Greenstone Alprazolam 2 Mil Not Working (Top voted first)


So I have been on Greenstone Alprazolam for over 10 years through CVS. I always take them as prescribed. Never abused them. They always worked quickly and brought me down from any attack.. Out of the blue 3 months ago CVS doesn't carry them anymore. I tried the new brand they had (Dava), and they were awful!. Did nothing for my Panic Disorder. So Greenstone told me to go to a Ma and Pa Pharmacy, so I did and they ordered them. I was elated. So I get them and took it right away. I noticed they were chalky and were only slightly bitter and it took 45 mins to get any feeling.And the feeling I got was just a little sleepy and nothing else.. That is not how they usually are. Normally they would kick in less than 20 mins and would take that hot feeling I get when I panic away and replace it with a nice normal feeling. So I figured those somehow were bad. The next month, I called the distribution center for Pfizer and they told me to go to a specific Walgreens and they would order them. So I did. They ordered me Greenstone 2 mil. And guess what?. They were EXACTLY the same. But this time, I felt even hotter. So, WHAT THE HELL is going on?. Only since 3 months ago has this been happening, and I been on that brand for so long I don't know what to do??. And am hanging on by a thread..My panic disorder has been in check for so long. I know it's something with the recent Refills because I had a couple older ones, and I took them and they worked EXACTLY like they shoulda!!!. Does anyone know what's going on or have this problem? And what would be the closest Generic I could get to my Greenstone 2 mil?

21 Replies (2 Pages)

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I'm taking Greenstone, 1 mg & it has changed. I was taking Sandoz from CVS & they started prescribing a brand from India that made me ill. I'm going back on the brand for my refill & if the brand Xanax has changed we're in real trouble. If it has I will search again for a pharmacy that prescribes Sandoz. It makes no sense to me that Sandoz is too expensive, but pharmacies still prescribe the brand which is very high priced & now that I changed insurance plans, they cover the brand.

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I'd say the best in generic Xanax (Alprazolam) best to worst:

#1 Greenstone
#2 Sandoz
#3 Actavis... Unfortunately they used to be good. But now a lot of filler in it
#4 The ones that have 21 and Y on the back are okay..
#5 Breckenridge 2mg
#6 Who knows lol...

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Re: Mikey420 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Xanax since 2001 and am up to 4 mg per day. I found out years ago that greenstone works best for me and just yesterday after receiving messages for 2 days that my medication was on the way I got a call yesterday from CVS on day 30 that they have a shortage and will no longer order greenstone brand for me. On day 30!!! I am furious with them, I’m now scrambling to see if my psychiatrist is willing to write me a new script and spent hours yesterday calling around to see who could find them. CVS tried to give me Aurobindo and I made the horrible mistake of trying them one month and it was pure hell. Might as well have taken tic tacs, they were so weak and completely ineffective I almost lost my job waiting for the next refill to change back to greenstone. I found a mom and pop place that can get the 2 mg ER, I have been using the 1 mg ER with good results. It’s a terrible spot to be in, these pharmacies don’t care about us with panic disorder. The looks I get when I say 4 mg I’m an addict not a patient. I wish I wasn’t in this or suffered with panic attacks daily but it’s my life and I have to accept it and have been in therapy once a week for the past 6 yrs trying to get control of it to start tapering but it’s no picnic going down and holding your job. Generics have become pretty bad all around, it’s not right for all of us just trying to function to go trough this anxiety and stress just getting a refill each month. CVS will do nothing I know that but I’m taking it as high as I can go with them to let corporate know what they did to me waiting until my last day with meds to tell me they can’t get it. They’ve had my script for 3 wks, no excuses to not give me time to make other arrangements. I can’t get new meds until Monday and I’m out tomorrow. I’ve got some of the Aurobindo garbage to hold off seizures until then but miserable few days ahead. I wasn’t aware of the formula change but it happened right at the time I had to go from 3 to 4 so it makes more sense now why my anxiety got worse out of nowhere. Hope you all find relief from this misery of anxiety and generics.

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Re: Bobby (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I Sympathize with you and the agony that CVS puts us through!!! I've gone through the same issue with them, and finally was told by a new young pharmacist that Corporate had given orders not to special order any other brand than the garbage they have on there shelves. They hook-up with the cheapest ineffective drug company, so Corporate can make zillions of dollars for themselves and stockholders. I went to Walgreens and they special order whatever brand you need. However, they do need some notice. My relaxation therapy (3X a day) has helped me to some degree while waiting for Walgreens and staying on the garbage from CVS. They came through for me. Give them a try! Your in my thoughts. Congress should step in and make it a law that pharmacy's must order brand on prescription by Dr. Than again aren't they in bed with this politicians!!!!

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

G3722 is the marking. It's real. But even talking to others, they say it is really weak all of a sudden. I've been on Greenstone 2 mg bars for over 10 years. Apparently they changed the formula. And I also heard Pfizer will be discontinued for lack of Pharmacies distributors buying them. What is the next best generic? This sucks. Greenstone had ingredients that helped my blood pressure.

