Help! Coming Off Of Viibryd (Page 3)
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I was wondering if any of you out there have come off of an SSRI and had severe panic attacks that lasted a month or longer. I am in such distress. I wasn't taking any sort of medication a few years ago and was fine. I almost went through a break-up last summer, got super depressed and my primary care physician started me on Viibryd. At first, it worked great, I felt happy and alive and things smoothed over with the boyfriend. Once he bumped me up to 40 mg however this past November I started to notice I was having panic attacks every now and then. I decided I wanted to get off of it and he cut me down to 20mg for a week, then 10 mg for a week and then nothing. The more I got off of Viibryd, the more panic attacks I would have. I would especially get them while driving.

I would get a feeling of not being able to breathe followed by tachycardia and my hands would go numb. I was taken t the ER so many times this past month and even hospitalized for a weekend after being off of the stuff. I believe the last Viibryd pill I took was on February9th (a month ago today) and my panic attacks have lessened but only because I have been taking .5 mg of lorazepam (ativan) 3 times a day. Whenever I don't take an ativan, its inevitable that a panic attack will come on. I am in such distress and don't want to get on another SSRI because while I was in the hospital, I was diagnosed with hyper seritonin syndrome from the viibryd. The doc I saw said I was taking too high of a dosage for only weighing 115 lbs. I want this torture to end and I just want some comfort in knowing someone out there went through this or something similar and that they made it through it.

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VIIBRYD IS THE WORST MEDICATION EVER! I have suffered from anxiety and depression on and off since becoming an Army wife and dealing with deployments. I was on cymbalta which I LOVED but when we got off active duty and hubby became deputy, our new insurance sucked and it cost too much so my Dr wanted me to try viibryd. Worst mistake ever. I went through the starter pack and I became an angry person. I am not an angry person. I missed 2 days due to pharmacy not having it and I actually attacked my husband!!!!!! I went in a total rage. I talked to my Dr and she said it was from missing the 2 doses. Mood swings only got worse, nightmares were daily, and aggitation increased. I thought about dying all the time and actually wanted to die. I also gained about 10 pounds in the first month. Its been 4 days without any meds and I haven't been to sleep in over 32 hours. I will never suggest this medication for anyone. It needs to be taken off the market.

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Do these symptoms go away once you stop taking the Viibryd? I too am having HORRIBLE side effects from it and took my last pill yesterday. I'm so afraid that the side effects are never going to go away. Someone please tell me I'm wrong!

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A psychiatrist prescribed this medication, and it helped me a lot with both depression and anxiety, but when a medical reason for my depression was discovered, I decided to come off Viibryd and see how I would fare. He helped direct me about how to get off it with minimal side effects.

I had completely refused to go up to the 40 mg dosage. I was taking 20, and to get off, for one week I stepped down to 10, and for the past several days I have not taken any. I am having a little bit of disorientation today that may or may not be related, and my anxiety has increased, but my doctor told me to expect increased anxiety because it does have anxiolytic properties. This makes sense and is simply part of the process, but if you are having panic attacks, that seems to be a sign that either you're on too high a dosage, or you're getting off it too quickly.

Also, be sure to check if you're on another medication that has negative interactions...the person suffering from serotonin syndrome is probably on something else that should not be paired with Viibryd. Be sure to discuss all medications with your dr., but in my experience, don't rely on the dr. entirely. I know not everyone can afford a psychiatrist, but I'd advise people getting prescribed by a GP to follow up on their own by using reliable sources like the mayoclinic and avoiding sites like WebMD that just try to scare you to death. Best of luck to everyone struggling!

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I am glad that you have found something that has restored some semblance of normalcy for you. I have been off Viibryd for over 2 months. I have had worse depression that ever before. I thought the physical stuff of coming off Viibryd was difficult, for me, but the emotional rollercoaster has been tougher than I imagined. It is difficult for those around me to understand this, I have five children and somedays don't know how it is possible to be so depressed when I have been blessed by healthy children. I feel like the worst example, how do I show them how to be healthy physically and mentally when I don't even care how I look going about my business to begin with. How can anyone want to be around me when I don't even want to be me! I am confused how to go forward without antidepressants, but don't know how to pick myself up. I don't want to go back on antidepressants, they have not been a good thing so far. I would love to know how to go to loving my life and the people in it, hard to show positive emotions when I feel the way I do! Tell me about your vitamins.

