How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Is Methadone completely out of your system in 72 hours, or does it take longer? Since Methadone seems to last longer that 4 - 6 hours, I was just wondering?

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For blood testing....

Methadone and Oxycodone are usually detectable for approximately 6 hours.



This information, however, is only relevant for blood testing, the times are different for urine, hair and saliva.

This is also not the same as the time it takes to process completely out of your body.

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None. If it don't say methadone than its not

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Chantix is what I'm taking to stop smoking and it's working. In my first message in incorrectly typed chanting.

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This medication almost killed me the 1st time I took 10mg of it for withdrawal from hydro & opiates. My blood pressure was 198/113 and it game me extreme anxiety. The last time I went through withdrawals, I was tried on subutrex (spelling?) and it caused me hallucinations. The suboxone worked like a charm but after a month of being out of rehab, I got back on the pills. What does someone like me do who doesn't tolerate these withdrawal meds good and also, I'm scared of a quarterly drug test that is coming up in a week at work.

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I have been on methadone for ten months. I am currently on my second day without it. I feel ok and have come straight off it before with only runny nose sneezes and that's all. But to be able to do this I was taking amphetamines. To stop the awful sweating and uncomfortable feelings. I obviously was wide awake for around two weeks and fell asleep . And continued to use amphetamines . I just don't want to be on ANY DRUG AT ALL AND I KNOW THIS IS THE ONLY WAY AND THAT PPL HAVE TOLD ME IT Has taken them unto two-three months but I am so so hoping after two weeks surely I should be almost clear of it and then a week to get the amphetamine out of my system..????

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I have been on 55mg of methadone for a couple of years & decided to swap to suboxone. I stopped collecting my meth for 2 days( taking heroin to stop the withdrawal but went into huge withdrawal an hour or so after taking the sub(12mg) how long is it likely to take till this passes. The only way I've been able to sleep is by taking more h. So sick of this!

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My advice to anyone contemplating going on the methadone program to dig deep and try your best at coming off any opiate cold turkey before signing up to the hardest withdrawal that I've ever been through. I honestly didn't think that i would survive the torture.

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I am on 30mg of oxy. 5 times daily. I ran out due to the pain getting stronger. I had some methodone so when I got my oxy refill. I took that for ten days then switched to the methodone for 8 days so as not to run out of the oxy before my next appointment. When I went to the Dr. I had been off methodone 20 days. I figured I was ok but a urine test came back positive. My Dr. called me in for another urine test 7 days later and the methodone still showed up. So I would wait as long as possible before taking any urine test.

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I was in the same boat...I couldn't get my DOT because the methadone is the 9th on the panel for a urine test I did have a script for it..that alone saved I had to get off methadone.if I want 27$ an I tried my hardest..n..a medicine man told me....herbal tea bags..honey..moltrin..and aleves...AND nyquil....the liquid kind..its non habit forming besides.the power of that stuff is the next man...wolverine...he's fake...the real heroes are those who choose a drug free life..the not sleeping is what got I go some nyquil 2 cups later...n..2 hrs later boom..if u have 2'll come to up clean...I did..and got my job..thank of wishes I hope u come up clean...

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I was in a methadone clinic for 15 yrs. I know for a fact Methadone stays in your system for up to 15 days.

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Half life is 24 hers..of the dose..u must cut whatever the dosage was in half..every 24 hrs...once the math is a precautionary..herbal Lipton tea bags..honey..and drink a few a day..It usually helps a bit..speeds up the bladder.. but.this is a nasty advice..dig deep.into your u really want a ball and chain..its just like of luck..

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Its gonna show up..the half life of methadone is 24hrs..but that doesn't mean its out of ur system all our bodies r different ...I'm sorry to hear the news.was it for related???.. To b safe is around 3 weeks..I had a d.o.t..test..n..there's another way if u have the time..if the test is for employment..then..herbal lemon teas...a lot of children's pedi elite....n..if u can afford it..get a methadone test panel on the internet 20$'ll know for sure...but take the test in a week once the fluids r in ur system..hope this helps..

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how long does Methadone stay in your blood stream?

