Green Oval Pill With N+c On One Side
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blank on the other, kind of metallic?
8 Replies
Found a big forest green metallic pill no markings in a baggie in my son's room. He has been going to the gym a lot. Is this some type of steroid? Looks like a markings metallic green??
If you search the Vick's Vyquil website for products, you will find that they only have liquid or liquid capsules NOT tablets.
Putting the tablets in an OTC box to conceal identity is a common ruse.
It is Vicks Nyquil, but be aware kids who use drugs (pills) do use these for purposes other than medicating the flu. It's not okay unless he's had the flu and normally your parents would be aware if he was sick and have purchased the medication for him.
Vick's Nyquil Plus Vitamin C
My mom found two of these in my brother's room and had me search high and low on the internet. She later called and said she found the nyquil box with the rest of the same pills. So nothing too bad!
i found a green metallic like oval pill with N+C on it too... What is it?
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