Harvoni Side Effects (Page 6)


I have been taking Harvoni for 3 months now and am having nerve pain in my legs and lower back pain. Is anyone else taking Harvoni having any of these same side effects as me? Please help if you are able. Thank you

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I did a lot of research last night read everything there is printed on this drug.

Wen MD seems to have mostly positive results with ppl that have completed treatment that said there are only 4 questions asked. Go over to FDA website and it's another ball game. I see my doc in about an hour. I think that the long term effects for ppl basically we'll have not been studied give it @ 5 yrs. I read some disturbing things. Cancer that just popped up immediately after, things that no one could prove but seemed to much to be a coincidence . There is major issues with memory and confusion that is creepy in addition. Some people are more sensitive then others our bodies are all different. Personally I sense a huge big pharma push behind this drug and was not told of the side effects I was told some weakness that can be managed with diet and water.

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I was on 400mg Harvoni and 1,000MG Ribavirin for 16 days. From the day I started taking these meds I honestly thought I was going to die. The Veterans Administration kept telling me to continue with my meds that I would soon feel better. They said there were no side effects and lead me to believe I was going crazy. Eventually I ended up in the hospital so tests could be run on my heart. The point of this statement is that yes the federal and state governments are pushing this drug. The poor on Medicaid and Medicare they get it for free. Inmates in prisons and jails are also being subscribed said meds. We can't forget those who served our country and use us/them as guinea pigs.

The government has to be experimenting with this drug. At $1,400 a pill it's not cheap for a three month cure. I'm very suspicious and question the VA when they give me any medical diagnosis now. I have geno type 1, stage 1 with no cirrosis and a slightly elevated viral count. There was no reason medically for me to have taken these drugs. I also had two liver biopsies and a fibroscan. After 9 years of arguing about it with them I finally gave in because they told me "You can develop liver cancer if you don't take these pills". I have a granddaughter and her face flashed in my mind when the told me this. Never, never again do I trust doctors. I put them on the same list as Lawyers and Dentists.

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I got hep-c by air gun injection in Germany in 1980. It's the genome number that helped me find out it was the Army. I have geno type 1 rare and hard to cure. Genome 1 is found in Europe and parts of Asia. I have left the USA one time and that was to report for duty in Germany. I have service connected disabilty for the hep they gave me. I'm going to ask for 20% more service connected disabilities. I have developed non malignant skin cancers all over my face because of my liver not to mention bein so tired all the time. Good luck with you're search. I hope I helped a little.

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I also have been having kidney problems and nerve problems in my neck after being off of Harvoni for 5 months now. I have nausea most days when I wake up and I do not start to feel better until several hours. I also have pain in my hands. The worst part for me beside the nerve pain in my neck is the struggle of every single night of now having permanent insomnia. I am grateful that the virus is gone but I wish I would have never taken it because I feel so much worse now than I ever have in my life. I wonder if anyone else is dealing with these side effects after being off of Harvoni for a while.

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Please report these to Harvoni, this drug is poison. I am off of this now one wk today and I am just getting my mind back. Funny you mention neck pain my neck was killing me so bad I couldn't turn it. Doc just asked if the nerve pain went down to my fingers. Suggestion see a neurologist and do not let them say its in your mind. Upon more research I found out there were only 500 in the blind study that's not a lot of people, half were probably very, very ill half in placebo. I was furious when my doc offered me more pain meds to stay on. Not knowing what was causing the sides, I was also on hormone that should have been discontinued.

This drug is new and they are compiling data while price gauging. I am so angry I can't begin to tell you. Leave my liver alone unless you can provide a safe, affordable treatment. I hope you get well and recover.

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The side effects should be reported to the FDA, not Gilead. They are the ones who lied in the first place. I'm doing a little better the past week or so. The joint pain is nearly gone and the brain fog seems to be lifting a little. It's so important that we all work together for support and for the sake of others. I truly believe that the truth will emerge about this drug if we can unite and make it happen. Please let others know who are trying to get approval for this poison because they shouldn't take it. Not to mention the money it's costing them and the entire system.

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I am truly not a fan of Harvoni and work daily to inform people what the drug can do to you. I would not tell people not to take the drug. That is truly a personal decision. But we need to be sure that we spread the word that indeed fatigue and headache are not the only side effects. With aniti-virals known to cause mitochondrial toxicity..this results in any variety of unpredictable health problems.
There can be permanent damage to other parts of the body and many of are living proof of that. And yes, I agree...report to the FDA, not Gilead. Gilead supposedly reports to the FDA but they have also been tagged in a study that they regularly fail to report properly. Blessings to all.

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I'm not sure why you would not tell others to stay away from this drug until more information is made available to those who are interested. Do you want them to suffer the same damage that others on this post and elsewhere are reporting? They are unable to learn about the toxicity from doctors, etc. Why keep information from them. It's a personal decision of mine to inform others.

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If you tell people to stay away you take away their choice. By all means tell them your experience and those of others. I am personally on a crusade to educate whoever I can that this stuff is not what the commercials or their doctors are telling them. Then they are educated and can make their own decision. I would not want to be responsible for telling someone to not take a drug that could and likely would cure them only to have their health take a turn for the worse. I certainly do not want any more people to be harmed by this drug such as me and hundreds of others but I will not be responsible for making a decision for them. I am not on the side of Gilead or any of their Hep C drugs.

