Glucose Forums (Page 3)
Recently active Glucose forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Glucose and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I Am Suffering From Type2 Diabatics Since 2006. Taking Madicines Like Glycomate Gp2 Fort, Mixtard & Glycomate 1mg. Still the sugar level in the morning is inbetween 170 - 190. I do maintain a proper diat, do regular exercise & morning walk. can anybody suggest any better idea to bring the sugar lebel to control. ## According to my knowledge, it is better to done lipid profile..due to triglycerides n cholesterol levels also blood glucose cant be maintain in normal values..
hOW MANY TIMES A DAY A DIABETIC PERSON SHOULD EAT? ## Hi Juan, This is a rather difficult question to answer since everyone's body works differently. If you're simply trying to lower your blood glucose levels, it's not just about how often you eat, but what you eat and how much of it you're eating. For the average person with diabetes, a target glucose level before meals should be anywhere from 70 to 130. After meal targets should also be less than 180. Because these numbers are so dependent on what you eat as well, it would probably be best to start seeing a dietician or nutritionist who can help you come up with a weekly meal plan and grocery list that keeps you on track with things. Were you diagnosed with type 1 or type 2? I only ask because I've heard numerous s...
I am taking freeflex tablet twice daily. What are the side effects and will raise my sugar level and blood pressure or cholesterol can take this tablet for a month without any side effect or reaction pls advise I am a diabetic with hypertension and cholesterol should I stop this medicine or is there an alternate for my knee pain. ## i have white un marked round tablets the foil wrapping strip says atomoxet-40 does this sound familiar to anyone
Hi, I had been diagnosed with Thyroid (Hypo) and my TSH was 100+ in the month of May'2013. At that time, my BP was slightly high (137/91) and weight 66 Kgs. I was prescribed to take Thyroxcin 100mcg. Later in the late July'2013, my TSH was 0.04 and BP was (147/73) and weight 62.9 Kgs. I was advised to continue Thyroxcin 100mcg for another 2 months but at home, my parents insisted me not to take such a high dose when TSH has fallen down to 0.04 and told me to take Thyroxin 50mcg which i am continuing since then.. On 4th Dec 2013, My TSH was 4.68, BP was (140/110) and weight 64Kgs. I changed my doctor and i was advised to take Thyronorm 50 mcg & Thyrowell and was advised to visit next month with FT3, FT4, TSH, TPO AB tests. On 24/01/2014, i visited the doctor with the above te...
Hello, my doctor changed my medicine from metformin sr 500 mg to Voglibose 0.2 & pioglitazone 7.5 both at night. previously my FBS during metformin was in the range of 100-120. but after change it is crossing 120. i want to know the possible reasons behind this. is the both medicine not effective to my body than metformin? ## Hello, Chetan! How are you? Yes, it is possible that the Metformin was the better medication for you. Not every mediation works for ever person that tries it. Why did your doctor have you switch?
my father in law aged 74 years is a diabetic patient and taking gluconorm pg 2 since last 7years. His glucose level is OK but now become a paralised patient. Does Gluconorm PG 2 creat Paralisis? ## Hello, Subhash! How are you? No, the medication shouldn't cause that. Has a doctor been consulted? How bad is the paralysis? Diabetes can cause many complications, even if someone's sugar levels seem to be under control. So, it could be due to some nerve damage, or other injury.
Voglistar 0.3mg tablet side effects ## Kindly give information about the uses of voglistar. ## Voglistar contains the active ingredient Voglibose it is an oral antidiabetic medication that is used to help lower and control blood sugar. ## Sir, My mother 61 yrs is diabetic type -2 since 11 years.Last medical test reports is like this:- fasting plasma glucose-174;post breakfast plasma glucose-227;post lunch plasma glucose-158;GHb(blood)-8.3;serum urea-21;serum creatinine-0.7. This is after taking medicine two tabs /day of Glimtide plus 1mg.This is continued from 2008 from half tabsX2 /day and increasing.Four months ago fasting plasma glucose was 144 and GHb (Blood)-7.1.Now one doctor advised Zoryl M3 forte ,3 tabs/day.After taking one tab due to side effects and head drilling unable to ta...