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Unfortunately, my experience with Viibryd was far from positive. After failing almost every other antidepressant, Viibryd seemed like the drug that could "fix everything" Well I started the titration pack, and for the first week, my anxiety lessened. I was able to leave the house and I felt less depressed. However, I was really nauseated and couldn't eat anything. I was so fed up though, I decided to overlook that. As week two approached, I noticed a bought of insomnia that I couldn't kick. I would be up at four in the morning with college classes starting at 8am. That too was concerning but I needed something and Viibryd seemed like my only choice. But then the most disturbing symptom emerged, memory problems. I started forgetting how to get to classes, and even how to get to my dorm. I told the doctor I wanted off the medication, but he reassured me everything was fine, and even told me to up the dose to 20mg. I didn't do it, and I am really glad I didn't because I probably would have died. This drug is dangerous, and I would not let anyone I know take it. It destroyed my life for an entire month, and I was only on 10mg. This drug should be pulled off the market at all costs. I haven't reacted well to any antidepressant, but viibryd was in its own class of horrible. I had never felt suicidal faster on a drug or so anxious. Its been three weeks since I have been off this med,and Im struggling immensely with panic attacks. I would love to see the manufactures of this drug take this s*** for a month and then say how "great" this drug is. They really do need a taste of their own medicine.

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I have been on viibryd for 8 months 40mg when my son passed away i needed something and this is what I got. I got itchy every time my viibryd was wearing off extreme itchiness everywhere I wanted to crawl out of my skin so I was taking it earlier and earlier not to mention my head was always cloudy I couldn't remember a thing. I have been off the med for 4 days now I still have extreme itchiness but I am getting through it. I started taking thrive an all natural vitamin pack that has saved my life I am out of bed. I am not depressed anymore. I am a mother and wife again. I am blown away by what this product has done for me but the best thing is being able to stop the viibryd. If any of you are interested in what THRIVE is I can tell you all about the amazing things it's doing for people just email me at {edited for privacy}. It honestly saved my life.

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Ativan, clonazapaem, and lexpro are likely causing most of the side effects. They are all Benzo's and cause the side effects mentioned. They should be stopped first over a 9 month period. Halving the viibryd dose every 3-4 weeks is easy.

Google "klonapin withdrawal" to find a medical journal article on getting off Benzo's.

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THANK YOU for your post. I thought I was the only one!!! Encouraged me to get off of Viibryd.

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I think you have a point on dealing with things holistically, listening to your body. The meds for depression have such bad sides that I am starting to do just what you say you have been doing; incorporating some type of body movement regularly, not eating so much processed foods, and on and on! Doctors are practicing! This journey is not always easy, the brain zaps I have had with this is reminiscent of the ones I got a few years ago coming off muscle relaxants/pain meds. I hope it isn't seizures, they were minimal coming off Viibryd, but I did experience them for about a week, was not on Viibryd more than 2mos.

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I'm happiest not taking anything at all. If I have a mood swing, anger or sadness. I am learning how to deal with myself. These meds come with too many problems. I wonder if the brain zaps are a type of seizure. I still have slight ones every once in awhile. I never had them before taking Viibryd. Never even heard of them.

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Diana, I understand your dilemma. I have been off Viibryd since Feb.7. I tapered down pretty quickly but I wasn't on it that long. I pray your getting off this will be okay, just do it slowly, it won't be painless. I just cannot believe all I have heard and read after starting Viibryd, how bad it can be. My doctor still has not called me back, I can only attribute it to his support staff. I feel since I am on my own on this, I won't try any other meds for depression as NOTHING has truly helped. I know it is not easy to treat at all. Just have to make self healthy, not sure doctors even know how! Good luck to you all as we struggle to deal with this daily.

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Would not suggest flushing the rest of your prescription down the toilet in frustration as I did. After the third day without taking I was so dizzy I was unable to stand much less walk. Movement of my head side to side made me nauseous-vomiting-I can only describe it as someone scrambling the inside of my brain-churning over and over-7 days later I am still experiencing dizziness, trouble balancing-when laying down still having swirling in my head. Vibryd is a drug that should only be used with extreme caution-the reason I flushed the pills in the first place was in a moment of sheer frustration and anger over how the pills only increased my agitation and crying jags. My kids said the medicine makes you scream one minute and cry the next- they said they would rather I went back to sleeping all the time which I did with Zoloft.