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How can I possibly take away someone's choice by giving them my opinion? I don't pretend to have that much power. People must think for themselves and make decisions based on the information they have. We don't have enough information on Harvoni but you can go ahead and tell people what ever you want. I have been working as a Patient Advocate for many years and I believe in patients empowering themselves with information before making any decisions.

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I have been posting all over. Some of my posts might turn up on this board thinking I was on a different site. The more I read the angrier I get.

The support groups I was on didn't want any negative vibes, denial better, but I get it, they are pushing through treatment I don't know if I would want to hear someone's bad sides. If you are halfway though the likely hood of stopping is null.

I am the only one I know of so far that went off, but Chepfree is correct there are many sites and I am reading now hundreds of serious post treatments that is scary. This is permanent. I always thought men tolerated this better then women and shook it off as more muscle mass, its complicated but the levels it raises are similar to our bodies natural steroid. I never knew brain fog and short term memory till this drug that I call poison. Today is a wk off and I am relaxing and just now does it feel like I can concentrate. I think their goal is to make as much money they can and if and when the litigation comes in they will deal with it.

We like to think when we see a doc that first do no harm. Its our responsibility to share our experience good, bad or indifferent. Education is power and it might save someone's life. WE took the damn drug not them. I will never forget how relieved I felt when someone on here supported my decision to go off. Looking back I was headed for a heart attack or stoke. The way that was minimized was appalling.

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Good for you for posting your side effects, etc. from Harvoni wherever you can. This may help someone else who has been told by EVERYONE in the medical field that this is such a great drug. I give you credit for having the courage to quit Harvoni; I didn't and that was a mistake. The only thing I did that helped was talk with my Primary Doctor for support. She doesn't know anything about the drug but she listened to me and didn't act as if the side effects I reported were something that I imagined. That was the response from every Doctor at the liver clinic the prescribed the poison. Please turn your anger in to something productive like educating others about your experience. I tried to give you my e-mail but it was blocked. I'm a Patient Advocate and feel stupid for falling for the propaganda they fed me about Harvoni. But it's done now and I have to move on. Thank you very much for you posts. Keep writing!

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Thank you for also not enabling the decieit by big pharma. I found myself with severe burning eyes all day and tinnitus after only 2 wks I can't imagine 90 days.
On a good note I reported sides to FDA and was told if they continue to receive complaints they might have to reevaluate. If it keeps just one person safer then it's worth it. Thanks for the encouragement "we" are in this together.
Yep what's up with the control and not allowing pts to interact we are grown people? Be well and keep up the good work. I hope we are all healing.

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You are a very brave person. I don't know how badly you need a cure for your Hep C, but I think something will come around in the next couple of years that will be better than Harvoni. The worst part of this whole thing for me was the doctors who convinced me that I needed the Harvoni and even submitted inaccurate tests to the insurance company in order to receive my authorization. I felt better before I ever touched the stuff and was doing fine.

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(2 Months off the 8 wk treatment, Viral load count 0)
I wasn't sick prior to taking Harvoni and felt just fine, the Dr said I was healthy and could possibly never be affected by the HepC Virus and if I did want treatment to wait a few years for better drugs. Along came Harvoni and the Dr got approval and out the door I went.

Side effects during treatment: Nausea, Fatigue, Headaches

Side effects 2 months after treatment: Nausea, fatigue, Headaches, Joint pain, Digestive problems, insomnia, depression..... I am in constant pain and always tired I feel like doing absolutely nothing. I wish I had never taken the drug, if these side effects don't ever go away I'm going to wind up having to take pain killers for the rest of my life.

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You have the same symptoms that I had for nearly 5 months following my Harvoni treatment

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I am 6 months post harvoni yes the hep c is gone but what am i left with. High cholesteral, joint pain and swelling, dizziness and vertigo, chronic brain fog. Fatigue is terrible. I felt better before! Wish I hadn't taken it, and I can't drink alcohol at all, it makes me feel even worse. I'm talking one beer. Hello and digestive problems.

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Join the club. There are many of us with these side effects when all there was supposed to be was headache and fatigue and no one said our problems now would be permanent. I am more than a year post and still having similar problems. In fact, all the docs are saying it cannot be the Harvoni. HA! I have FDA reports that show thousands of reports of problems, yet we are hearing nothing. I will gladly share with whoever wants them. This site does not allow email addresses or I would put it here.

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It's 2 wks off now from the 2 wks Harvoni. My b/p is still elevated and I had a strange dizziness today when I stood up. It was only 2 wks but each day worst then the next.
I know you are all angry because we don't know what the long term sides are. Will there be something more serious later on? I hope not. Just hang in, report these to the FDA they want to hear them. Also don't let your docs tell you it couldn't be the Harvoni, though many tolerate it well. Many do Not. It's the Harvoni. I still feel it, there is some CNS reaction. If only we were told. Health and healing and keep posting, we are all helping one another.

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How are you doing now? Was it nerve pain?

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