Hasimotos Diagnosis (Top voted first)


Hi, I was just diagnosed with hasimotos today. I have been crazy lately. My emotions are out of control & I am getting anxiety attacks. I was prescribed levothyroxine 50 mcg. I would like to know how long it will take for this medication to kick in? Will it regulate me & make the anxiety go away? Will I gain weight? Any side effects? I also was diagnosed with sibo (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) I think it's all connected. It's making my immune system off.

Thank you for any help,

6 Replies

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Hello, Lisa! How are you?

There's really no way to predict how well this medication will or will not work for you. It may need to be adjusted several times over the next few months, until things balance out. Your doctor should be checking your levels after you've been taking it for a month or so, then every few months after that.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, body hair loss and weight changes.

Does anyone with Hashimotos know more?

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Thank you verwon
I am actually feeling better but not 100% yet
I am on day 8 of my meds
My brain fog is gone & my anxiety has decreased ... But still there hopefully I will be back to normal soon

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I was diagnosed with this last friday. They started me on 100mcg daily. Definitely have anxiety, sluggish more in afternoon/evening. Heaviness to legs, etc. Ill keep you in my thoughts!!!

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Thank you
I have been on levothyroxine for 2 weeks
I feel a little better
My anxiety level was lower but today I feel it is back
I'm wondering if it is because I am getting pms?.
Did your doctor recommended an anti depressant ?
I am thinking of going for a second opinion
It can't be that when you are diagnosed with hashimotis you have yo suffer with anxiety
Sometimes I am soooo tired that I can't move & other times I am fine
I hope that you get some relief from the meds soon

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It seems to me that because we all have different minor affects from hypothyroid the meds would have different results for each of us too. I pushed through the new meds bugs, knowng it might take some time. Also, we are all so used to noticing every bump in our physical road we've become hyper sensitive I think. Anxiety and fatigue have become a way of life for our bodies. Relax and give that body time to get better. We will have bad days because we have dysfunctioning hormones. And we are adding synthetic hormones to boot. Keep working with your doctor till you get it right, and forgive yourself the bad days :) just knowing its my thyroid after ten years of what the hell is wrong is more than enough to be thankful for.

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Thank you for the advice
I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride
Everyday has different symptoms
But I am trying to keep my spirits up & stay calm
Thank you

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