Recently my 15 yr old son, who was continuously reducing weight got checked, he was having high blood glucose. His all other reports were normal. Fasting 250-300 PP 250-400 Microalbumin 6.79 GAD65 2.49 C-Peptide 0.83 He has very low Vitamin-D (less than 25). My wory is whether low Vitamin D can cause increase in Blood Glucose lebel. Or some thing els is there. ## Hi, Baba! Sorry about the problems that your son is having. What did the doctor say caused those glucose levels? There have been some tests that have linked a deficiency in vitamin D to elevated glucose levels in teenagers, so it could have played a role. However, I'm not a doctor and haven't seen all the reports, so I can't tell you with any certainty. Only his doctor can do that. Did the doctor suggest any treatme...
I have recently been prescribed isosorbide mn er 30mg for chest pain. My blood glucose has risen by about 50mg/dl. Is the isosorbide mn er 30mg causing this ## I didn't find anything listed about it causing such an issue, but it is very difficult to know what affect any medication may have on any given person that tries it. Learn more Isosorbide details here. Have you consulted your doctor? Have you changed anything else, such as something in your diet? Have your activity levels changed?
Anti-diabetic drug. Active ingredient Voglibose. ## Yes, Voglibose delays the absorption of Glucose. Therefore, its most common side effects are gastro-intestinal related, such as abdominal cramps, flatulence and diarrhea. Though, this medication has been shown to cause less of them than the alternatives in the same class. Are there any questions or comments? ## is it stronger than the other medicins.what r the side effects.And alternative stuff for this ## what is the use of volibom.2 tablet?and how many days we are use when the sugar redused. ## I am using Volibo 0.2 one oer day.What is the use of volibo m.2 tablet and how many days we are use when the sugar redused. ## I am taking one volibo 0.2 mg after dinner. I am having flatulence & pain in epigastric region along with consti...
I am having sugar level257 mg/dl in fasting, triglyceride 261mg/dl, sgpt-120U/L, Sgot-101U/L. I am 36YRS AGE HAVING SUGAR LEVEL 170mg.dl for last 3 yrs , never consulted a doctor, but recently having so high , hence scared, but i am in to regular exercise, diet normal, figure healthy, often smoke, drinks 3-4 times in a week but very limited, now tell me please what should i do.
UpdatedI am taking triglucored forte last tree years and six months back i was getting generalised heavinees all over the body and pitting oedema on lower legs i had stopped taking triglucored forte tabs and started taking glucored forte tabs oedema disappeared but blood glucose level increased .what should i Take to control diabetes ## I have suger level is 231 on fasting now which medicen is good for my sugger control
The novel and innovative process of creating FENFURO™ has been granted a U.S. patent. This product, derived from a group of Furostanolic Saponins extracted from Fenugreek seeds (TRIGONELLA FOENUM-GRAECUM), represents a technological breakthrough in the realm of diabetes management. Numerous studies have explored the blood cholesterol-lowering and blood glucose-lowering properties of FENFURO™, finding its application beneficial both in normal subjects and those with diabetes. A significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, with no notable impact on HDL cholesterol levels, has been observed in type-1 and type-2 diabetics. FENFURO™ is rich in saponins and flavonoids, substances known for their potential to lower blood lipid levels a...
Updatedare there any small diabetic pills or powders or liquids for people who have difficulty swallowing large pills? ## Not to sway off-topic or anything but if you have type-2 Diabetes, have you ever been aware that it can actually be reversed and cured by changing your diet? There has been scientific evidence for a while now, demonstrating how Diabetes type 2 is caused by an excess of fat in the bloodstream, which then causes unstable blood glucose levels, an over-production of insulin, 
and an over-working of the pancreas. The simple approach that is suggested is to eat a very low fat diet that is high in "natural" sugar and moderate amounts of protein. This ideally comes from eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, with the occasional nuts and seeds. I wou...
