Glycomet Trio 2 (Top voted first)


I am a diabetic patient taking Glycomat trio 2 mg morning and evening before meals, i would like to know any supplement need to take with this to avoid side effect.

Please advice.


2 Replies

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Hi, Kumar!

There's really nothing that's going to prevent all the possible side effects. You may not experience any of them, or you may experience them all, there's no way to know.

Additionally, some supplements may interact with the medication, or could be substances you shouldn't take with your medical condition.

What types of side effects have you been experiencing?

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My mother's doctor prescribed her the following medication to use (Glycomet trio 3):

Metformin - 500 mg
Voglibose - 0.3 mg
Glimipride - 2 mg

Is this combination of medication safe for her?

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