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Re: Kevin (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I'm surprised the Dava didn't work for you. I've had them before and found them to be quite effective.

I would recommend Sandoz. That's what I currently take (and have been for years). Had previous been on 1mg gg258 blue oval and am now on 2mg gg249 white bar. They work, for me at least. Give them a try.

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Greenstone did change their formulation in 2014 but they have gone back to the good formulation as of June 2017 and they are definitely better than any other generic as they are completely identical to brand name Xanax I also have a message in review for you so wait for it there's a new blue bar that just came out by Centaur Pharmaceuticals and I wonder how those are their shaped just like the greenstone but they're the first blue bars FDA approved I would love feedback on that

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i get greenstone when they have them happy with greenstone

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I was wondering the same thing? I just got the yellow ones from activas .. But bout to make a switch to Greenstone.. Ive had there footballs G 3771 for 15 years and never did me wrong. I like gg 258 also and my favorite bar is gg249 s. But its hard to find them. So Greenstone is it!! Get them bad boys tomorrow. 90 2mgs. Be safe and take as prescribed or less. Please. Highly addictive. Trust me. Im a addict. I can't "CanNot" live without them. And that saddens me a Dr would do this to me.
Is what it is!! Day by day. God Bless

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Re: Mikey420 (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

How can you say what is better? Isn’t it just an opinion? The blue work awesome for me. I cannot stand any white ones. I’ve had so many that I cannot decipher manufacturers. But do you compare ingredients? Again, how can you say which is better? I had name brand and did not like those. I just took my alprazolam yesterday and noticed I wasn’t calm. I took my Med today and I still don’t feel calm. I looked at my bottle and they are Greenstone! I’m freaking out because they feel like sugar pills. Also, how do you just call and request Pfizer to send a specific pharmacy specific brands? I called around once and got yelled at, “we CANNOT tell you what we carry! That’s dangerous!” The pharmacy tech thought I was calling around asking for specific manufacturers so I could go rob them. Then at Walmart I got the 3rd degree from the pharmacist, “ You REALLY take 4mg a day????” I said, “That’s what my prescription says from my doctor!” Now that my doctor calls them in I feel like it will appear odd going elsewhere. Walgreens says they order Alprazolam and get what they get sent; they have no control over what manufacturer they get sent. Are they lying? So what do I do with my meds from Greenstone? And not being rude but you cannot say which manufacturer is really best as our bodies all work differently. It’s an opinion if anything.

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Can you post back with the markings on the tablets in question?

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, and irritability.

It is normal for our bodies to get used to any given dosage of a medication that we have taken for a long time, but if you have old ones with the same marking and dosage, this makes no sense. Can you please post back with more details?

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Re: Mason (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks Mason. Yeah. The Dava Green Bars were bad. So many generics. Have you ever tried the 2 mill bars from Walgreens. Think the Manufacturer is Activas?. I think I am gonna have order Sandoz. Chain Pharmacies do not have them around here. This last month has been hell.

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Re: Kevin (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I've never had the Actavis alprazolam. If you have a Kroger nearby they carry the Sandoz. At least the ones here in my area (Indianapolis) do.

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Greenstone changed their formulation in 2014 but it is identical to brand name xanax 2mg in everyway, but imprint greenstone is back to a wonderful new formulation as of 2017 june. Activas is the yellow bars and greenstone is literally the best generic alprazolam out there. All ingredients active and non active are identical to brand name. Get back with greenstone. They are back to the good og formulation. There are new blue bars out by breckenridge pharma made by centaur pharma made in india but first ever approved blue bar ever imprinted b707 and blue and shape of greenstone I like my drugs usa made but would love feedback on new blue bars by breckenridge and centaur imprinted b707 and shape like greenstone but other than brand name greenstone it's only one worth getting. Maybe your pharmacy just has expired ones or old version formulation ones. Maybe try asking a new pharmacy, but greenstone is identical to brand name and is currently the best generic and has gone back to its original formulation. Definitely better than sandoz.

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Re: Mason (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Activis sucks too. They all suck. My doc won’t raise my dose because of other meds I’m on and I’m on 3 mg a day and I’ve been on benzodiazepines since age 14. I need a different doctor.

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Re: goozer (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

They are kind of odd to be honest. They work. But taste like candy. Not like alprazolam? Know what I mean? I thank 2 of them is equivalent to 1 Greenstone bar... Greenstone is my favorite and then Sandoz. Good luck

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Re: Sandy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

So what brand is working better for you sandos?

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Re: Hair (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with Mickey that Sandoz, which he listed as 2nd best, works for me. I've even cut back .25mg per day from 3mg and I can think clearer now
More human. Good luck!

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Re: Sandy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Has anyone tried Upjohn manufacturing? They were bought out by Pfizer. Any thoughts?

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Re: Hair (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t understand how people say you can choose what manufacturer. My pharmacy died allow it, Walgreens. And WalMart acts like I’m trying to scam them if I ask anything about my alprazolam.

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