Green Xanax Bars Verses Blue Or White


Ok I've been taking Xanax for years, the green bars in my opinion r weak. The blue r strongest as white one also. The yellow I'd say r number 3 in strength. Don't care for the green ones at all. Now to mix it up how about Onyx 2mg - better yet.. still alprazalom

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Ok... it's September 2017. Now that we are about to finds the 2nd decade of the 21 century, I'm assuming that pill presses are a dime a dozen. I've taken alprazolam for many years. Today I picked up s 90 3 green bars, two score on side with s 90 3 and
Three score on the other side, Not flat on the back side like the pics I've been seeing and the taste is off. But as nice as a press that they are I am convinced that they are fake. I don't know bc I cannot prove myself wrong except for the fact that 6-8 mgs should be significant
Enough to feel.. have you seen these, if so I'm all ears!! I never post anything but this has me so puzzled

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Well you should work out, go walking, make a habit of running, because I dnt like anxiety medicine, I blank out or say things I usually wouldn't and i like to know what i did thru the day, so i only take one of I feel a panic or anxiety attack coming from alot stress. But y'all got to stop relying on these meds

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Yes I agree, onyx is way stronger I think. Yeah the green ones r weak. I used to take 2mg blue ones for insomnia but got switched to green and it seems 2 green bars equal one blue. Thanks for confirming what I thought...

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Re: MattyZ (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yep the green ones r weak. Yes 6mg should drop you, but not the green ones unless u drink on them. I prefer the blue bars or the white onyx.

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Re: Warren (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Never seen a Blue Bar. The difference between Blue, Green, Yellow, & White Xanax spread around the 20 or so companies that currently supply them in the U.S. is the coloring, simply coloring

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Re: MattyZ (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I just got the same ones today. Feels nothing like the usual white bars and feels like it’s not working. Hate it!

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I prefer Greenstone for xanax their kinda pinkish, anything else i can tell the difference. Most generic drugs have fillers i thought pharmacist thought i was crazy untill a pharmacist told me that its true.

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Re: Robin (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

So you are saying Robin your Greenstone Xanax or whatever you bought today has no fillers? What binds them, what makes them form into a pill? I think the Pharmacist just wanted you to leave?

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Take some soda ginger ale something carbonated if it sinks and bubbles it’s legit it should not float AT ALL anything that rises is a filler from the pressies

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