Getting On Suboxone With Aetna
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Hello, I have been taking Subs now for almost 2 years and it has been an absolute hassle trying to find them from different people at different and much needed times. I have Aetna insurance and I have heard things like I can't be using suboxone already for me to get on them or they will not cover it. Is anyone recently familiar with Aetna and suboxone? I know their policy has changed recently with a handful of drugs and suboxone I believe was one. Thank you
5 Replies
I need help finding a doctor to prescribe this. I will be very GRATEFUL!
I meant I started on 24mg not 28mg. Boy I wrote a novel! I hope the information helps you.
Hi, I have some advice that saved me a fortune. First let me note that getting away from Oxycodone and onto Suboxone saved me from spending more of a fortune, and maybe my life. I might always missed the high -- which I wasn't really getting anymore anyway. I went from 300mg Oxy/day for a few years (Yikes! Huge tolerance. Huge $ blown.) to 70mg/day of Methadone for 5 years to 28mg Suboxone, after it became available. The Methadone clinic every day, the UAs, a big deal to go away for a week was too much so I switched. No problem at all.
But 28mg was to high a dose. It didn't matter -- except for $$$$$. Cutting from 28mg down to 2mg was pretty easy. Cutting a big dose in half is usually not noticeable. So 28 to 16 to 8 to 4 to 2 was very easy for me. I went from 2 to one over a couple weeks, if that. Now a months supply is $50, which for me makes insurance coverage a non-issue! I did this all on my own -- with my shrinks OK, of course. And for me, no loss of any of the benefits of being on the medication. 1mg still blocks the effects of other Opiates in a HUGE way. 150mg of Roxy (I cheated for my high school reunion -- I told my shrink.) after 2 years off it, just put me in a good mood, and 150mg Pretty much no effect.
So be aware the Suboxone is VERY powerful, but levels off where more doesn't do more at large amounts, but this amount is different for different people. I took my 28mg one morning, forgot, and an hour later took it again! Felt NOTHING at all. Lucky for me, I was on "the flat area" of the curve. At my 28mg dose period, a druggie friend (Like I should talk) took 2mg (without my permission, and thank God he didn't take more. He broke into cold sweat, and threw up with dry heaves all night.). Hide this stuff, as much to save the thiefs life as anything. He seeings "take 28mg sublingually", and even lowers it to 16mg, he could easily die. VERY VERY POWERFUL at lower dosages. 0.2mg is initially prescribed for pain! MY ADVICE: You can effortlessly cut down from where you probably are. Talk to your doctor, and if he OKs it, try it! If you have trouble just go up until you are good again. Cutting a large dose in half is usually effortless -- 16mg to 8mg will be a piece of cake. Then 8mg to 4mg will be easy. Same probably to 2mg. 2 to 1 I did in a week with no problem. Now you've got 1/8 of the 16mg/day dose $$ cost! And you won't have "given up" anything, in terms of effectiveness. I stay at 1mg because: 1) It keeps me from cheating with the blocking effect (Still STRONG AT EVEN THAT LITTLE DOSE). 2) From 1mg to 0mg is the hard part, if you have used Sub. for a long period. Weird but very true. 0.5mg to zero has to be done real slow. So someone thinks they can get down from 16mg to 2mg easily, so thinks this stuff is a breeze to get off of is in for a BIG surprise. It is HARD to get off of. Low dose to zero is the hard part.
I'm doing good, thank you. Okay, I will give a call, but just one more thing. I am nervous to give them my name and account number and then ask them about their policy from my stand point. Like I call them up and ask, can I put on the suboxone program if I am taking subs right now, or do i have to have opiates in my system. Im afraid they will be like this guy is taking subs right now and wants to be on the program - deny him
Hello, David! How are you?
I think you'll get the most accurate information by calling Aetna and asking them. You can reach their CS line at 800-872-3682 between 7am and 7pm ET.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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