Harvoni Forums (Page 3)

Recently active Harvoni forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Harvoni and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I just finished my last harvoni pill on the 12 week treatment; how soon do I have to give blood to get the correct results? Took last pill on Thurs. 6/9/2016. ## They recheck your blood after 6 months to make sure it is not hiding somewhere in your body. My 6 month is 2 months away now :)

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One pill a day, no side effects gone after 4 weeks. Insurance and a foundation paid for it all. Now I am working on healing my liver. I feel blessed. ## Alright Jane!!!! I am so happy for you! That's awesome!!! You didn't experience any side effects, at all? The FDA states that some people experience nausea, dizziness, headache and fatigue, even for awhile after finishing their course of treatment. It's amazing that you had no issues with it. ## No none at all. Some people without the disease that are my age have some of those symptoms and they are related to age. Wish you the best stay positive and take the pill the same time each day it helps.

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Can you take lactaid with Harvoni if you have lactose intolerance issues? I'm due to start Harvoni treatment next week, and no one at the liver clinic can tell me if it's ok to use lactaid to minimize IBD issues from lactose. ## I FINALLY found out - not from the Hep C clinic Drs. overseeing the treatment of course, nor from Gilead because when I called to ask they refused to tell ME - the one who's paying for their product. They told me to have a pharmacist call them to get the answer for me. Go figure. So for anyone else who might need to know: YES you can take lactaid/lactase with Harvoni if you have lactose sensitivity as side effect from another health problem. YES you can also take gravol for the nausea from Harvoni YES you can take any pain reliever for headaches etc....

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Started 3 weeks ago. First 3 days I got tired... but was taking it at 7pm so it worked out great. No side effects at all now! Very happy and looking forward to my first doctor visit to see how much the viral load has dropped. Stay WELL hydrated...I drink at least 8 bottles of water each day and many say it helps. Best of luck to everyone! ## Hello Pop pop! How are you doing? Has there been any change? As to your fluid intake, please be careful, there is such a thing as too much! While many people think you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, that should actually be your overall fluid intake, not just water, so it should include juices, coffee, sodas and etc....including the liquid in the foods you eat. I just wanted to add this as precautionary note, since taking in too much fluid h...

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My step dad completed treatment with Harvoni last year and was given the all clear on his Hep C, but 2 days later was diagnosed with MDS. He was going through chemo, hydration and blood transfusions, and recently underwent a bone marrow transplant. He wasn't doing well (fluid build up/adema), and on the 25th went to the ICU, and shortly after, into cardiac arrest. He's now on a ventilator, propofol, fentanyl, and on continuous dialysis. He was gone for 8 minutes. Today, they will be doing an MRI and a lumbar puncture. They want to try to wean him off the meds and take the vent out and see how he does, as when they do the "sedation vacation" in the mornings, he's awake and agitated but not really coherent. The only thing that makes me have hope, is that he is at the R...

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Harvoni made me feel like I had the Flu.some body aches, headaches, and insomnia. ..took vitamin c 1000mg. Sleeptabs only with Doxylamine succinate 25mg and Melatonin 5mg for the sleeplessness.rest..exercised. I feel great.?? ## How are your results? Has there been any improvement in your condition? Many people have been having good results with this medication and are showing no viral load after short periods of time. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may include diarrhea, dizziness and nausea.

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I took Harvoni for 1 month, yes I said only 4 weeks and my Hepatitis C is Undetectable! I had absolutely no side affects. But of course everyone will react different I'm sure. I just wanted to give someone hope. Even if it's just one person. ## Awesome! I'm very glad that this medication worked so well for you. From the other posts I've read, it seems that many people are having good results with it, though some have experience various side effects, which the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and diarrhea. How much longer will you be taking it?

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Symptoms new treatments and how effective are these treatments and is there a cure. How many types of hepatitis are there ## Hello, Amentha! How are you? I think the most successful new meducation is Harvoni, which many people reporting a full 'cure' of Hep C, though a few have reported relapsing, after completing their course of treatment. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain and diarrhea. There are 2 Hepatitis viruses, as listed by the NIH, A; B and C. Not all are 'curable', so to speak and no doctor can promise an actual cure. Can anyone that's been on this treatment chime in? ## Oh and I forgot about the other two, D and E, though they are very rare.

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I have been on harvoni for two weeks. I still have a sharp pain in my right side under my rib. Why would I still have this pain? ## Hello, Kolleen! How are you? Well, it has only been two weeks, the medication does need time to work. It's also not a pain reliever, you may need to talk to your doctor about something you can take to alleviate that. The FDA classifies Harvoni as an antiviral and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, insomnia and weakness. The good news, however, is that this medication has worked successfully for many people. Is there anything else I can help with? ## It affects the gallbladder negatively ## bad rash on LH forearm since using horvoni also a friend on this med doctor told him this would not clear up a 30 ye...

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Hi, I'm on 8 weeks but worried I have less chance of a cure (have read Ion 3 study). Had viral load of about 250,000 prior to treatment, am treatment naive and fibroscan of 6.1 - and supposedly F0. But I have had HCV (from blood transfusion) for almost 35 years! Should I be taking 12 weeks? I'm in week 6 of treatment. Sides include dizziness (almost passing out a couple of times). Worried about not taking treatment long enough to cure me but would have to borrow money for extra 4 weeks. Plus, what are long term sides of Harvoni - who can tell. Thanks so much! ## Hello, Elizabeth! How are you? Many people do have great success rates being on it for 8 weeks. However, if you're concerned, you should speak to your prescriber about it, as they may also want to up to it to 12 week...