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I suggest tapering down slowly. I would NOT go off of this cold turkey. You could end ip in the hospital or psych ward. I started slowly, under the advisement of my physician. I took half the dose every other day & the full dose on the other days for a week. The 2nd week the half dose for one week, then I cut the pills in fourths (5mg) until I was completely out. I took it very slowly. It worked well for me. Good luck!

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Confused, that kind of worries me. I really think you need to slow down gradually, not just cold turkey. Almost all anti-depressants have warnings to not stop without consulting your doctor. I'm surprised he would suggest that. It sounds a little dangerous to me. Maybe your pharmacist could better advise you.
Anyone else have any suggestions for Confused? Help is needed here!

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My lips also go numb not sure about that either I could list so many things that I feel each day on and off meds but it would take days and I would sound crazy . My doctor told me I could come off it all at once since I've only been on it 4 months but I haven't been off medication for even 1 day in years n years I guess I will have to wait n see how I do I just don't want to have to take meds just to get through the day but if I have to I guess I will thanks for your reply

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I am three days off Viibryd and still have itching. I tapered down to appx. 3mg every other day this last week and am three days no Viibryd. The itching is so bad, I have raw spots on, I cannot scratch it enough. I take Benadryl midmorning and before bed or it keeps me up. I wouldn't be surprised to hear about this, negatively, in the news. Shall we call them?

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Dear Confused,
Most of us on this site came here because we were certain Viibrid was causing most of our terrible side effects. I can't tell you the best way to detox yourself from this drug, but I CAN tell you you should find the safest way to do so and the sooner the better. I only took it for 9 days from a sample pack my doctor gave me. As soon as I took the first 20 mg tablet, I KNEW I could not tolerate this at any dosage. I cut the 20's in half and took the 1st half 2 days after the full 20. I then skipped a 3rd day then took another half (10mg) more. Then no more. There is nothing wrong with you except for this horrible med. I can't believe the FDA approved this. There's no way they couldn't have realized the seriousness of the side effects. You never mentioned what your doctor advised after telling him you wanted off of it. Be certain to follow up with him/her so they can document your reactions. So many of us tend to just go off of meds on our own but since you said you have been on it for 4 months, you will need to let them know in case they have suggestions on how to do so for YOU. Keep us posted.

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I am 30 female. I have been taking viibryd for about 4 months along with 2mg Xanax prescribed 3x a day I don't always take that many just as needed. Befor viibryd I have taken zoloft Wellbutrin among many more the zoloft worked good but sexual side effects made me want to try something different. Doc told me viibryd has no sexual side effects so I was all about it but it seemed nothing changed in that dept. so after 5 years or so of being on medication I asked if it would be a good idea if I tried to just come off the viibryd not take any antidepressants but keep my Xanax for panic n anger issues which is also one reason I was on the other meds I've tried. My mind is very confused I hope this isn't too scattered anyway now I'm only taking Xanax has anyone heard voices no I'm not crazy but the night befor last every time I would start to doze off my Mind would feel odd kind of like it was being pulled 2 ways hard to explain muffle led n going in circles and I heard a man yelling very loud my husband asleep right next to me. My heart started racing I was so scared it sounded like he was right there I could just lay there n shake, not too long after I heard a woman speaking softly but quickly my heart was beating out of my chest i don't know what they were saying but it was scary I told my husband the next day and I got the reaction I expected the are you crazy look ha... Slept fine last night but my days have always been slightly confused n takes my eyes longer to catch up with my brain like I said that's been going on for a while also but I'm just a confused person I have anger issues very hard to control my temper meds helped but would like to see a clear day not sure what I'm trying to sY or even ask of anyone reading this my mind is abnormal. I guess I'm asking does anyone else out there have any of the issues I have talked about I have many more but I don't know how to explain them please someone out there help me understand what's really wrong with me!!!

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I hear you, Leah. I've been itching for almost a week now. It's getting less and less but very frustrating! I had no idea that Viibryd could do so much to you until I ran across this site. I thought that all of the symptoms were just me. I thought I was going insane. I've had a lot of stress in my life the last year and I thought that I was just at my peak of what I could take. Thank God I went to a different doctor! Good luck to you! I hope it gets better!

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Thank you for the information. I have gone down to 5mg, every other day, definitely have many of the issues listed here, but I am not going back on them. Just nice to understand some of the physical stuff is normal for coming off Viibryd.I wasn't on it for much over a month.

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