Greenstone Xanax G7321 Not Working For Me, Feels Like Placebo (Page 3)


I switched from CVS Mylan as they were not effective. I found a local pharmacy that dispenses Greenstone. The first time I had my script filled they were excellent. But now, they aren't even touching me. I don't understand it. Someone gave me a .5 alprazolam and that worked! I don't know who makes it. I feel crazy because everyone says Greenstone is best. I called the pharma company and told them. I am sending them in my pills for quality control. I only take as directed. So, I feel they should work. I even wanted to go to .5 and not .1 because I never want to become immune. Is it just me. Why would the .5 work so well on me andnot .1 of greenstone. I feel like I'm crazy or something. Which I probably am, but that has nothing to do with this situation. Post Script. I tapered off them last month for 2 weeks, I thought that would help, but did not at all.

51 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Big J (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve gone though hell also,because pharmacies are greedy and want that almighty dollar.look at your script at pickup if it’s made by actavis demand another brand or have pharmacy forward script to different pharmacy.unless you want useless results.

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Re: Dutchy (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

That’s BS even if you live in New York. Mylan is useless.

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Re: J mark (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Don't be ridiculous . You don't DEMAND anything, they should ask you to leave the store. Actavis-Teva makes fine medicine, this is a Psych drug, it's all in your mind

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Re: Blueyes1234 (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

Congratulations to you and yours for a beautiful bundle of joy!!!

You are right, Mylan has been off the market forever and if CVS filled your script with them, than they definitely expired and beyond use.

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Re: EDDY (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

5 refills on alprazolam? That’s either a lie or a HUGE mistake. Controlleds can only have 1-2 refills by law. I’ve been taking alprazolam for 10-12 years, 2mg, 3 times a day. First time taking Greenstone and they do nothing. I can’t sleep, I’m angry, panicky, sweaty. I thought I was at a point that I needed to talk to my doctor about something else and then noticed Greenstone. I’m terrified now. I didn’t like the name brand either. So now what?

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Re: J mark (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

But if you demand another manufacturer at pick up, how do you go on until those arrive and are filled? I am out by time I get a refill and need my pills.

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Re: Hitchhiker (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Pardon me, did you say I was lying on the amount of pills I get? When my Doctor forgets I might get 90, with 5 monthly refills of 90. The other day when I reminded him gently it was 270, a 3 month supply with 1 refill. If you do the math if you can, it's the same amount. If you have a problem with that perhaps you would like to speak with with my Doctor, or the State of California, possibly Rite Aid. However there IS a monthly pill limit over 600 pills in the Golden State. Note we are not talking about strength, just amount of controlled pills prescribed

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Re: EDDY (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

No, I could care less how many meds or refills you get. Insurance only covers up to 150 pills a month, if you have insurance. My point was that my PCP said the DEA was cracking down on specific meds and she can only give 1-2 refills and then I must go in for a new script. I’m going to look up the law. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong but two doctors have told me this. So you getting 5 refills in a controlled could get you in trouble. So basically you get 6 fills total? Doesn’t make sense. Doctors have to electronically enter all information into some system too so there’s no way around it. It would suck for you to get in trouble for an u ethical doctor.

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Re: EDDY (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Ok. I looked it up. It appears that a doctor can prescribe a 90 day supply if insurance approves, if using insurance. I did see a 5 limit refill too. So I stand corrected. You are correct but it’s subject to the provider. My doctor has me come in every 2-3 months and I give a UA. They said it’s to make sure I am taking the meds. I’m don’t blame them for being so strict but I’ve never given her a reason to not trust me. I’ve seen her for 10 years. I kind of feel upset now that I know she could give me 5 refills but doesn’t. My anxiety is so bad I can barely even go in to see her for refills. But she always says, “well I have loans and bills to pay”. So maybe that’s why she wants to see me so often. I’m in Texas and I read this from the Texas Monitoring System. Best of luck to you. Didn’t mean to come off as condescending. I was only curious. Now I know. Be well.

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Re: J mark (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

CVS is worthless. One of the workers tried to fight me because I parked in a handicapped spot but forgot to hang my handicapped play card. She demanded that I move my car. I got upset because I’m disabled and cannot stand when people try to tell me, “what disability???” Because I don’t have a visible disability. She could have said, “you forgot to hang your play card.” But instead she said, “you’d better move that car RIGHT NOW.” I hung up my play card, went inside and told her I didn’t appreciate the way she spoke to me. She literally came at me and her coworker grabbed her. I should have filed a complaint with CVS. They called security on me too! The officer started laughing when she arrived. I got my meds and then said, “ no worries officer, I’m leaving.” Smh

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Re: Hitchhiker (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Why not stop while you're behind? A prescription is valid for 12 months, a controlled medication prescription is valid for 6 months, some controlled medicine can not be written with refills. For you to call my provider unethical is funny!

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