secretly. (i was embarrassed to be taking it). Well, i felt very energetic in the mornings and less worried about everything. but i would wake up at like 3 am and lie awake for a couple of hours thinking about terrible things until i could go back to sleep. i went back to the Dr and he asked if i wanted to increase my dose. I said no thank you, I'll figure out how to cope. I kept taking it for a couple of Weeks and now, i've stopped. Wow. I have not had it in two Weeks. I sleep allot and i think about suicide. I cry allot and am very angry. I can barely work or focus. I'm withdrawing from events, not able to concentrate and i had to tell my significant other what is going on. The worst part is feeling depressed, crying and feeling like suicide. I usually love my life and find ways to enjoy it. I wish i had not started taking that dumb pill. I don't know how long this stuff will last. I've been listening to positive affirmations on utube and making myself calm down. Try not to take this medication. Pray, exercise eat right and cry if you need to cry. Life has UPS and DOWNS. Just keep going without drugs. The season will change and things will look up. Long post, i know. my apologies, thx for listening.

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Viibryd has been horrible for me and I'm slowly titrating down with doctor's advice and am getting the he!! off this drug. Last night went back down to 10mg and also had horrible almost immediate nightmares of not being able to breath. I was really freaked out. It happened about 20 times in my first two hours of sleep. I hace also had agonizing joint pain in knees, ankles and hands. This is the worst drug side effects I have ever experienced and I feel angry for seemingly being a guinea pig since this drug has been out for such a little amount of time.

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