Harvoni Side Effects (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been taking Harvoni for 3 months now and am having nerve pain in my legs and lower back pain. Is anyone else taking Harvoni having any of these same side effects as me? Please help if you are able. Thank you
Stef..............are you saying that Harvoni has caused you to not be able to walk??
I don't know. I just know that now I'm crippled up and the Dr is unsure why. I've never had so much pain and need to be able to take care of my husband whose I'll. Like I said I'm grateful the hep c was cured but believe they should explain all side affects.
I started having reallly severe piercing lower back pain after being on the Harvoni for about a month. I think part of it was because i was tired on the medication so i didn't take walks as usual and just wasn't very active. i slept more deeply and my back was so bad in the morning that I could barely stand it. It worried me as i had never experienced anything like this before.Even going to the chiropractor didn't help. I realize that i may have brought some of this on myself as i had reduced my arthritis medication as i felt didn't want to take anyting on top of the Harvoni. Anyway, thanks god, after some days and i got a little more active and took a little extra arthritis medicatiion to make up for what i missed, i started feeling better. And epson salts baths really helped. i still have a ways to go... i hope we all start feeling better
Me too. Prayers for us all!!I'm hoping this pain will go away soon. Having ct scan.
I've been experiencing numbness in my upper thigh, pain in my lower back, and now, here is the kicker. I started treatment at 245 lbs. My taste buds have since rebelled and I am having a rough time eating. I am a good cook and know what spices and when to use them. A grilled Cheese sandwich, which is a favorite, doesn't taste good. I have lost a good 75% of the strength in both my legs. My bike got knocked over and, before, it was no problem setting it upright. I nearly passed out trying to lift it, I nearly had to crawl to the house because I thought I was a goner.I now weigh 215 lbs. I DON'T LIKE THIS !!!!! I can spend 10 minutes mowing my little yard before not being able to breathe well and couldn't straighten up. The couch saved me. I have never had a problem doing hard physical before this regimen of pills.
Hi! I'd like to say it gets better but.. Have you finished your pills? I finished in Feb and am hep c free but now left knee is so bad most time have to walk with walker.. Have to break up grocery shopping to 3 days as unable to stand pain in leg, lower back. I'm supposed to have a ct scan on knee but.. See your Dr and let the fda know of more side effects than their talking about. Good luck!
Just for the record, I am approximately 12 weeks past finishing my Harvoni and my aches and pains have finally subsided. They have been gone for about 2 weeks now. I hope everyone else's problems turn out to be temporary as well.
Yes! I'm having both leg pain and very very restless legs at night. I've had to both ice my legs and take a prescribed pain med. I am very healthy , am already at 0 detectable, 0-1 for cirrhosis, but the cramping is awful. I'm also having insomnia like crazy. I am a bit annoyed as I feel the side effects of Harvoni are being down played as they are so much less than interferon however these side effects are still really awful and I totally understand what you're going through. Just remember this is for a very short time and it does work! Much live and light to you. :-)
I have finished the regimen an d didn't really have too much of a problem with the meds.Since then, I have lost right at 45 lbs. Food doesn't taste good. I am a very good cook and can't eat my own cooking. I have gotten weak and short of breath. Any real exertion and I feel like my chest is going to burst, I can't continue because I have NO strength in my legs. I have eaten out and wasted my money because of the taste. There are a very few things that I tolerate the taste of to see if I can keep what weight I have left. I also have what feels like nerve explosions in my legs and feet.I have been off of the Harvoni for about 3 months and see no change in myself. I'm retired and had a part time job that I cannot do any more.My friends are always asking me why I'm losing so much weight and all I can say is that the side effects, which seem to be here to stay. I had planned to move to Missouri to be with my kids and grandkids, BUT, now those plans are on hold until this crap goes away. Yes, this has definitely been a life changing event, and I DON'T LIKE IT ONE BIT !!!
I have finished the regimen and didn't really have too much of a problem with the meds.Since then, I have lost right at 45 lbs. Food doesn't taste good. I am a very good cook and can't eat my own cooking. I have gotten weak and short of breath. Any real exertion and I feel like my chest is going to implode, I can't continue because I have NO strength in my legs. I have eaten out and wasted my money because of the taste problem. There are a very few things that I tolerate the taste of to see if I can keep what weight I have left. I also have what feels like nerve explosions in my legs and feet.I have been off of the Harvoni for about 3 months and see no change in myself. I'm retired and had a part time job that I cannot do any more.My friends are always asking me why I'm losing so much weight and all I can say is that the side effects, which seem to be here to stay. I had planned to move to Missouri to be with my kids and grandkids, BUT, now those plans are on hold until this crap goes away. Yes, this has definitely been a life changing event, and I DON'T LIKE IT ONE BIT !!!
Well... I've been thru since March have been 0 since then..my legs , hip are no better..I'm virtually crippled up. My husband and I feel that harvoni side effects are worse than they told us. Good luck to you. Since I have cirrohsis I'm unable to take pain meds so this is terrible. Nothing works.
I'm sorry all of you are experiencing similar side effects as there are miserable and debilitating. What I think is really imperative is we all report these issues to the FDA. People need to know what they will experience when taking Harvoni! I have made a report, its quite easy. Please consider doing this.
Hey Tony...so happy to see your post..I have completed my treatment with harvoni after 3 months...so blessed to be cured but my joints and lower back have pain daily..even though the doctors all say this is not due to harvoni how come so many people!e are having this issue...also I have never had to take blood pressure medicine and now I do....I am very grateful for harvoni and not having hepc..just want to know about post side effects....
Now I'm not absolutely sure, but, I think the HARVONI drained my body of Vitamins and Minerals. After not getting any better, I finally took my old arse to the Clinic and I take B complex injections every Friday afternoon. I also take two Cholecalciferol (Vit D3) every morning. This is Pharmaceutical. Vitamin D. Three weeks into this attack and I am beginning to feel better. I am starting to taste food and enjoying that. Still have a ways to go, but, I believe the deficiency of Vitamins and Trace minerals is the major cause. GET A BLOOD TEST AND HAVE THEM SEE WHAT YOU ARE MISSING !
are they still gone please tell
In my last post I was referring to whether or not your side effects left? {edited for privacy}
Wondering if things have improved for you. At my latest physical I asked to be tested for Hep C as I'm a baby boomer. Dr called and said results wre positive with a significant count. Referred me to a GI Dr that treats Hep C. Can't get in until Dec. I already have disability and severe back pain from a fusion. Probably have had Hep C for 45 years and want to try and cure it but this thread has me scared.
Definitely have lower back pain and joint pain...also I am now on high blood pressure medicine which I never was before...I am grateful for the treatment but was not expecting side effects. .my hep c doctor refuses to accept that this is related to the drug...again I am very grateful that I no longer have hepc.
I completed Harvoni treatment about 8 months ago with no side effects. Had Hep C for 15 years with no liver damage, always perfectly healthy. 3 months ago I developed a tender area in the middle left of my back under the ribs. Then chest tightness and gerd symptoms followed, and intermittent numbness in toes & vision issues (loads of 'floaters'). All listed as Hep C symptoms. CT scan shows swollen biliary tract. I'm worried that this treatment had led to biliary tract cancer. Going for HEPA scan in the new year to explore the issue further.
Recently took told to take for 6months, severe alcohol relapses, nerve damage in legs and back.Is anyone else had similar effects?
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