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I have quit taking hydros!!! I went from taking twenty a day to two a day and now I'm clean!!! You people think it's bad coming off tabs?? That ain't nothing compared to coming off methadone 10 mg and tab 10mg both at tha same time.

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How long were u on it? How many mg? im on 100 and want to stop....the most ive been off of it was 2 days and i was fine....

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Well i had my urine test and it was a wonderful NEGATIVE and only positive for suboxone!!!!!! Hope this helps out the next victim.

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Listen to him.I been on methadone since 1987. with 2 detoxs. In woman its the worst detox in your life its hell.I had orgasms for a week straight u may laugh ladies but there not enjoyable i puked bowel up. from my mouth. buckets full.Dont plan on sleeping.for year maybe more it will drive you out your mind.Please listen to us both. Dont stay on it. unless you plan on a lifetime.The leg and back pain.chills sweats,clammy skin.Mine has gotten in my bones.its effected my liver ,my kidneys,and my mind.Please dont be a fool like i was and am.I am 60 yrs old and I have to stay on till i die.I have no life.If your young I beg you go on Subs or go clean.

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I was sent to prison whilst being on 55mg of Methadone, it was the worst thing in my life that i have ever been through, thoughts of suicide came on an almost daily basis but i had no choice but to battle through the physical and especially the emotional torment, the physciatrist there told me that i'd be over the worst of it in a couple of weeks, this was totally untrue, it was a good 4 months before i startedto feel the slightest bit of normality come back into my life, for anyone who is considering jumping off even the minutest dose of Methadone i can suggest that you take it as slow as possible with your reductions, 2.5mg a month is the recommended reduction rate, i will never put myself through that sort of physical and mental tortue ever again, happy to be off opiates for 15 and a half years now. I hope this encourages anyone who wants get off of the done and stay clean, remember though detox is only the mere beginning of staying clean.

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Stay away from methadone-it is bad stuff! My whole life is upside down because of this s***! and it is what I say it is! July 26 was my last dose-I am still feeling like crap! Very hard to sleep-need narcotics and more to get rest- I started because other meds were too expensive- Always my meds were prescribed by DR. And it was a Dr. who thinks that after 10 mgs, every 12 hours for a week was enough to wean me off! This-is why I do not own a firearm. SOB! It may be months I have to do this-MY back is bad and I have been to the ER 9 times for help, OMG! I did better on the street. Waht a Dr des is called a practice-sob go practice on someone else.

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You know... you should be careful with anecdotal evidence.. just because you have a bad experience with methadone doesnt mean everyone will. I WISH i was back on my methadone. I had a LIFE with methadone. I was on 60mg a day and LOST weight because i was pain free and could MOVE. Then i switched docs because mine retired and new doc treats me like a drug addict (cause hes a pain management doc, i guess they think EVERYONE is a drug addict) switched me from methadone to morphine (in a much lower equivalent dose.. same mgs, guess he thought i wouldnt know the difference...) then after two years of me coming in and STILL being in pain, and having REGAINED all the weight and then some cause, hello, i cant MOVE without screaming... i have kids to take care of and it hurts so bad... on fentanyl now and STILL in pain... i want my methadone back. BTW, when i first switched docs it took me almost a year to get into one because i got pregnant in between and no one would touch me, weaned myself off the methadone when i knew i wasnt going to find a doc in time for a refill, only took me a couple months, made that last prescription last that long, the only real problem i had coming off of it was the increase in pain. Not an increase because of the drug or withdrawal, i just gradually went back to being in the same enormous pain i was in before the drug. And i had been on it for years. So all the methadone scare tactics and fear are unwarranted if you are in actual pain.. I think most of the problem is people on too high a dose for their pain, people with a low tolerance to opiods before they go on them, and people with no pain at all who recreationally or as a treatment for drug abuse go on them. But then thats the same for most opioid pain meds, DONT USE THEM IF YOU ARENT IN PAIN. Or if your pain doesnt warrant them. If you feel high, its a good hint that you are on too high a dose. I felt nothing while on methadone but a lack of my usual pain.

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