H86 Cancer Cure (Page 3)
UpdatedAfter a bit of drilling down and reading I think I have found out what H-86 really is...
Here in America it works for colon cancer nad more. Do more research!! Many countries have done excellent research on Cannibis' effects on Cancer. Good luck!! I am an avid cannabis user. I am diagnosed with Lupus, Fibro, RA, Bile Gastritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and started using Cannabis when I was bed ridden. 6 years later I am active, teach belly dance, perform and play middle eastern drums for other belly dancers and act and sing. Before the use of cannabis in my daily self care I was on 100 mcg Fentanyl, 10 oxy for break through pain, sleeping pills, and so much more and had NO social life what so ever cause I was so messed up I sleep all day and all night...and guess what...i never got better and was never released from the constant pain that plagues these diseases. Once I started using Marijuana I was able to come off the Fentanyl, sleeping pills, methotrexate, etc. I will also have to take some mess due to the nature of my illnesses. But Marijuana gave me back my life!!!
Have you tried grosella negra?
I'm diabetic and have increased PSA (11). I did a biopsy 2 years ago but my Doctor didn't prescribe any meds for prostate issues and he is now sending me in for another biopsy. I have a prostate cancer. For diabetes, I'm taking Metformin, Amlodipine and Rosuvastatin. I need some advice. What is h86 and where can i get it for cancer?
I read a paper on h86 and how it works is brilliant. The best way i can explain it is, all it does is unmask the cancer cells to our immune system, then it sees the cancer cell for what it really is and kills the cell. There is no cure for cancer but you can unmask a cancer cell and your immune system will kill the cells. Any unmasked foreign body in our system will be attacked by our immune system. "HENCE the cure for cancer is YOU"!
Has anyone researched Sodium Dichloroacetate or DCA as an alternative cancer treatment?
Source: "SODIUM DICHLOROACETATE, or DCA - Clinical Trials for cancer and glioblastoma". canceractive.com. Web. 2018.
Re: Horst (# 5)
The price may range from $175.91 ($0.59 / count) to $187.89 ($0.63 / count) depending on where you get Avemar (H-86) from.
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