Help! How Long Do You Stay On Linzess?


I'm confused (since my doctor did not clarify).... I've been taking Linzess for 2 months. Is this a forever pill? Do patients typically have a set amount of time or trial time to see if it's working for them...

Just unsure if I should continue with this or if there's an end to taking Linzess in my foreseeable future. It has helped.

Having insurance issues / billing claim issues so I haven't been able to go back to the prescribing doctor. Also since being diagnosed with IBS-C, I went gluten free and I'm having success with the stomach cramps.

Any info would be greatly appreciated. The Rx ran out today... which means I would be technically stopping it cold turkey tomorrow. Not sure this is a good thing or bad.

Not really wanting to stay on it forever anyways though....

Any info would be appreciated! Thank you!

3 Replies

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Hello, Jammer! How are you?

There is no set time frame, you should take it as long as it is helping you and your doctor deems it safe for you to do so.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, diarrhea, and gas. Stopping it cold turkey isn't usually dangerous, but it may cause some rebound constipation.

I understand insurance issues. Have you tried calling your insurance company yourself, directly?

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Until you can get refilled, try taking fiber con and senokot with each meal. I have found that this works for me. Both are OTC and only aprox.$15 total

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I've been on Linzess for 1.5yrs and I just got another year approve by my dr. I love Linzess. Works great for me.

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