Harvoni Side Effects (Page 3)
UpdatedI have been taking Harvoni for 3 months now and am having nerve pain in my legs and lower back pain. Is anyone else taking Harvoni having any of these same side effects as me? Please help if you are able. Thank you
What do you mean by alcohol relapses? I quit drinking 30 years ago and would hate to start again. Probably why my liver isn't too bad.
Definetly have lower back and joint pain...it's been 9 months since treatment and symptoms have gotten better but have not gone away....I'm curious to see if they will release a study next year on the side effects...I don't see any alcohol relapse...I am very grateful for the treatment
Hi Steff, So sorry for your problems after Harvoni. I too have been damaged but differently from your problems. I communicate with about 50 people who have problems. If interested, you can contact me. {edited for privacy}.
My Harvoni arrived the day before the big snow. Been afraid to start until after I talked to my Dr my since reading all of this. I had asked Dr last week if there was any hurry to take it and he told me no physically but that I should do it ASAP because I might not get approved down the road. How severe complications are you all having? My dr told me none of his patients have had bad enough side effects to quit.
All the doctors are saying the same thing.. They have no one with problems. Funny but if you are on any blog you will see there are many long term problems being reported. As I have said I have communicated with at least 50 you have problems to include a death of someone's mother. Remember this is your choice, not your doctors. I too was pressured into taking the meds. Wish I had not. The FDA is supposed to report out in April 2016 on what they have found this past 18 months. Caution however, they will only tell the public what they feel the public needs to know (FDA employee told me this.)
My symptoms have settled down a little although I have constant lower and middle spine & back tightness and interim gerd symptoms. 5 months now. Feels nerve related, have appointment with specialist coming up next month. Will report any definitive results here if something turns up. Still, very glad to be rid of HepC and these symptoms may be unrelated...
I read that some folks had alcohol relapse
Like you as soon I was told I had hepc I stopped drinking imedietly...that was 20 years ago...have no desire to have a drink now....
I have a friend who is in about week 6 of Harovoni and reports stomach ache spasms just after eating, which then travel up her spine to her head. She spoke with a specialist who said that it is caused by a reaction between the gut. The Harvononi impairs the guts ability to convert some sugars because of the reaction of changed seratonin levels in the gut and as a consequence, the pain and a range of other side effects are experienced. Solution: Do not eat any foods with sugar. There is a special diet required. My friend has been on the diet only one day and is already feeling much better. I hope that helps
Would you have a link to a recommended diet? I just started Harvoni today and had very sweet cookie tonite and felt a little stomach upset.
Hi I have Hep C due to drug addiction. I've had it close to 2 years now. I'm about to see a specialist, and probably start Harvoni as soon as my medical insurance goes through. I am also on suboxone, and would really hate to stop taking it, because it helps me tremendously with my addiction. My question is, does anybody know if I'm going to HAVE TO STOP my suboxone, once I start the Harvoni treatment?
I can't find an answer anywhere, and no, I have not asked a specialist yet. Mainly because I do not have any health insurance right now. I appreciate ANY help or answers so so much. THANK YOU
Harvoni can cause nerve damage (even though it does not say so anywhere....yet) I have severe small fiber neuropathy (tingling in hands and feet) and so do many others that I communicate with Many others have severe pain in their legs. Read about a woman the other day who is now using a walker due to pain after taking Harvoni. Please be sure to report all your issues to the FDA.
In reply to the question re Suboxone: I was on Methadone throughout my treatment. I have strange nerve issues now, but not confirmed with an MRI yet. I know Methadone is quite different to Suboxone, but others from my clinic on Suboxone took this HepC trial and I haven't heard of any negative symptoms. Of course, everyone is different and this treatment is still in trial so none of us know the long term side effects..... maybe find a specialist who was involved in Harvoni clinical trials that treated groups on drug maintenance programs?
I was also on suboxone at the time of my harvoni treatment,it is completely ok to take during treatment.i did have alot of side effects taking harvoni,the worst was after finishing treatment but im now 7 months post treatment and feel good again.also finished suboxone treatment 2 mths ago,actually jus decided to quit bc i was feeling so bad in the final mths of dosage lowering.i was on it for 6 yrs,the last yr my doses got lower and lower and i was in a constant withdrawl..didnt know this until i stopped taking it..10 days later all the symptoms id felt for a yr went away.its a miracle drug if not taken past 2 yrs.if taken for yrs like me it is havoc on yur body and mind.one good thing though is the withdrawl is so bad it makes u never wanna take it again or pain med..for me anyway.hepc free..12 week treatment
This is my 2nd Day and currently been expercibg abdoem pain it was very servere earlier like 5 hrs ago but its mild now has anyone had this some little nausea but not too bads
Please Gelp Harvini support cant assit
Today was my 7th day on Harvoni. I have noticed just a little bit of a queasy stomach. Nothing too bad though. Also I get a little light headed or dizzy for about an hour after taking.
When I was taking Harvoni, I had mild queasiness and dizziness too, but I found that drinking lots of water helped. The Hep C virus is being killed and needs to be flushed out of your body. Hydration is very important.
I finished the 28 week treament in Jan2016 other than some diaherra now & then with sinus trouble was my only side effect the virus is no longer detectable but have had back pain with some stomach issues since finishing the meds which was the 19 th of jan
Same back pain that radiates toy groin are and it is excruciating. Goes down my thigh and leg. Treatment is over. Took last pill a few days ago. I sure want to get back to normal.
I completed 24 weeks of Harvoni 11 weeks ago. I too have a lot of joint pain, lower back, knee and wrist discomfort but I am also experiencing a numbness or tingling in both arms and hands but they also feel like there on the verge of freezing but they are warm. I have not yet had end of TX blood work to check for SVR but also have some liver pain. Has anyone else had the numbness and how long does take to go away if at all?
I am 1 year post treatment and still have tingling and numbness (also feeling cold) in my hands and feet which also goes into the arms and legs. I have been diagnosed with severe small fiber neuropathy, basically Harvoni has caused nerve damage. There are other who are suffering from joint and muscles pain. Look up anti-virals and mitochondria toxicity to see what Harvoni can cause. I would give you my email to communicate but they block it out every time I try.
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