Greenstone Xanax G7321 Not Working For Me, Feels Like Placebo (Page 2)
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I switched from CVS Mylan as they were not effective. I found a local pharmacy that dispenses Greenstone. The first time I had my script filled they were excellent. But now, they aren't even touching me. I don't understand it. Someone gave me a .5 alprazolam and that worked! I don't know who makes it. I feel crazy because everyone says Greenstone is best. I called the pharma company and told them. I am sending them in my pills for quality control. I only take as directed. So, I feel they should work. I even wanted to go to .5 and not .1 because I never want to become immune. Is it just me. Why would the .5 work so well on me andnot .1 of greenstone. I feel like I'm crazy or something. Which I probably am, but that has nothing to do with this situation. Post Script. I tapered off them last month for 2 weeks, I thought that would help, but did not at all.

51 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: steve (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Me neither anymore. you do?

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Re: EDDY (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

You're the voice of reason here, Eddy. I would not go flushing them down the toilet, but Ativan sucks. No calming effect at all, unless I was in the hospital and given IV. Valium is ok. My mom gets them. I wish I could have Xanax and valium. Xanax is the strongest tho. Maybe valium generics are better?

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Re: EDDY (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

They do have bad batches. I once had a bad batch of the greenstones - Even if the brand name were 350 a month, I’d pay it. But it’s 800. I can’t do it.
I go through the same thing. I was off Xanax for NINE MONTHS for pregnancy. When I went to CVS to pick them up, I couldn't wait for the relief. I received Mylan. This was the end of 2010. It was like, what the hell? Are you sure those are 1mg?

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Re: Dutchy (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

It probably was discontinued. It was like taking a sugar pill.

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Re: Dr Ryan (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I have had greenstone generic one milligram that crumble easily, I Don't think they changed their formula I think it's the handling of the pharmacy, storage,
delivery and how old they are. If they are harder to break- they are better and fresher. I know this sounds nuts, but it’s true. Also, tolerance is real. Greenstone is an authorized generic. They can’t change their formula. The crumbly pills
Were 50% less effective. That’s probably what happened. If you think they’re not going to work, they’re not going to work. Especially if you already have a high tolerance. Mix up the old and new pills and don’t look before you take them.

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Re: steve (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I've taken diazepam 10 years ago and don't remember feeling much relief. My mom gets them.

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I was off Xanax (alprazolam) for ten months (except for a few Ativan/lorazapam) when I was pregnant. When I got my script for alprazolam, I couldn’t WAIT TO FEEL relief. This was in 2010. The pharmacy gave me MYLAN. I felt absolutely NOTHING. NOTHING. They were 1 mg. It was like taking a placebo. It still feels like that. My stomach is in knots right now. Greenstone is the only one that barely keeps me from jumping out of my skin and in constant panic attack mode- barely. I still am always on the brink of one. My doctor made it clear I can’t go up. I’m on methadone, so they made a rule. All methadone patients can only have 3 mg a day of benzodiazepines. This is because so many losers abuse them. I am clean and sober-almost 12 years. I never abused benzodiazepines, even in addiction. I don’t feel good. I’m miserable. No therapeutic effects from my Xanax, but if I didn’t have them, i would be agoraphobic. What should I do? I didn’t expect to write this ??. My panic attacks started at age 13. Trauma. Full-blown.

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Re: Dutchy (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Why not cut them in half?

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Re: steve (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

First of all, ask any doctor- lorazepam is the WEAKEST benzodiazepine. That’s why they start people on it.

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I want to tell you who has the best ones. There is already a shortage. I’ll tell you this- It’s your tolerance. Happens to all of us.

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Re: Dutchy (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I am excited to share that Actavis brand alprazolam is the same effect as Mylan. So happy to be back to normal and productive in society. Did purchase from mom and pop pharmacy and paying out of pocket. Worth every penny to be able to function. Greenstone was way to potent for me, which actually caused me to become depressed. Anyway, just thought I'd share...

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Re: EDDY (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

In RI we can only get a prescription filled for a 30 day supply of controlled substance. Yes refills are prescribed for 5 more months. You misunderstand me regarding Viatris. I said Mylan alprazolam is off the market as they have merged with Upjohn and created a new company name Viatris for alprazolam. I wanted to know what brand is comparable in strength to Mylan. Greenstone is too potent for me. Any suggestions from experienced users? I see my Dr. Today. Thanks for your input Eddy.

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Re: Dutchy (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

No, that's hysterical you are only allowed a 30-day supply of Viatris, which isn't even on the shelves yet? Federal law for a CIV Schedule 4 controlled medication is 6 months, has always been 6 months. My Doc who is very old just wrote for 90 with 5 refills, yet no refills on my BLOOD PRESSURE meds

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Re: Shemp (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Now that is hysterical!!! Why would I shoot myself in the foot and makeup that Mylan alprazolam is no longer being manufactuered? I suggest you goggle it and you will discover a lot of info on how Mylan and UpJohn have joined forces with another company and it's called Viatris. Being a controlled substance, your only allowed 30 day supply at a time. If I were you, I would beg the pharmacist to hold that inventory bottle just for you until you can find yourself in my position.

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Re: Dutchy (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

You can always call other pharmacies to find out what they carry? Controlled medication can be transferred one time. I have much Mylan still left from Rite Aid. Wasn't aware Mylan is no longer available, I think you made that up?

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Been using Greenstone alprazolam for 6 weeks and is way too strong for me for my anxiety and panic attacks. Sleepy and not functioning! I always took a total of 3 mg a day of Mylan brand 4X a day to avoid any break through! This is the proper way of using this drug. Anyone with serious anxiety should not be used "when needed!"

After a month, I even cut the dosage down to 3X a day and decreased by .5mg. Now I don't sleep long with this reduced dosage.

I found a pharmacy that had 21 Mylan pills left. I took for 3 days at my original dosage 4X .3 mg. and was back to being completely NORMAL!!! Was so thrilled and BOOM back to greenstone and misery. CVS only carries greenstone and breckenridge. Asked if they could get Sandoz or Actavis and am still waiting for a reply, as they had to call and check. CVS HAS GONE DOWN THE TUBES! Pharmacist wasn't any help when I asked what is comparable and she said I've had no complaints of greenstone so I can't help you.

So my question is....has anyone found an other generic that is comparable to Mylan (which is off the market)?

Please advise quickly

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Re: Jennifer (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I've never seen a pharmaceutical 3 mg Bar made here in the U.S.? The X3 is a 3 sided shape and only comes in the extended (XR) formula

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Activis 2mg alldazolam ade hit or miss every othed time there full of fillers as well the only good 1 mg are the green foot balls or the blie ones number two round or football and the 2mg 1s nest are blie ones sine 2020 I peomise you I been going threw hell finding out the hard way

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Re: AnnieOakliesPride (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Is it just the 1mg greenstone alprazolam or all of the mgs. Of greenstone that's formula has been changed? In other words, did they change the .25, .5, & 2 mg. Greenstone alprazolam formula when they changed the 1 mg.?

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They are making all of them placebo. Best ones are the 3mg green bars. 1mg blue or green or 2mg round ones. The white bars are going placebo in half of it. The .25s i dont know as i havent taken those in years. I wouldnt be able to "feel" them. You would def feel more off a .5 than a .25. A lot more tbh. .5 is a waste of time as they only work for a couple of weeks. I have been on benzos for over 10 years. If you arent already addicted, learn coping mechanisms. If you run out you seize. I've been there and you cannot just stop taking benzos. If you need something to last all day i suggest a low milligram klonopin. That's what i take and a xanax if im panicking which dosent happen much on the klonopin.

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