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My Healthcare Provider is aware of myself taking Harvoni, however he gave me the Testosterone inj. on a monthly plan anyways. I am assuming that knowing my Heathcare Provider who is so very thorough would not have told me to use the two. I take Harvoni by tablet once daily and the Testosterone once a month by inj. ## Hello, Bartholomew! How are you? I didn't find any problems or interactions listed between the two, but it's always best to double check such information to be sure. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Harvoni as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain and joint pain. How much longer will you be taking it? ## Hi There Bartholomew: I didn't know that you could get Harvoni by pill form. I had been giving my husband the inj. however the D...

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I have been hearing more and more people relapsing after Harvoni treatments. I'm going into my 4th week and getting worried. I wonder if it's even worth it? ## Hello, Teresa! How are you? Many have had very good results with Harvoni and, if you don't try it, you'll never know. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, muscle aches and diarrhea. This medication also has a much lower rate of failed treatment and relapses than the others that are available. Can anyone that's been on it chime in with their experiences? ## I'm doing ok, going into the sixth week of treatment with Harvoni. My 4 week blood work came back results detected. Time will tell. Side effects are not that bad.

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I take Harvoni and have a staph infection on my neck, what can I take that won't interfere with my hep c treatment? ## A staph infection is very serious and requires a prescription for antibiotics. the area must be cleaned frequently, cover only if draining. you may use a small amount of antibiotic ointment. The area must be clean and dry.Occasionally they heal on their own with good care, but most frequently need the antibiotics. See your doc. ## Hi Teresa, Apart from what Karen had mentioned (which is good advice by the way), I'd encourage you to ask your doctor about using tea tree oil (melaleuca) as well as black seed oil (nigella sativa) for Staphylococcus aureus if you haven't already sought out a form of treatment. I'm not aware of any drug interactions, but both ...

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been on harvoni for 7 weeks side effects not to bad, got to keep a full stomach n that usually takes care of the nausea and all of my joints are feeling a lot better, feel like the tin man in wizard of oz when the girl oiled the tin mans joints, moving around more easily. seem to cope with problems a little better n have more energy, hope its not short lived ## Hello, Joe! How are you doing? I'm glad this medication is working well for you. Many people have reported good results with it and positive outcomes, so lets hope the same holds true for you. The FDA lists other possible side effects as including nausea, dizziness and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## i am on my 9th wk on harvoni n i was only 5wks on my last reply n now im on the 9th wk so i was wondering ...

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I started Harvoni a little over 2 weeks ago. The only side effect I've noticed is fatigue. Fatigue and feeling confused at times and under motivated. The Harvoni is costing me $5/28 days.. good insurance and some help from Gilead. I have cirrhosis and had a walnut sized cancer removed from my liver. Fortunately no metastasis was found! Recovery from the surgery took 5 weeks. Indeed the surgery allowed some liver regeneration so I've got more liver than Is started with. The fatigue is troubling, I get tired during the day but energized during the evening and don't want to get up in the morning. If you have liver damage you shouldn't be paying $1000/pill. If you have HepC1a and don't have liver damage and can't get a break on the Harvoni cost, shame on the industry...

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I finished 12 weeks of harvoni on April 12, my blood work came back undetected, been almost 3 months and still feeling fatigue, muscle and joint pain, unable to resume daily activities. Also was diagnosed with fybromyalgia in January, not sure which one is affecting me. Also lost 20 lbs during the treatment, which I am extremely under weight (5'9 - 115 lbs) my question is how long does it take to recover from treatment. ## Hello, Nickey! How are you feeling? I'm sorry you're so miserable. Those can also be symptoms of fibromyalgia, it is doubtful that they would linger for several months, after stopping the medication. Have you consulted your doctor? They should be able to help you get to the root of the problem. Are you on any medications for your fibro? ## I've been go...

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Hello, if I had to pay for the drug Harvoni out of pocket what would that look like? ## Harvoni is $1,125 per pill, or $94,500 for a 12-week course of treatment. I just got mine Thursday 28 pills was $28,000! Thank God I have insurance. I've heard the makers of harvoni their name is Gilead that they help with cost somehow.

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On 38th day of Harvoni. Only side effect was slightly increased BP. Simply changed timing if BP med. 1st Blood test after 28 days detected NO Virus! SGOT, SGPT normal for 1st time in 30 years. At start Viral Load 11 million. Fibrosis F3. Have played tennis almost everyday since start of meds. 62 year old Male. Woo Hoo?? ## Awesome! I am very glad that it worked so well for you! Congratulations! Many people have been reporting good results with Harvoni, which is awesome. The increase blood pressure can be a side effect of it, as listed by the FDA, along with nausea, headache, diarrhea, fatigue and insomnia. Has anyone else taken this medication? ## Thanks! At 42 days now Half way point! All is good!

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How does amoxicillin interact with harvoni? ## Hello, Sister! How are you? I didn't find any interactions or problems listed between these two medications, but it's always best to double check such information to be sure. Amoxicillin is classified by the FDA as an antibiotic, it is used to treat or prevent bacterial infections. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Harvoni is used to treat Hepatitis C. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, fatigue, headache, diarrhea and insomnia. Is there anything else I can help with?

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