I have been using gluconorm-G1 (one before breakfast and 1 before dinner) for last 3 years, but my fasting glucose level has gone out of control since last 2 weeks. (it is around 186 to 215). Doctor has prescribed 'Reclimet' and asked to discontinue Gluconorm-G1. Is Recliment better than Gluconorm-G1 ## Yes, the Reclimet may help more, because it actually contains 2 oral antidiabetic medications, Gliclazide and Metformin, to help provide better control of your blood sugar. Learn more Gliclazide details here. Learn more Metformin details here. Do you have any idea why it has gotten out of control? Have you made any changes to your diet recently? ## Thanks Verwon, No significant change in my diet. I did try using Reclimet, but that did not help in controlling my sugar level, so I ...
TAKIG ABOVE PILL 2TAB LUNCH & 2 TAB DINNE SEEING SWELLING ON FACE & WT RISE ,GAS PROBLEM ETC 3 CHAPATIES LUNCH & DINNER FASTING--AROUND-100 & P P --AROUND-100 I WANT REPLACEMENT OF ABOVE MEDICINE TO CONTROL MY SUGAR BETTER, TO CURVE SWELLING ETC ON FACE AS OTHER TEST RESULT IS NORMAL . ## Triglucored Forte contains the active ingredients Glibenclamide and Metformin, they are both used to treat diabetes, by helping to lower and control blood sugar. Learn more Glibenclamide details here. Learn more Metformin details here. The weight changes and gas can be normal side effects. But what type of swelling are you seeing? Is it edema, like you're retaining fluid, or something else? Have you consulted your doctor to see what's causing it and what your alternative options...
I am a diabetic and hypertension patient for the last 20 years. My glucose fluctuates from 45mg to 500mg. I am taking 3 Insulin injections daily. My doctor feels it may be due to tension and depression and has prescribed "clonotril-0.5" to help me get relief from the depression. I am afraid by taking this medicine that my glucose is getting too low while sleeping. Please advise whether I should take this medicine and whether it has any side effect? Thanks. ## Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor? They are really the only person qualified to advise you. And yes, all medication carries the risk of side effects, even over the counter items. Clonotril contains the active ingredient Clonazepam, which is a Benzodiazepine and its side effects may include: nausea, dizziness...
I am 39 yrs female. my weight is 90 kg and have led a sedentary life and was also was stressed since 3-4 months . my blood sugar levels are 155 fasting and 243 post lunch. family history- paternal grandfather and 3 paternal aunts and 1 paternal uncle have had diabetes. the doctors have advised me no sugar, fried and moderate diet with regular walks for a month after which the tests will be repeated. Also put me on cetapin 500 two tablets morning and night. is this line of treatment correct. any other advice.? ## Hi Chandni, If you have type 2 diabetes, there are some other options out there for you. There is scientific evidence that Diabetes type 2 is caused by an excess of fat (not sugar) in the bloodstream, which then causes unstable blood glucose levels, an over-production of insulin...
I wish to have information about antidiabitic tab. vobose.2 its side effects and how it works for a diabitic person ,which way it is different from other antidiabitic drugs. ## I wish to have information about antidiabitic tab. vobose.2 its side effects and how it works for a diabitic person ,which way it is different from other antidiabitic drugs. ## how does the drug vobose 0.3 helps in diabetes and what are the side effects of this drug? ## Vobose (Voglibose) is an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor used for lowering post-prandial blood glucose levels in people with diabetes mellitus. Voglibose delays the absorption of glucose and thereby reduces the risk of macrovascular complications. Postprandial hyperglycemia (PPHG) is primarily due to first phase insulin secretion. Alpha glucosidase in...
I take coveram 5/5 for blood pressure one tablet in the morning and 2.5mg doanil for diabatic,I read on the coveram leaflet that coveram effect dibatic medicine .so please advise on the effect of coveram on the glucose level .Thanks ## Coveram contains the active ingredients Amlodipine and Perindopril and taking the Perindopril with the Daonil can make the Daonil more effect, which increases the risk of developing low blood sugar. Is your doctor aware that you are taking both of these medications? If so, they should have carefully considered the dosage and they should be monitoring your regularly for any problems.