Health Clinic In Huntsville Alabama (Top voted first)
UpdatedI'm 18 and married with an 11 month old baby. I'm always tired and never have any energy whatsoever. Even before I had a baby I noticed that I was always tired. I've always been a great weight and after having a baby I'm just as small as I was when I was about 14. I went to a psychologist and they said I had bipolar disorder. I tried Abilify and didn't like it. Then they had me on Giodon. The Giodon had horrible side effects and made me like a zombie. When I looked up symptoms for having bipolar disorder I only had 1, I would get annoyed really easily. When I began to look up other things it looked like my symptoms were leaning towards narcolepsy but once again I only had 1 symptom but it was a main one, being tired all the time. So finally I looked up ADD and I have damn near every symptom, my sister has it too so I tried taking half of her Adderall 30 mg and the difference was amazing. I went from laying down all day not having energy to do anything and now I'm finally cleaning my house and being more active with my daughter. I'm in a way better mood with my husband and other family too. The next time I tried it I took a whole one but it was just too much. I don't have health insurance so I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they live in the Huntsville area and know of a health clinic that can diagnose me if I have it and actually be open to letting me have choices in the medication I want to take. Should I tell the doctor about my experience with Adderall?
2 Replies
Your symptoms could be due to other medical problems, they may not necessarily be due to ADHD.
You need to inform your doctor of your symptoms, so they can do some checking to see what's causing the problem. For instance, both anemia and thyroid disorders could cause these types of problems and it would be normal for most people to get a boost from taking Adderall.
And as to that, there's a chance that your doctor could think you're drug seeking if you mention it. It is a controlled substance, which you technically took illegally.
Does anyone know of a clinic in that area that they can recommend?
I have always had a sleepy personality and frequently dosing off while watching a movie. I would get so angry because I really wanted to enjoy a movie occasionally with my husband. As far back as high school always asking my classmates to borrow their notes after class so I could double check during Study Hall. My friend back then, 1983-1986 would ask me if I ever mentioned this to my parents or Dr. Of course not. I just thought I was a slow learner. What you need to do is go to a regular medical Dr. Talk to her or him about the lack of energy, sleepiness and any other symptoms. My attention span has gotten a lot better. I actually enjoy watching TV and not dozing off after 20 minutes of driving.
You have to have blood work done in order for the Physician to diagnose you properly. You could have a Thyroid problem. (I do and being treated), do you take a multi vitamin? Just be straight up with the Dr. If they ask you if it runs in the family, say yes, but don't offer extra information like you took a pill not prescribed to you. Tell the Dr about all the changes in your life, the vitamins or natural substance. Tell him/her they made you jittery like caffeine in coffee. Just giving you an idea how you can get the best treatment.
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