H 86 Possibly Available From Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Top voted first)


Looks like H86 can be found through a company called Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Says it's insulin-based, is it the kind everyone is talking about on here? I hope this info will help you.

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Alzheimers is one of many pathologies, a form of metabolic problem also called inflammatory disease, which is a multi variate process that changes the genetic substructures of cells (the rungs of the DNA ladder). The glial cells are specific structural cells in the brain which hold neuronal cells (the ones that transmit information) in their place. "Inflammatory" processes (note not swelling but an overused word ~ watch the Restasis ad, it talks of inflammatory processes in the eye which block tears created in the eye). When they are lost the neuronal cells disconnect falling in a "tangle" pretty scientific term, yes? When the nerves from the hippocampus (short term memory) disconnect in their circuitous route to the long term memory portion of the brain, short term memory can no longer be created into long term memory (thoughts) and older thought cannot be retrieved. All called inflammatory pathologies ~ asthmas, arthritis, gastric reflux, COPD, high blood sugar, oxidation of LDL. Look up tumeric (supplement not spice), 3000 mg = usual dose of prednisone and its an effective anti-inflammatory. Don't take my word for it, look it up. By the way no impact on prescription drugs.

All good things!~

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Where can we get H-86 in New Hampshire, or where can we order it from? My wife has Alzhermer, and I would like to find some meds, so I can keep her for a long time.

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